Individual Details

John Cockshutt

(7 Mar 1609/10 - Bet 5 Sep 1642 and 13 Oct 1642)

Archives of Maryland; Assembly Proceedings, September 1642; Volume 1, Page 167; Liber M C. p. 248
5 September 1642 morning; Assembled: Governor; Captain Cornwaleys; Mr Giles Brent; Mr Secretary; Mr Surveyor; Genl; David Whitcliffe; George Pye; Mr Greene; Mr Clerk; Appeared: Nathaniel Pope; Joseph Edlo; John Norman; John Halfhead; John Cockshott (and more)

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 72; Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. Liber Z; p. 109
13th Oct 1642 Cecilius &c. To dame Jane Cockshott widdow greeting. we doe hereby committ vnto you the Adinraon of all the rights debts goods & chattells within this Province wch were yor late husbands John Cockshott at the time of his death; Charging you by vertue of yor oath made vnto vs in this behalfe. that you make or cause to be made a true & perfect Inventary of all the said rights debts goods & chattells in the pnce & by the discretion of two Credrs of yor said late husbands, or if such may not be conveniently had then of two other honest & indrent men sworne to make true appraismt & that you will cause so many of the said goods & chattells as shall come to yor hands to be appraised by the said sworne men; and that the Inventary wth the appraisemt as aforesaid you deliver or cause to be delivered to vs or or Secretary, for the time being afore the ffeast of All Saints next coming, vnles further time be given: by vs or or said Secretary and that you keepe & make a true & faithfull accompt of your said Admraon, & the same deliver likewise to vs or Or said Secretary at some time before the ifeast of the Annunciation of Or B. Lady next coming, vnlesse likewise further time be given. Given at St maries this 13th Oct 1642. witnesse John Lewgr Esq. our Secretary &c of eod. the said Jane Cockshott made oath to the purpose abovesaid, & acknowledged herselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietary twelve thousand wt of tob in case she shall not pforme all the contents of her oath above-said recognit coram me John Lewger

Sex: M
Christening: 7 Mar 1609 Padiham, Lancashire, England
Father: Barnard COCKSHOOTT
Extracted birth or christening record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type
P005411 1573-1653 0459650 Film 6904105 Film


Birth7 Mar 1609/10Padiham, Lancashire, England
MarriageAbt 1630Jane Hicks
DeathBet 5 Sep 1642 and 13 Oct 1642Charles County, MD


SpouseJane Hicks (1612 - 1662)
ChildJane Cockshutt (1632 - 1693)
SpouseJane Hicks (1612 - 1662)
ChildMary Cockshutt (1637 - )
ChildJane Cockshutt (1632 - 1693)