Individual Details

Robert Ford

(1614 - Aft 1680)

According to Mary Donnelly, on Sept 22, 1649 Robert Ford made a deal in England to register for transport to Maryland.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 147;
Wednesday 6th of Octobr 1658. Robert ffoord [sworne & examined the 16th day of June 1654] aged 40 yeares or thereabouts.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. Page 552;
At a Court held att Newtowne for the County of St Marys the Eleaventh day of March 1661
Thomas Bassett Constable of New Towne Hundred doth prsent unto this Cort Robert Foord for killing a hogg of the said Bassett and afterwards carrying itt to the howse of Richard Bennett.
Thomas Bennitt aged 18 yeares sworne &c Sayth That when Robert Foord killed Thomas Bassetts hogg he this depont being in the woods came up to him & asked him whose hogg itt was, he the sd Foord answered itt was Thomas Bassetts hogg. And he this depont sayd itt was one of his home hoggs, And the said Foord answered It was more than he knew, and this depont did bid the said Foord carry itt to the howse of Thomas Bassett, and the said Ford answered he would carry itt to Goodman Bennetts, and he would goe to Thomas Bassetts and tell him of itt And further the sd Ford asked this depont why he Looked soe said who answered that if Thomas Bassett were there and knew of itt he would Shoote them And the said Ford sayd you would not be good to make a Theefe and further sayth not Tho: Bennett his marke
Margarett the wffe of Thomas Bassett sworne and examined Sayth That Thomas Bennett tould her this depont that the hogg which Robert Ford killed was one of Thomas Bassetts home hoggs, and bid him ripp the Mawe of itt, and he should finde Come in itt for he had seene the hogg the night before att Thomas Bassetts howse And he. .. . Bennett tould this depont that he bid the said Ford.... Bassett and he sayd he. . . . him the said Bennett. . .
Elizabeth the wffe of Peter Achillis maketh oathe verbatim as Margarett Bassett. Elizabeth Achillis her marke
Ordered that the said Ford putt in Security to appeare att the next Provinciall Cort or remayne in the Sherriffs Custody, And that the whole proceedings may be sent thither

p. 59, Early Families of Southern Maryland, Volume I, Revised
In 1661 John Cissell made oath before the Provincial Court held at St Mary's that Richard Bennett refused to assist Thomas Bassett, Constable of New Towne Hundred, in his duties of carrying Robert Ford before Col. William Evans, one of the Justices of the Peace for St Mary's Co. John Cissell made his mark on the document (Archives of MD., Vol. 41, p. 553 Newman)

Dear List,
I am starting from scratch on research for Robert Ford, the immigrant. I want to share the Ford documents I have and maybe others can come in and fill in the gaps. I have been able to clarify a few points. The Robert Ford we are concerned with is the Robert Ford who transported himself and wife Lydia into Maryland. The Patent for his land "The Strand" proves this point-issued 100 acres called The Strand for "transporting himself and Lydia his wife into our said province to inhabite." (I will post the entire Patent by separate e-mail.)
Robert Ford claimed his right to one hundred acres of land on 9 May 1667:
Maryland Archives, Land Office (Patents) Volume 10, Page 499
Robert Ford and Lidia his wife, Rights proved 9 May 1667 (MSA S11, MdHR 17, 343-3, 1-23-1-13)
Robert Ford demands land for his own transportacon and Lidia his wife, These rights proved in usual forme the ixth of May MDCLxvii before me Philip Calvert May the ixth MDCLxvii
Warrant then issued in the name of Robert Ford for one hundred acres of Land due to him for the Consideracon aforesaid Returd 10th August next.
This brings up more questions. Gust Skordas in his Index of Maryland settlers in the first 24 volumes of Patents shows Lydia Ford "Service 1663. Wife of Robert (Liber 10, fol. 499)" I do not have this document but will write for it. Does anyone out there have more info on Lydia?
Robert Ford began to accumulate land, his first tract probably being The Strand, but eventually he was also in possession of Downham, Long in Dispence, and The Maypole.
The Strand - 100 Acres - Surveyed 22 May 1667 for Robert Ford, Patent issued 30 June 1668
Downham - A 100 acre tract of land surveyed for Edward Clarke on 29 April 1667 and according to Rent Rolls was later in possession of Robert Ford. Edward Clarke made his Will on 22 February 1675, probated in St Mary 's County on 12 March 1676 and does not mention the tract of land Downham so it is assumed that this land came into Robert Ford's possession sometime between 1667 when it was surveyed and 1675 when Edward Clarke died.
Long in Dispence - 75 Acres - Surveyed 9 June 1670 for Robert Ford, Patent issued 10 March 1670/1
The Maypole - 96 Acres - Surveyed 16 December 1674 for Robert Ford, Patent issued 23 September 1675
Some of Robert Ford's children have been established from probate records. He made a Will as mentioned in the Will of his son, Robert II, but either it was not officially recorded or it was lost. Robert Ford bequeathed two tracts of land, 'The Strand' and 'The Maypole' plus a one acre part of 'Downham' to Robert II for his lifetime and then to go to sons of Robert II; John, Robert III, and Peter Ford.
The other tracts of land, 'Long in Dispence' and 'Downham', were obviously bequeathed to another son, perhaps John Ford, since these tracts were passed down to Ford descendants. For lack of a better name I will refer to him as the Other Son.
Two of the daughters have been established since Ford descendants were shown as "next-of-kin" on Inventories filed for Honora Ford's son, Robert Cole, and for Mary Ford when she settled estates of both of her husbands, Jonathan Seale and John Drury. Possibly there was a third daughter, Margaret Ford.
Elizabeth Randolph
St Mary's Co. estate documents where John Ford appears:
1676 Benjamin Solley: Pmt. Robert Ford
1677 John Shircliffe: Appr, Robert Ford
1677 Ann Shircliffe: Appr, Robert Ford
1680 John Suttle: Debt, Robert Foord
1688 Bryan O'Bryan: Appr, Robert Foord
1689 Bryan O'Bryan: Pmt. Robert Ford, Sr.
1695 William Roswell: Debt Robert Foord
1701 Richard Newman: Robert Ford, George Medcalf
1702 George Medcalf: Pmt. Robert Ford,
1707 John Medcalf: Pmt, Robert Ford, Jr.
1709 Charles Ganyott: Appr, Robert Ford
1710 John Cambell: Wit, John Ford, Rober Ford, Henry Spinke
1711 Jonathan Seale: NOK John Ford, Robert Ford; Appr. Henry Spinke
1711 John Cambell: Appr: John Ford, Henry Spinke, Cred: Robert Ford
1712 John Cambell: Pmt, Robert Ford,
1712 John Reyley: Cred, Robert Ford
1713 William Steward: Appr, Robert Ford
1713 William Steward: Pmt, Robert Ford
1714 Edward Clarke, Appr, Robert Ford, Henry Spinke
1714 Edward Clarke, Debt, Robert Foord.
1714 William Pek: Cred: John Ford, Robert Ford, NOK: John Ford
1715 William Peak: Pmt, Robert Ford
1717 William Thompson: Appr. Robert Ford, Henry Spinke
1717 Thomas Racy: Cred, Robert Ford
1717 William Langham: Appr, Robert Ford, James French
1717 Peter Smith, Sr: Wit, John Ford, Ex, Robert Ford
1718 Richard Walker: Pmt, John Ford, Robert Ford
1718 Edward Spinke: Pmt, Robert Ford
1719 Peter Smith: Recv, John Ford, Pmt, John Ford, Exc, Robert Ford
1719 Exinder Heathman: Recv, Robert Ford, Sr.
1719 James Tant: Admin, Mary wife of Robert Ford
1719 Michael Wellman: Pmt, Robert Ford
1719 Thomas Racey: Pmt, Robert Ford, Jr.
1719 Leonard Brooke: Pmt, Robert Ford
1720 Petter Smith: Admin, Robert Ford, Sr.
1720 Robert Cole: NOK Robert Ford, Jr, Edward Cole
1721 Robert Cole: Pmt, Robert Ford, Jr.
1723 Thomas Cooper: Cred, John Ford, Sr. Robert Ford, Sr.
1724 Thomas Cooper: Pmt, John Ford, Sr. John Ford, Jr. Robert Ford, Sr. Robert Ford, Jr.
1724 John Ross: Appr, Robert Ford, Richard Wimsatt
1724 John Drewry: Cred, Robert Ford, Sr, Robert Clarke, Jr.
1724 John Drewry: NOK, John Ford, Jr. Robert Ford, Cred. Robert Ford, Sr.,
1724 Ignatius Greenwell: Appr. Robert Ford, Nicholas Mills
1725 Tomas Cissel: Recv, Robert Ford
1726 John Drury: Pmt, Robert Ford, Sr.
1726 Ignatius Greenwell: Recv, Robert Ford
1726 James Wildman: Pmt, Robert Ford
1728 Mary Morgin: Will, Wit, Robert Ford
1729 John Litell: Will, Will, Wit, Robert Ford
1729 John Litell: Appr, Robert Ford, Cred. Robert Ford
1729 John Mills: Pmt, Robert Ford
1729 Nicholas Mills: Cred. Robert Ford
1731 George Medley, Will, Wit, Robert Ford, Ignatius Ford.
1731 John Baker: Pmt. Robert Ford
1732 Daniel McKelravey: Appr, Robert Ford
1732 John Young: Cred, Robert Ford, William Watts
1732 John Hammon: Pmt, Robert Ford
1733 George Medley: Recv, Robert Ford
1734 Henry Spinke: Appr, John Ford, John Ford, Cred. Robert Ford.
1734 William Medcalf: Appr, John Ford, Crd, Robert Ford
1734 Hugh Williams: Pmt, Robert Ford
1734 Richard Smith: Appr, Robert Ford
1734 Richard Thompson: Cred, Robert Ford
1734 Richard Tearing: Cred, Robert Ford
1735 Mary Mills: Pmt. Robert Foord
1735 Marten Benham: Appr, John Foord, Robert Foord
1735 John Bald: Appr, John Foord, Robert Foord, Cred, Robert Ford, Sr.
1735 Henry Spinke: Pmt, John Ford, John Ford, Jr; John Ford, Sr; Robert Ford.
1735 John Baker: Pmt, Robert Ford
1735 Richard Thompson: Pmt, Robert Ford
1735 Edward Knott: Pmt, Robert Ford
1735 Elizabeth Mozely: Pmt, Robert Ford
1735 John Bould: Pmt, Robert Ford, Sr. Sure, Peter Ford
1736 John Wimsatt: Pmt, John Ford, Robert Ford, Securety, Robert Ford, Jr.
1736 Lawrence Gaily: Cred. Robert Ford
1737 William Medcalf: Pmt, Robert Ford
1737 John Young: Pmt, Robert Ford
1737 Robert Terring: Pmt, Robert Ford
1738 Robert Taylor: Recv, Robert Ford
1738 William Jones: Pmt, Robert Ford, Jr.
1738 Robert Wiseman: Pmt, Robert Ford
1739 Mark Herbert: Appr, Robert Ford, M. Thompson
1740 William Bryan: Robert Ford, Sure, Peter Ford, Nicholas Mills
1740 Mark Herbert: Recv, John Ford, Robert Ford
1740 Grace Galley: Appr, Robert Ford, William Williams
1741 Robert Ford, Sr: NOK John Ford, Robert Ford, Cred. Robert Ford, Ex, Peter Ford
1741 Rebecca Coulter: Appr, Robert Ford, Henry Wimsatt
1741 William Read: Pmt, Robert Ford
1741 John Greenwell, Appr, Robert Ford
1742 Herbis Thomas: Pmt, Robert Ford
1744 Peter Jarboe: Appr, John Ford, Robert Ford
1753 Robert Ford: Will, John Ford
1754 Robert Ford: NOK John Ford, Peter Ford
1754 Robert Ford: Recv, John Ford, Richard Ford, Athantius Ford,
1758 Jonathan Seale: Sureties, John Ford, Robert Ford
1771 Ignatius Ford: NOK John Lord (sic Ford), Robert Ford, Ex, Dorothy Ford
1772 John Ford, Sur, Athanatius Ford, Leg, John (son), Dist, John Ford, Philip Ford, Robert Ford, Joseph Ford, Anne Ford, Margaret Ford, Eleander Ford, Ex Mrs. Henrietta Ford.


BirthAbt 1614England
MarriageBef 1667England - Lydia
DeathAft 1680'Strand', St. Mary's County, Maryland
DeathAbt 1690


SpouseLydia ( - 1710)
ChildHonora Ford (1666 - 1696)
ChildMargaret Ford (1660 - )
ChildRobert Ford (1664 - 1740)
ChildMary Ford (1665 - )
ChildJohn Ford (1662 - )
ChildMargaret Ford ( - 1700)