Individual Details

William Aisquith

(Abt 1650 - Bef 1 Apr 1719)

p. 10, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
St: Mary's Hundred
Slainmore. 100. 0.4.0. Surveyed Feb 10, 1681 for Wm Asquith near Fosbery Plain. Possessor: Wm Asquith.

Aisquith, Willm., St Mary's Co., 25th July, 1700; 1st Apr., 1719.
To dau. Eliza, 220 A., "Well Close" on Patuxent R., above Joseph Edlos' quarter, and personalty.
" son Thos., 200 A., "Hunting Neck," bou. of Thos. Hatton, and pt. of mill on sd. land, bou. of Jno. Price, and personalty.
" son William, 100 A., "Hickory Hills" joining "Chaneellar's Manor"; 120 A., "Beaver Dam," and personalty.
" youngest son George, dwelling plantation ---, after his mother's decease.
" dau. Frances, wife of Thos. Loker, personalty.
" 4 child., viz.: Eliza:, Thos., William and George, personalty at age of 18.
Tract ---, Gunpowder R., Balto. Co., to be sold to purchase servts.
Wife --- extx. and residuary legatee, to expend 1 hhd. of tobacco in gloves for neighbors and friends.
Overseer: Thomas Grunwin, to render account of debt and clerk's fees necessary.
Test: Nich. Richardson, Gilbert Tervervild (Terbifield), Roger Tolles, Abraham Rhodes.15.55.

Col. William Aisquith 2.161 SM £100.10.4 Jun 18 1719
Appraisers: Thomas Griffin, Charles Manning.
Creditors: Mary Cheseldyne, William Johnson.
Next of kin: Thomas Aisquith, George Aisquith.
Executrix: Elisabeth Aisquith.

Col. William Aisquith 3.221 A SM £100.15.10 £109.16.4 Sep 12 1720
Received from: Capt. Jenifer, James Baker.
Payments to: Mr. Danellson, Esq. Bordley, John Baker, Mr. Vitus Herbert, Dr. William Swaile, Martha Welman, Mr. William Thompson (merchant), Edward Breeding, Col. Jowles, Mr. Joshua Doyne, John Harrwood, William Johnson, Mr. Michell Junifer, John Tarelston, Henry Nevill, Tobias Tolle, Thomas Rice, Ann Tayler, John Horne, Mr. William Thompson, Mrs. Ann Bell, John Baker.
Executrix: Mrs. Elisabeth Aisquith.

Also spelled ASQUITH, Gentleman, immigrated to the Province of Maryland by 1678 and settled i n St. Mary's County. On 12/11 /1678 he is on a long list of those owing a debt to the estat e of RICHARD CHILLMAN (Inv 5:382-404). WILLIAM AISQUITH married ELIZABETH HORNE, the daughte r of EDWARD HORNE and WINIFREDE. On 6/26/1720 on the inventory of HENRY HORNE, ELIZABETH AISQ UITH was given as one of his next of kin (3:344). See HORNE family.
WILLIAM AISQUITH was a planter and merchant. He served in the lower house of the legislatur e for St. Mary's County. He was also a justice and deputy commissary for St. Mary's County, a nd a Colonel in the Militia.
WILLIAM AISQUITH received 100 acres of "Aisquith's Folly" in St. Mary's Hundred in St. Mary' s County on 1/13/1682 (Patent 24:357). He sold this tract to THOMAS JACKSON. In his will i n St. Mary's County in 1687 THOMAS JACKSON willed this tract to his daughter MARGARET JACKSON , who had moved to New England. This tract then became a part of His Lordship's "Manor of Woo lsey".
On 2/20/1682 WILLIAM AISQUITH obtained 100 acres of "Stainmore" and on 4/7/1682 100 acres o f "Hickory Hills" (Patents 24:392, 453). These tracts, near the Patuxent Road, stayed in th e possession of WILLIAM AISQUITH and his descendants. On 4/23/1683 WILLIAM AISQUITH obtaine d 125 acres of "Birch Spring" (Patents 24:529). This tract was near "Woolsey Manor" and was l ater in possession of EDWARD KING.
On 4/22/1698 182 acres of "Wellclose" was surveyed for WILLIAM AISQUITH, and on 5/5/1698 WILL IAM AISQUITH obtained 118 acres of "Beaver Dam" which remained in his possession (Patents 39: 5). He also had 200 acres of "Hunting Neck" which had been first patented to THOMAS HATTON o n 8/26/1665. On 5/15/1695 WILLIAM AISQUITH obtained 100 acres of "Aisquith Hope" in Baltimor e County (Patents 40:466). On 11/27/1705 he obtained 93 acres of "White Marsh" on the main br anch of St. Mary's River.
WILLIAM AISQUITH wrote his will on 7/25/1700, but it was not probated until 4/1/1719 (15:55) . To his daughter ELIZABETH he left 220 acres of "Wellclose" on the Patuxent River and person alty. To his son THOMAS he left 200 acres of "Hunting Neck" bought of THOMAS HATTON and par t of the mill on the said land. To his son WILLIAM he left 100 acres of "Hickory Hills", 12 0 acres of "Beaver Dam" and personalty. His youngest son GEORGE was to receive the dwelling p lantation after the death of his mother. His daughter FRANCES, wife of THOMAS LOWER, receive d personalty. His four children: ELIZABETH, THOMAS, WILLIAM and GEORGE were to receive person alty when they were age 18. His wife was named as his executrix and was to receive the residu e of his estate, after spending one hogshead of tobacco on gloves for neighbors and friends . His land in Baltimore County was to be sold and the money used to purchase servants. He nam ed THOMAS GRUNWIN as his overseer. On 6/18/1719 ELIZABETH AISQUITH administered the estate o f COL. WILLIAM AISQUITH, valued at £100.10.04. His next of kin were his sons THOMAS AISQUIT H and GEORGE AISQUITH (2:161).

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

p. 10, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
St: Mary's Hundred
Slainmore. 100. 0.4.0. Surveyed Feb 10, 1681 for Wm Asquith near Fosbery Plain. Possessor: Wm Asquith.

Aisquith, Willm., St Mary's Co., 25th July, 1700; 1st Apr., 1719.
To dau. Eliza, 220 A., "Well Close" on Patuxent R., above Joseph Edlos' quarter, and personalty.
" son Thos., 200 A., "Hunting Neck," bou. of Thos. Hatton, and pt. of mill on sd. land, bou. of Jno. Price, and personalty.
" son William, 100 A., "Hickory Hills" joining "Chaneellar's Manor"; 120 A., "Beaver Dam," and personalty.
" youngest son George, dwelling plantation ---, after his mother's decease.
" dau. Frances, wife of Thos. Loker, personalty.
" 4 child., viz.: Eliza:, Thos., William and George, personalty at age of 18.
Tract ---, Gunpowder R., Balto. Co., to be sold to purchase servts.
Wife --- extx. and residuary legatee, to expend 1 hhd. of tobacco in gloves for neighbors and friends.
Overseer: Thomas Grunwin, to render account of debt and clerk's fees necessary.
Test: Nich. Richardson, Gilbert Tervervild (Terbifield), Roger Tolles, Abraham Rhodes.15.55.

Col. William Aisquith 2.161 SM £100.10.4 Jun 18 1719
Appraisers: Thomas Griffin, Charles Manning.
Creditors: Mary Cheseldyne, William Johnson.
Next of kin: Thomas Aisquith, George Aisquith.
Executrix: Elisabeth Aisquith.

Col. William Aisquith 3.221 A SM £100.15.10 £109.16.4 Sep 12 1720
Received from: Capt. Jenifer, James Baker.
Payments to: Mr. Danellson, Esq. Bordley, John Baker, Mr. Vitus Herbert, Dr. William Swaile, Martha Welman, Mr. William Thompson (merchant), Edward Breeding, Col. Jowles, Mr. Joshua Doyne, John Harrwood, William Johnson, Mr. Michell Junifer, John Tarelston, Henry Nevill, Tobias Tolle, Thomas Rice, Ann Tayler, John Horne, Mr. William Thompson, Mrs. Ann Bell, John Baker.
Executrix: Mrs. Elisabeth Aisquith.


BirthAbt 1650
MarriageAbt 1670
MarriageAbt 1670Elizabeth Horne
DeathBef 1 Apr 1719St Mary's County, Md


SpouseElizabeth Horne ( - 1743)
ChildFrances Aisquith (1672 - )
ChildWilliam Aisquith (1674 - 1741)
ChildThomas Aisquith (1676 - 1761)
ChildElizabeth Aisquith (1678 - 1752)
ChildGeorge Aisquith (1680 - 1770)
ChildAnne Aisquith ( - 1773)
FatherMr. Aisquith ( - )
SiblingMary Aisquith (1649 - 1727)