Individual Details

Thomas Pott

(1582 - 1658)

In the middle of the 17th century, a family of Pott, who were supposed to be of Chesire stock, settled in Montgomeryshire, Wales. They may have come into Wales by way of Shropshire, England. Their home was in the Parish of Llangirrig on the northern bank of the river Wye, and only a short distance from the neighboring mountain of Plinelimmon.

A branch of the Potts family was located in Cheshire and, early in the seventeenth
century, some of that branch moved to Wales settling in Montgomeryshire in the Parish of
Llangirrig. Montgomeryshire has since become the northern section of a new Powys County.
The exhaustive research of Thomas and William Potts has established clearly that the Potts line
enjoying the central focus in TMP's book did in fact emigrate from Llangirrig, Wales and
maintained close family ties after their arrival in America.
A description of the former home of the Potts ancestors is seen in Lewis' Topographic
Dictionary of Wales, 1864:
Llangurig or Llangirrig, a parish in the union of Newton and
Llanidloes, upper division of the hundred of Llanidloes, county of
Montgomery, North Wales... .This parish is situated on the northern
bank of the river Wye at no great distance from its source The
northern, southern and western parts are mountainous and dreary,
but the eastern portion is well wooded and ornamented with romantic

The first member of the Potts family in Wales was probably Thomas Pott whose will,
made in 1654, is on file in the Consistory Court at Bangor, but is in a very decayed condition.
Following is a copy of that will with blank spaces indicating unreadable portions. The length of
the blank space does not correspond exactly with the missing part of the original.
The Will of Thomas Pott
In the Name [of God Amen] on the Eleventh day of August in [the year of
our Lord] and saviour Jesus Christ [one] thousand sixe hundred and fifty
foure, [I] Thomas Pott of the parish of Llangericke in the County of Montgomery
yeoman being sicke and weeke in bodye but of good and pfect
mynde and memorye prayesed God I doe make this my last Will and
Testament in maner and forme following hereby revokeing disanullinge
and making voyde and frustrate all former Wills and testaments by me
heretofore maide whatsoever and declaring this present writtenige and
instrument to be my last Will and testament and none other that is to say,
First I Comend my soule unto the hands of Allmightie God my maker and
redeemer and my bodye to the earth to be buried in the parish Church of
Llangiricke aforesaid in forme of Cristian Buriall,
Allso I doe hereby give and bequeath to the John Pott my grandchild Sonne
of John Pott late of Nantgnernog Eighte Sheepe being in the custodie
of the said John Pott late of Nantgnernog aforesaid
Allso I doe hereby give and bequeath to Anne my nrall daughter Wife
of the said John Pott of Nantgnernog and to Eight of hyr children being
unmarried all the rest and residue of my sheepe which are in Custodye
of the said John Pott late of Nantgnernog aforesaid to be equally
divided between them
Allso I doe herebye give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my nrall daughter
wife of William Pound and to hyr ffoure children three pounds which
are in the hands of the [said] William Pound and which he oweth u
ne which said three pounds shall be divided as followeth that is
to say t shillings to hys foure children that is to say
ten [shillings] apiece
Allso I [give and bequeath] to Evan Pott my nrall sonne ffive [shillings]
and to daughter one yearleinge sheepe
Allso I doe hereby give and bequeath to my nrall sonne tw
ne an grandchild e years ould about the first
next give and bequeath to Margaret Pott my gan sonne John
Pott one brasse panne and one boxe of litl c
I nominate constitute and apointe my well beloved son sole and
onely Executor of this my last Will and testament to paye arges
and to defray my ffunerall expences and to execute doe and pform all
acts a gs for and towards the ffulfillinge and accomplishment of
this my last Will and testament and in consideration thereof I doe
hereby give and bequeath to John Pott my nrall sonne and my sd
Executor all my good chattels implements of husbandry Household
Stuffe and psonall Estate whatsoever not before herein given and
In wittnes whereof I the said Thomas Pott have to this my last Will
and testament put my hand and seale even the day and yeare ffirst
above written in the psence of the psons undernames as wittenesses
The marke of Thomas Pott L.S.
X the marke of John Pott
X the marke of Hugh Pova
Tho Hardinge Clerk
Proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Bangor in the month of
September 1661
The Inventory of Thomas Pott's Personal Effects
A true pfect & right inventory of all ye goods catties and chattells Thomas
Pott of ye pash of Llangericke Taken valued & apprised the day of
May in ye years of 1658 by James Kinsey a in sort
imps three Kynne pr 4
2 bullockes pr 2
15 Sheepe pr 1
his wearing appell 0 _
toto £ 8
The mark $ of John Pott
The mark $3i of James Kinsey

From "The Potts Family in America":

Thomas Pott was born about 1590 in Llangirrig, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Thoms Pott the eldest of the family of Llangirrig so far as we now know, was evidently an aged man at the making of his will in 1654, as his children were then all married and had children of their own, and as he speaks of some of his grand-children as unmarried it is fair to suppose that some of them were grown up and of marriageable age at that time. He calls himself yeoman which, from the English usage of the word, would indicate that he was a landowner. He was a resident of the Parish of Llangirrig, in Montgomeryshire, above described. His will was made in 1654, and proven in 1661, but as the inventory of his personal effects was filed in 1658 he probably died in that year.

The following is a copy of his will, as taken from the original on file in the Consistory Court at Bangor, so far as it can be deciphered. It is much eaten away by the decay of the paper from age and damp. The blank spaces in the printed copy only approximately correspond with the missing parts in the original. The Will was printed on page 59 -60 [not shown in this text]
Some if not alll the family became members of the Society of Friends. There probably was a Friends Meeting established in this vicinity, but no records are known to be in existence at this day. It is well-known that many Friends came to Pennsylvania from that section of Waltes in the latter part of the seventeenth century, and they may have carried such records as they had with them, as was sometimes done where the whole membership removed in a body.

These devoted people suffered persecution in common with those of other sections. The following "Montgomeryshire Nocconformity Extracts from the Goal Files with Notes, by R. William, F. R. Hist, S." have been selected from "Collections Historical and Archaological relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders," issued by the Powys Land Club for the use of its members and published at London. We give memoranda of Thomas and John Pott, and of some of their neighbors whose family names are quite familiar.

Vol XXIV, page 207
1668 - At the Great Sessions held at Poole the 19th April, 20 Ch II, the Grand Jury made the following Presentments. * * * We pr'sent William Bownd and his wife for absenting themselves from their p'ish church at the time of Devine service for the space of 3 months last past, they being inhabitants of ye Township of Dithenith.
George Jenkin of ye same, for the like.
Vol. XXIV, Pages 229 - 230
1675, Att. ye Greate Sessions held att Poole ye s'd County, ye fifth day of Apr'll Anno RR x Carol' Secundi Nune Anglie et xxvij Annoque D'ni 1675.
We p'sent David Owen, of ye p;she of Llanguricke, in ye S'd county, yeom. for yt hee for ye space of hulfe a yeare and upwards last past, hath and as yett doth absent himselfe from his p'she church to heare devine Service and Sermon.
Edward Jarman, of ye p,she of Llanguricke, in ye s'd county yeom
John Pott of ye same, yeomj
Thomas Pott of ye same, yeom. for ye likie.
Griffith Jarmann of ye same yeom. for ye like
D'd Jenkij of ye same, yeom, and Jane his wife, for liike
Sarah Rees of ye same, for ye like
James Hamer, of Llangiricke aforesaid, for ye like
Besse's "Sufferings of the People Called Quakers": has the following in Volume I, at page 767.
Anno. 1677. On the 18th day of the Month called July, two Priests, vi., Hugh Wilson, Priest of Trefeglwys," Priest of Trefeglwys, and Isaac Lloyd, Priest of Llanidles, gave information of a Meeitng at the Houses of John Jaerman, at Llanidles in Montgomeryshire; upon which, the Mayer with Constables came thither, and commited seven of the Assembly to Prison, anf fined others, who had their Cattle seized for their Fines.
John Potts, one Cow and six yearling Beast worth -----L12 10 9
Griffith Jarman, five Young Beasts worth -------- 7-10-0
John Roberts, a Cow worth -------- 3-0-0
John Jarman, a Cow worth ------- 2 -10-0
David Owen, an Horse worth ---- 2-0-0
Total----------27 - 10 -9

The complete correspondence with the Clark of H. M. Probate Registry at Bangor, North Wales, is here given in the belief that it will be helpful to the future investigator, not only showing fully what has been done, but because of the additional facts therein set forth. H. M. Probate Registry at S. Asaph, North Wales, was also examined down to 1729, but the name of Pott or Potts was not found.

Thomas POTT had the following children:
i. Anne ii. Elizabeth iii. Evan . Mentioned in his father's will in 1654, when he was married and had one daughter iv. John . Names in his father's will in 1654, when he was married and had two children, one named Margaret.


Potts Family Tree
Thomas Potts b. abt. 1582 Llangirrig. Montgomery, Wales - d. 1658 Wales
Children: Evan, +John, Anne, Elizabeth
John Potts b. abt. 1608 Montgomery, Wales, d. Feb. 12, 1672 Wales (according to the LDS records he married his own sister, Anne Potts)
Children: +Thomas, George, John, Alice, Elizabeth, Anne, Sarah, Margaret

Thomas Potts b. 1632 Mont. Wales, d. 1672/73 Wales
married abt. 1657
Children: Thomas, Elizabeth, Margaret, John, Jane, David, Jonas

David Potts b. 1670 Wales, d. Nov. 16, 1730
married Jan. 23, 1694
Alice Croasdale b. Aug. 1673 New Key Yorkshire England. D. bef. 1729 Germantown PA.
Children: Thomas, +John, Daniel, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Mary, Rebecca, Stephen, Sarah, Ezekiel, Nathan,

John Potts b. sept. 8, 1696 Bristol, Phil. PA. d. 1766 PA.
married 1726
Elizabeth McVaugh b. 1679 PA, d. Jan. 5, 1791
Children: +John, Thomas, Elizabeth, Joseph

John Potts b. abt. 1721 PA.
Hannah b. abt. 1724
Children: +Mary
Mary Potts b. abt. 1766 Butler Co. PA.
Johnathan Daniel Sams b. Nov. 19, 1762


ID: I502210107
Name: Thomas POTT
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Pott
Sex: M
Birth: 1590 in Llangirrig,Montgomeryshire,Wales
Change Date: 6 Oct 2002
Thomas POTT was born about 1590 in Llangirrig, Montgomeryshire, Wales. The Potts Family in Great Britain and America - 1901 - Thomas Maxwell Potts pages 59-80

Thoms Pott the eldest of the family of Llangirrig so far as we now know, was evidently an aged man at the making of his will in 1654, as his children were then all married and had children of their own, and as he speaks of some of his grand-children as unmarried it is fair to suppose that some of them were grown up and of marriageable age at that time. He calls himself yeoman which, from the English usage of the word, would indicate that he was a landowner. He was a resident of the Parish of Llangirrig, in Montgomeryshire, above described. His will was made in 11 August 1654, and proven in 1661, but as the inventory of his personal effects was filed in 1658 he probably died in that year. The following is a copy of his will, as taken from the original on file in the Consistory Court at Bangor, so far as it can be deciphered. It is much eaten away by the decay of the paper from age and damp. The blank spaces in the printed copy only approximately correspond with the missing parts in the original. The Will was printed on page 59-60.

Some if not all the family became members of the Society of Friends. There probably was a Friends Meeting established in this vicinity, but no records are known to be in existence at this day. It is well-known that many Friends came to Pennsylvania from that section of Waltes in the latter part of the seventeenth century, and they may have carried such records as they had with them, as was sometimes done where the whole membership removed in a body.

These devoted people suffered persecution in common with those of other sections. The following "Montgomeryshire Nocconformity Extracts from the Goal Files with Notes, by R. William, F. R. Hist, S." have been selected from "Collections Historical and Archaological

Relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders," issued by the Powys Land Club for the use of its members and published at London. We give memoranda of Thomas and John Pott, and of some of their neighbors whose family names are quite familiar.

Vol XXIV, page 207

1668.At the Great Sessions held at Poole the 19th April, 20 Ch II, the Grand Jury made the following Presentments. * * * We pr'sent William Bownd and his wife for absenting themselves from their p'ish church at the time of Devine service for the space of 3 months last past, they being inhabitants of ye Township of Dithenith.

George Jenkin of ye same, for the like.

Vol. XXIV, Pages 229 - 230

1675, Att. ye Greate Sessions held att Poole ye s'd County, ye fifth day of Apr'll Anno RR x Carol' Secundi Nune Anglie et xxvij Annoque D'ni 1675.

We p'sent David Owen, of ye p;she of Llanguricke, in ye S'd county, yeom. for yt hee for ye space of hulfe a yeare and upwards last past, hath and as yett doth absent himselfe from his p'she church to heare devine Service and Sermon.

Edward Jarman, of ye p,she of Llanguricke, in ye s'd county yeom

John Pott of ye same, yeomj

Thomas Pott of ye same, yeom. for ye likie.

Griffith Jarmann of ye same yeom. for ye like

D'd Jenkij of ye same, yeom, and Jane his wife, for liike

Sarah Rees of ye same, for ye like

James Hamer, of Llangiricke aforesaid, for ye like

Besse's "Sufferings of the People Called Quakers": has the following in Volume I, at page 767.

Anno. 1677. On the 18th day of the Month called July, two Priests, vi., Hugh Wilson, Priest of Trefeglwys," Priest of Trefeglwys, and Isaac Lloyd, Priest of Llanidles, gave information of a Meeitng at the Houses of John Jaerman, at Llanidles in Montgomeryshire; upon which, the Mayer with Constables came thither, and commited seven of the Assembly to Prison, anf fined others, who had their Cattle seized for their Fines.

John Potts, one Cow and six yearling Beast worth -----L12 10 9

Griffith Jarman, five Young Beasts worth -------- 7-10-0

John R

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Anne POTT b: 1612 in Llangirrig,Montgomeryshire,Wales
Elizabeth POTT

"Thomas POTT was born about 1590 in Llangirrig, Montgomeryshire, Wales. Thomas Pott the eldest of the family of Llangirrig so far as we now know, was evidently an aged man at the making of his will in 1654, as his children were then all married and had children of their own, and as he speaks of some of his grand-children as unmarried it is fair to suppose that some of them were grown up and of marriageable age at that time. He calls himself yeoman which, from the English usage of the word, would indicate that he was a landowner. He was a resident of the Parish of Llangirrig, in Montgomeryshire, above described. His will was made in 1654, and proven in 1661, but as the inventory of his personal effects was filed in 1658 he probably died in that year. ( His will is on file in the Consistory Court at Bangor. It is much eaten away by the decay of the paper from age and damp.)
Some if not all the family became members of the Society of Friends. There probably was a Friends Meeting established in this vicinity, but no records are known to be in existence at this day. It is well-known that many Friends came to Pennsylvania from that section of Waltes in the latter part of the seventeenth century, and they may have carried such records as they had with them, as was sometimes done where the whole membership removed in a body. These devoted people suffered persecution in common with those of other sections."
COMPILED BY Thomas Maxwell Potts, Author of The Carter Family, Our Family Ancestors, etc., Cannonsburg, Pa. Published by The Compiler 1901

Ancestral File Number: GVSH-CP

will on file in the Consistory Court at Bangor, Wales


Birth1582Llangirrig,Montgomeryshire Wales
Will Written1654Will was made
Death1658Llangirrig,Montgomeryshire Wales
Burial1658Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, Wales
Will1658Inventory of personal effect filed & probably died that same year
Death1658Llanidloes, Wales
Will1661Will was proven


ChildElizabeth Pott (1640 - )
ChildEvan Pott (1606 - )
ChildJohn Potts (1608 - 1672)
ChildAnne Pott (1612 - )
FatherRoger Pott (1570 - )
MotherAnn Sutton (1750 - )
