Individual Details

Charity Thompson

(1704 - )

Please send any corrections or additions to Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <> This data is updated continuously, so please revisit to make sure you have latest information. This file represents my entire
data base, I do not have any other information! Please use the reference number so I can get to the correct person in my data base.
NOTE: Please use this data with the knowledge that you must do your own research to validate data. It contains theories and facts from many sources and is only a starting point for your own research.


MarriageBef 1742Ignatius Wheeler


SpouseIgnatius Wheeler (1699 - 1763)
FatherSebastian Thompson (1657 - 1742)
MotherCharity Bailey (1684 - 1743)
SiblingMary Thompson ( - )
SiblingAppolina Thompson ( - )
SiblingJohn Thompson ( - )
SiblingMonica Thompson ( - )
SiblingWilliam Thompson ( - )
SiblingArthur Thompson ( - 1778)
SiblingSebastian Thompson (1727 - 1750)