Individual Details

Benjamin Gill

(Bef 1601 - Nov 1655)

NEALE FAMILY OF CHARLES COUNTY, By Christopher Johnston: BENJAMIN GILL, father-in-law of Capt. James Neale, came to Maryland in 1642. Cecilus Calvert, Lord Baltimore, in a letter of introduction to his brother Gov. Leonard Calvert, dated 16 Nov, 1642, directs that whereas this year John PILE and Benjamin GILL intend to transport themselves and others into Maryland, acting in partnership, they are to have 100 acres apiece for themselves, and land in proportion for others transported, according to the conditions of plantation bearing date 10 Nov, 1641 (Land Office, Lib. 4, fol.543). Thanks, Shirley Middleton Moller

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1655/6. Page 441;
At a Court held at Putuxent the 21th of march 1655: Whereas James Linsey Peticoned to this Court for Administration of the Estate of Benjamin Gill deceased And Whereas Thomas Gerrard Esq hath Caveated to the Court for a demurr of Administracon till the next Court in Respect it is presumed the Said Gill made a will, It therefore ordered that the Said Lindsey being possessed of the Said Estate Shall give Securitie for his faithful & diligent Care of the Said Estate & to give an Account thereof at the next Provinciall Court at which Time it Shall be further ordered.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 197;
July 28th 1658 Re Gill's Estate: Willm Edwin aged 46 yeares & upwards att the request of Robt Cole maketh oath, tht ffowre yeares agoe Mr Benjamin Gill lay sick at this Deponts howse: & in time of his sickness there he declared to this Depont That if it pleased God to take him out of this lffe, Robert Cole who was his Kinsman should enjoy all tht ever he had, Except his sonne or Daughter, or some of their Children should perchance come in hither into this Country William Edwin Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton
Mary the Wffe of Willm Edwin maketh Oath That Mr Beniamin Gill, lying sick att her howse, was very desyrous to have some body to write his Will, & there being nobody then there lyuing that could write, He requested this Depont to beare wittnes tht hee gaue what hee had to his Kinsman Robt Cole; Except Mr Neale or his Wffe, or any of their Children should come into this Province, & further sayd That hee had none here to enjoy what hee had, but his Kinsman Robert Cole The mark of Mary Edwin Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 8; Lib. B. No. 3. p. 368
Order to the Sheriff to possess Robt Cole of the Estate of Ben: Gill: Whereas by order at a Provinciall Court the 16th of June 1656 Robert Cole was thereby Impowered to be possest of the Estate of Benjamin Gill deceased then in the hands and possession of James Linsey. The Court doth farther order upon the Petition of the Said Cole that the Sheriffe do put the Said Cole into possession of all and reall the Estate of the Said Gill deceased, and that the Sd Linsey be Summoned at the Court in March next to give a true account of the Said Gills Estate. And that the Said Cole doe put in good Security to be answerable for and to give a true account of the Said Estate when he Shall be thereunto Lawfully Called.

p. 90,
Liber P. C. R. p. 55, Robert Cole demandeth Lres of Admistraon uppon the Estate of Benjamin Gill deceased, as being next of Kinne, to the Gill, in this Province. It is Ordered by the Secretary (Judge in Testamentary Causes) that entring into Recogniz. he have Ires of Admistraon drawne deceased, wch have, may, or shall come to yor hands or possesn Well & truly to pay the debts due by the sd Deceased, soe far forth as the same shall therto extend, & the Law will charge you, according to the trew ualew & summe thereof, you hauing first taken yor Oath well & truly to admister the same. And to make, or cause to be made a true & pefect Inuentory of All & singular the goods, chattles, & debts of the sd Deceased, wch have may, or shall come to yor hands, possesn or knowledge. And allso a true & just acct, in & concerning yor adthistraon therein, And to exhibite both into the Office for Probate of Wills, & graunting Admistraons lawfully authorized. Touching wth Tuentory, you are assigned to performe att or before the first day of September next ensuing. And an account when you shall bee therto lawfully requyred. And lastly Wee doe hereby constitute, ordaine, & appoynt you the sd Robert Cole Admistratoe of All & singular the goods chattles, & debts of the sd Deceased, gyven att St Maries under the Great seale of Our Province of Maryland this 17th day of May in the 26th yeare of Our Dominion over the sd Province of Maryland Anoqe Dth 1658. Wittnes Oe Deare Brother Philip Caluert Esqr Secretary of Our sd Province.

p. 130 The Deposn of Mrs Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or thereabouts Sworne & examind this 16th of August 1658. Sayth, That Beniamin Gill deceased after nominating & appoynting his Exequutors wch were Mr Thomas Gerard, & this Deponts sonne in Law Henry Adams, did dispose of his wordly goods as followeth.
Impe That one Thowsand pownds of Tob, or thereabout, wch was in Mr Thomas Gerard & MR Robert Slyes hands should be gyven to the Church to bee prayed for.
21y That hee gaue to this Depont in consideraon of her paines & charges all his moueable goods, Excepting his Chayres & Stooles & Table, wch were att Widdow Lewis her howse, The wch Chayres, Stooles & Table, hee gaue to this Deponents Daughter Jane Cockshott It. Hee gaue to this Deponts husband Nicholas Cawsine fiue hundd pownds of Tob: & fiue hundd pownds of Tob more to this Depont, And to this Deponts Daughter Jane Cockshott, & her sonne Jgnatius, & Nicholas Cawsine to each of them bee gaue fiue hundd pownds of Tob.
It. To this Deponts Sonne Jgnatius Cawsine, he gaue his best suite of cloathes
It. Hee did bequeath to his Cozen Robert Cole fiue hundd pownds of Tob, and told this Depont hee did it, that bee should not molest his Exequutors.
It. That all his Cattle should bee brought to this Deponts howse, & there remaine for three yeares, & att the end thereof the encrease should be sould, to help pay the Legacies, And the Principall stock he gaue to this Depont. And if in case his sonne in Law Mr James Neale, or any from him, did not come, wth in the tearme of Three yeares into Maryland, That that Land belonging to him should bee disposed of by his Exequutors, And after they had performed his Legacies, the Remainder he gaue to his Exequutors, And wth all desyred tht some what out of Charity might be gyven by his Exequutors to such poore men as Mr Greene, what they should think good, & further sayth not. Sworne before me, the day and yeare aboue written Job Chandler.
Wittness our hands the May 1654 18th day of Nicholas Cawseene Barnaby Jackson William Bretton Luke Gardiner Benjamin Gill

The full text of his (verbal) will and the depositions in the archives, volume 41, beginning page 169.
May 31th 1658.
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill late of this Province Deceased dyed att her howse att Portoback the of Nouembr in the yeare 1655,
Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 169-70; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. p. 126-7
May 31th 1658
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill deceased lay sick, att her howse att Portoback about a month before hee dyed, and tht often times in that month, shee heard him speake of making his will, & that his desyre was tht Mr Gerard & her sonne Adams should bee his Executors When hee drew neare his end hee desyred her to tell Not in Mr Gerard & her Sonne Adams his Executors, That they should dispose of his Estate, as hee had told her, & further sayth not Jurat, oes Coram Robert Clearke
May 31th 1658.
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill late of this Province Deceased dyed att her howse att Portoback the of Nouembr in the yeare 1655, and a little before his death, shee asked him if hee had a Will & he tould her noe, nor ever made any in his lffe, But when hee lay sick att W Gerards, W Gerard & his Wffe urged him to make a Will, But he made none, and the reason was, as the sd Gill tould this Depont, because they would have him make Robt Cole his heyre, But he sayd hee would not, ffor the sd Cole did not deserue it att his hands, and tht shee never did see any Will amongst his writings, and further Sayth not.
Eod. die.
Mary Adams of this Province aged 21 yeares, or thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth, Shee was att Portoback att her Mothers howse att the time when Mr Beniamin Gill dyed, That neyther then nor before, shee never saw any written Will, & further sayth not.
Eod. die
Jane Cocksuite of this province aged 17 yeares or thereabouts deposeth idem quod her Sister Mary Adams ut supra. Jurat Oes Coram Robt Clearke.

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 13:29:55 -0500
From: "Peter T. Thompson"
Does this help on Gill?
Benjamin Gill is my 9-g grandfather. He died 22 Nov, 1655 at the house of Nicholas Causin at Port Tobacco, Charles county. Name is sometimes spelled Gynne. Originally of St. Andrews, Holborn, Middlesex, where he and his wife were repeatedly indicted for recusancy (being catholic) between 1626 and 1635. (John Cordy Jeaffreson, ed., Middlesex County Records, Old Series 3:12, 19, 128, 129,130, 131,135,138(1888)). A planter in Charles County, Maryland. Immigrated to Md. in 1642 with his family. Claimed and got 1000 acres for his (and others) transportation, which was next to that of James Neale (patents ABH:27). Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore, wrote letter of introduction to his brother Gov. Leonard Calvert, dated 11/16/1642, directs that whereas this year John Pile and Benjamin Gill intend to transport themselves and others into Maryland, acting in partnership, they are to have 100 acres apiece for themselves, and land in proportion for others transported, according to the conditions of plantations bearing date 10 Nov, 1641. His wife was Anna Marie ?, sometimes called Ann and sometimes Mary. They had four children: Anna Marie, who married Captain James Neale before 8/2 1658 and three sons George, Christopher and Edward Mainwaring. I have nothing on the sons but have a lot more on the daughter.
Cheers, Pete

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

June 1, 1657 - Lt. James Lindsey was granted administration on the estate of Benjamin Gill. Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 1A, p. 6. Mar. 15, 1658/9 - Maryland Prerogative Court. Robert Coale (St. Clement's Hundred) was granted administration on estate of Benjamin Gill on May 27, 1658. James Neale administrator of William Bretton (Little Brittaine, Newtown Hundred) was given administration. William Britton (gentleman, Little Brittaine) & John Thimbleby (gentleman, Newtown Hundred) attorneys for James Neale (gentleman) who married Ann (daughter & heir of Benjamin Gill (deceased.)) Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 1B, pp. 53-4. === === Contributed by: James Hughes URL: URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662 Volume 41, Page 197 Note: Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. July 28th 1658 Re Gill's Estate Not in Baldwin Willm Edwin aged 46 yeares & upwards att the request of Robt Cole maketh oath, tht ffowre yeares agoe Mr Beniamin Gill lay sick at this Deponts howse: & in time of his sickness there he declared to this Depont That if it pleased God to take him out of this life, Robert Cole who was his Kinsman should enjoy all tht euer he had, Except his sonne or Daughter, or some of their Children should perchance come in hither into this Country William Edwin Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton Mary the Wife of Willm Edwin maketh Oath That Mr Beniamin Gill, lying sick att her howse, was uery desyrous to haue some body to write his Will, & there being nobody then there lyuing that could write, He requested this Depont to beare wittnes tht hee gaue what hee had to his Kinsman Robt Cole; Except Mr Neale or his Wife, or any of their Children should come into this Prouince, & further sayd That hee had none here to enioy what hee had, but his Kinsman Robert Cole The mark of Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton Mary loo Edwin === Contributed by: James Hughes URL: URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662 Volume 41, Page 90 Note: 90 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. May 17th p. 55 Re Gill's Estate Robert Cole demandeth Lres of Admistraon uppon the Estate of Beniamin Gill deceased, as being next of Kinne, to the sd Gill, in this prouince. It is Ordered by the Secretary (Judge in Testamentary Causes) that entring into Recogniz. he haue Ires of Admistraon drawne. Recogniz Robt Cole This day came Robt Cole of St Clemts hundd in the prouince of Maryland, & acknowledged himselfe indebted to the Ld Proprietary, in the summe of fifty thowsand pownds of Tob. in case he doe not make or cause to be made a True & perfect Inuentory of all & singular the goods, chatties, & debts of Beniamin Gill deceased, wch shall or may come to his hands, possessn or knowledge: nor the same doe exhibite into the Office for Probate of Wills & graunting Admistra- 6ns before the first day of September next, (unlesse uppon iust demand longer time, be graunted him by the Secretary) nor the same goods, chatties & debts doe will & truly admister, That is to say, Doe not pay the debts of the sd deceased, wch hee did owe att his decease, as far as the sd goods, chatties, & debts will extend & the Law charge him. Or if he shall not make a true & iust account of & uppon his sd Admistraon, when hee shall be therto lawfully requyred. Or shall not distribute & dispose the remainder of the sd goods & chatties wch shall be fownd uppon his sd account examined & allowed in the sd Office, in such manner & forme, as shall bee limitted & appointed by the Judge or Judges appointed or authorized in tht behalfe. And in case any last Will & Testament of the sd Beniamin Gill shall appeare, & the Exequutoe or Exequutoes therein named, doe exhibite the same, making request to haue the same approued accordingly. Then if he doe not after request to him lawfully made, render & deliuer up his Ires of Admistraon into the sd Office, Or shall not att any time acquitt discharge & saue harmelesse the Secretary & all other Officers im- powred to the graunting of Ires of Admistraon agst all persons, hauing or pretending to haue any right, tytle, or interest in & to the sayd goods, chatties & debts. Recogniz Cora me Willm Bretton. Robert Cole Lres Admistraon to Robt Cole Csecilius Absolute Lord & Prope of the Prouince of Maryland & Aualon Lord Baron of Baltemore, To Robt Cole of St Clemts hundd in the County of St Maries, Greeting. Whereas Beniamin Gill late of this prouince Deceased, Dyed wthout any Will, Wee doe therfore giue & graunt unto you the sd Robt Cole of St Clemts in the County aforesd ffull power & Authority to admister All & singular the goods, chatties & debts of the sayd deceased, And to demand, collect, Leuy, & in Legall manner requyre and receaue All, & all manner of Debt & debts due & oweing to the sd Deceased & well & faythf ully to dispose of the same. And out of the goods, debts & chatties of the sd === Contributed by: James Hughes URL: URL title: Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662Volume 41, Page 172 Note: The Deposn of Mrs Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or thereabouts Sworne & examind this 16th of August 1658. Sayth, That Beniamin Gill deceased after nominating & appoynt- ing his Exequutors wch were Mr Thomas Gerard, & this Deponts sonne in Law Henry Adams, did dispose of his wordly goods as followeth. Impe That one Thowsand pownds of Tob, or thereabout, wch was in Mr Thomas Gerard & Mr Robert Slyes hands should be gyuen to the Church to bee prayed for. 2ly That hee gaue to this Depont in consideraon of her paines & charges all his moueable goods, Excepting his Chayres & Stooles & Table, wch were att Widdow Lewis her howse, The wch Chayres, Stooles & Table, hee gaue to this Deponents Daughter Jane Cockshott It. Hee gaue to this Deponts husband Nicholas Cawsine fiue hundd pownds of Tob: & fiue hundd pownds of Tob more to this Depont, And to this Deponts Daughter Jane Cockshott, & her sonne Ignatius, & Nicholas Cawsine to each of them hee gaue fiue hundd pownds of Tob.It. To this Deponts Sonne Ignatius Cawsine, he gaue his best suite of cloathes It. HEE DID BEQUEATH TO HIS COZEN ROBERT COLE fiue hundd pownds of Tob, and told this Depont hee did it, that hee should not molest his Exequutors. It. That all his Cattle should bee brought to this Deponts howse, & there remaine for three yeares, & att the end thereof the encrease should be sould, to help pay the Legacies, And the Principall stock he gaue to this Depont. And if in case his sonne in Law Mr James Neale, or any from him, did not come, wth in the tearme of Three yeares into Maryland, That that Land belonging to him should bee disposed of by his Exequutors, And after they had performed his Legacies, the Remainder he gaue to his Exequutors, And wth all desyred tht some what out of Charity might be gyuen by his Exequutors to such poore men as Mr Greene, what they should think good, & further sayth not. Sworne before me, the day and yeare aboue written Job Chandler. === Charles County Circuit Court, Liber A; 14 Nov 1659, Page 72 - 73 145. Petition of Hennerie Addames to Gov. Josias Fendall and the Commissioners- Addarnes appointed in 1655 as one of the executors of the estate of Benjamin Gill; Addames paid 724# of tobacco for his funeral; requests reimbursement for payment and interest court granted 724# of tobacco; no interest === immigrated in 1642 with John Pile === Capt. Roger Marshall wit. will of Stephen Gill. No.1. p.181. The will of Stephen Gill. Dated 15 July 1646. Prob 2 August 1653. To son Stephen Gill plantation "I now live on". Residue of estate to wife and children. She to have charge of the children's estates until they are 21. The children's names are not shown. Overseers: Capt Wm Taylor and Mr Francis Morgan. Signed Stephen X Gill Wit: Roger Marshall James Bodell Recorded 2 Aug. 1653 Source: Fleet, Beverley, York County, 1648-1657 Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. County, 1961, 109 pgs. === == jh note:John Gill was the son of Thomas Gill he had brother George in England. Dr. Lois Green Carr Men's Career Files MSA SC 5094 Image No: sc5094-1541-1 === Thomas Gill wit. will of Christopher Hebden 1637.0529 Christopher Hebden Low Bishopside bur 1636.1331 Pateley Bridge yeo will made 1636.1019 exor son William Hebden, dau Mary wife Francis Darnbrooke 40/- no more to either, their chdn William Helen Robert John Elizabeth cousins William & Thomas Marshall & their sis Helen Darnbrooke & William Hardcastle of Dacre 1d to each poor person at funeral wit Thomas Gill Thomas M jh note: The will of Richard Thompson dated Sept. 29, 1653 Knaresborough, Yorkshire names son-in-law Stephen Gill and grandson Thomas Gill. dau Elizabeth Gill wife of Stephen Gill. Gill, Thomas Q:73 Film No.: SR 7345 By 1658 transported himself & Elizabeth, his wife MSA SC 4341-2627 Gill, Elizabeth Q:73 Film No.: Wife of Thomas Gill, transported by 1658 MSA SC 4341- Gill, Steven CC:497 Film No.: Transported between 1659 & 1664 Transcript. 7:461; 8:175 Original. DD:207 MSA SC 4341- Gill, John Qo:193 Film No.: SR 8198 Transported between 1652 & 1658 Transcript. Q:279-80 [SR 7345] MSA SC 4341-2844 Gill, Anne KK:134 Film No.: Daughter and heir of Benjamin Gill, by 1664 wife of James Neale, Gent. Transcript. 14:145 MSA SC 4341- Gill, Benjamin AB&H:27 Film No.: Father of Anne, wife of Capt. James Neale, transported himself & 5 persons in 1642 & died by 1655 Transcript. 2:524-5; 3;178; 4:543-4 MSA SC 4341- Supplement to Early Settlers Query by Dr. Carson Gibb There also was a Thomas Gill will dated March 25, 1614 who also had a son Stephen. === NEALE FAMILY OF CHARLES COUNTY, By Christopher Johnston: BENJAMIN GILL, father-in-law of Capt. James Neale, came to Maryland in 1642. Cecilus Calvert, Lord Baltimore, in a letter of introduction to his brother Gov. Leonard Calvert, dated 16 Nov, 1642, directs that whereas this year John PILE and Benjamin GILL intend to transport themselves and others into Maryland, acting in partnership, they are to have 100 acres apiece for themselves, and land in proportion for others transported, according to the conditions of plantation bearing date 10 Nov, 1641 (Land Office, Lib. 4, fol.543). Thanks, Shirley Middleton Moller === Charles County Circuit Court Liber S, Page 49 1 Aug 1692; Original warrant from His Lordship surveyed for Anthony Neale, s/o Capt. James Neale; bounded by land of Arthur Turner, by a marsh that falls into St. Raphaell's Creek, land of Christopher Russell and land surveyed for Benjamin Gill; containing 494 acres; /s/ Rando. Brandt, Depty. Surveyor === Charles County Maryland Circuit Court Records, Liber H#2, Page 32 30 Jan 1716/7; Recorded at request of James Neale, s/o Anthony Neale: 13 Nov 1716; Indenture from Anthony Neale and Raphaell Neale, s/o Anthony, to James Neale, s/o Anthony and brother of Raphaell; for natural love and affection and 5s; a parcel called Neale's Gift; bounded by Arthur Turner, a fresh of St. Raphaell Creek, Huckleberry Swamp, land of John King, land of Christopher Rusell and land formerly surveyed by Benjamin Gill; laid out for 494 acres; /s/ Anthony Neale, Raph. Neale; wit. Jno. Fendall, Jno. Parry; 13 Nov 1706 ack. by Anthony and Raphaell Neale === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Wicomico: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 283-2: GILLS LAND: 1220 acres; Possession of - 1220 Acres - Neale, James: Surveyed 15 Aug 1646 for Benjamin Gill lying upon Wicomico River near the land of James Neale Gent. Resurveyed in his name and found to be 1220 acres: Other notes - 500 acres - James Neale Jr. from James Neale Sr. 26 April 1716, 500 acres - Benjamin Neale from James Neale 25 Feb 1724.


BirthBef 1601St. Andrews, Holborn, Middlesex, England
BirthAbt 1604
MarriageBef 1622Mary Mainwaring
MarriageBef 1625England - Mary Mainwaring
Event29 Oct 1649
DeathNov 1655Port Tobacco, Charles, Md
Death22 Nov 1655Charles County, Maryland


SpouseMary Mainwaring (1605 - )
ChildAnna Maria Gill (1625 - 1698)
ChildRebecca Gill (1629 - 1663)
ChildFrancis Gill ( - )
ChildGeorge Gill ( - )
ChildChristopher Gill ( - )
ChildEdward Mainwaring ( - )
