Individual Details

Arthur Thompson

(1628 - Bef 15 Dec 1701)

Arthur Thompson, who resided on St. Clement's Bay in St. Mary's County,
was probably born in England about 1635, and probably the Arthur who
emigrated in 1680, obtained a land patent for 150 A. on 12 May 1681, and
200 A. on 26 January 1683, and for 200 A. on 7 May 1683. This land
called, "Hampstead," "Highgate," and "St. Oswald," was located in St.
Mary's County, Maryland."Settlers of Maryland 1679-1700," by Peter
Wilson Coldham, Genealogical Pub. Co., 1995.

Also in 1684 a George Thompson, gent., of St. Mary's County obtained
many land grants in Charles, Baltimore and St. Mary's counties [totalling
about 4500 A.]

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649/50, Page 15,
These prsents doth testify that I Leonard Calvert Esqr doe binde my self to deliver or cause to bee delivered unto Joane Tompson for the use of Thomas Butler deceased his Children two Cowe Calves of three monethes old some time in June next after the date hereof Witnes my hand this tenth of ffebruary 1646

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50, Page 534-35, Edward Tompson plte Mrs Marg: Brent deft whereas there is an Accon entred by the plte agt the deft concerning 2 Cowe Calues (and theire Increase) wch Leonard Calvert Esqr deceased whose Executrix the cleft is bound himself to deliver to the use of Joane Tompson deceased & her Children The said deft Mrs Brent hereby agrees by herself or her Attorney to appeare & Answere the said Accon in June Court next or in case the Court then appointed happen to bee adjourned then when the next Court for this County shall bee kept and to abide the order of Court without further warrant or sumons, and the pite doth likewise hereby binde himself then to psecute the suite by himself or his Attorney witnes theire hands this 9th of March 1649 Marg: Brent Edward Thomson

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1647, Page 337,
7 May 1649 In the name of God Amen 1648 I John Tompson doe make my will & testamt in the yeare of our Lord 1648. It first I bequeath my soul unto God and my body to bee buryed in the earth.
Item I give unto Georg (Ackrick) and his wife and James Walter Plantacon and all that I have and unto david Pricherd a Barrell of Corne
It I give Cloues & Mace my old Coate and this shirt I have on
It I owe Mr Matrum 60 l of Tob:
It I owe to Walter Beane some certaine Tobacco but I knowe not what it is
Item I make Georg Ackrick & James Walker my true & lawfull executers when my debts is paid desiring God to bee mercifull unto mee and to forgive mee my sins as witnes my hand the 19th day of febr 1648 Jo: Tompson witnes David Prichard Cloues Mace his marke
May 6th 1649 Cloues Mace at the request of James Walker and George Ackrick examined & deposed saith. That the above specified will is the true & last will of the John Tompson as hee verily beleeveth and that hee was prsent when the said John Tompson signed his will with his owne hand either 3 or 4 dayes before his death. And that hee the said John Tompson although at that ptsent hee was weake in body yet was hee in pfect memory at the signing thereof. The Marke of Cloues Mace jurat coram me Wm Dretton

Robert Thompson 93.292 SM £33.19.11 Feb 27 1767 Mar 5 1767
Appraisers: Cyrus Vowels, Leonard Paine.
Creditors: Margaret Mekin (administratrix of Augustine Meekin), Athanathus Ford.
Next of kin: Joseph Thompson, William Thompson.
Administratrix: Ann Thompson.

William Burchmore 74.282 SM £101.5.11 Apr 18 1761 Aug 5 1761
Appraisers: William Russell, Cyrus Vowles.
Creditors: Ann Thompson, James Bak.
Next of kin: Thomas Edwards, Ann Edwards.
Executrix: Margaret Burchmore.

Mr. James Taylor 60.371 SM £13.14.7 Aug 6 1755 Mar 3 1756
Appraisers: Matthias Nottingham, William Daft.
Creditors: Ann Thompson, Ann Ireland.
Next of kin: Margaret Burkmore, James Taylor.
Administratrix/Executrix: Mary Taylor.

William Thompson, Jr. 88.195 CH £4.18.5 Sep 18 1765 Oct 9 1765
Appraisers: William Coomes, Charles Green.
Creditors: Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer, Daniel Jenifer.
Next of kin: Thomas Thompson, Samuel Thompson.
Administratrix: Ann Thompson,

Mary Cole 23.353 SM £34.18.7 Jul 20 1738 Aug 8 1738
Appraisers: Robert Hammett, John Tarlton.
Next of kin: Peter Thompson, Ann Thompson.
Administrator/Executor: Francis Cole.

Mary Cole 17.241 A SM £34.18.7 £10.6.10 Aug 13 1739
Sureties: James Farthing, James Talton.
Payments to: Mr. John Cartwright, John Talton.
Representatives: accountant, Peter Thompson.
Administrator: Frances Cole.

Peter Thompson 27.158 SM £20.8.8 May 13 1742 Oct 30 1741
Appraisers: George Craghill, John Warren.
Creditors: James Tarlton, John Manning.
Next of kin: one minor .
Administratrix/Executrix: Ann Thompson.

Peter Thompson 20.428 A SM £20.8.8 £26.14.5 Aug 11 1744
Sureties: Richard Rose, James Daniell.
Payments to: Dr. James Armstrong, Robert Hagger, James Tarlton, John Manning, Mr. William Cartwright, John Maning, Capt. George Asquith.
Administratrix: Ann Grugun, wife of Paul Grugun.

Francis Cole 71.145 SM £45.6.0 Mar 4 1760
Appraisers: John Hammatt, Thomas Cooke.
Creditors: A. Barnes, Francis Cole, John Cole.
Administratrix/Executrix: Susanna Cole


Birth1628St. Mary's County, Maryland
Marriage1660St. Mary's County - Stratford
Marriage20 Nov 1695St Mary's County, Md - Susanna Carberry
DeathBef 15 Dec 1701St Mary Co., Maryland


SpouseSusanna Carberry (1638 - 1710)
ChildMildred Thompson (1685 - )
SpouseStratford (1640 - 1670)
ChildMichael Thompson (1661 - 1684)
ChildTecla Thompson (1661 - 1731)
ChildRobert Thompson (1663 - 1697)
ChildSebastian Thompson (1657 - 1742)
ChildMildred Thompson (1667 - 1750)
ChildOswald Thompson (1669 - 1709)
ChildJohn Thompson (1671 - 1723)

