Individual Details

Jitte Feige Hoffnung

(Bet 1850 and 1855 - Bet 1893 and 1940)


BirthBet 1850 and 1855Galicia, Austria-Hungary
DeathBet 1893 and 1940Poland
Alt nameAyala Hoffenung


SpouseShlomo Hertz "Salomon" Türkel (1850 - 1910)
ChildMeier Schol Terkil (1872 - )
ChildGitel Pesel Türkel (1873 - 1874)
ChildSarah Türkel (1875 - 1881)
ChildJoseph Türkel (1877 - )
ChildMoshe Meir Türkel (1879 - 1943)
ChildChaje Türkel (1881 - 1882)
ChildMircie Türkel (1883 - )
ChildBernard Turkel (1886 - 1967)
ChildIser Türkel (1888 - )
ChildBenjamin Sol Türkel (1888 - 1956)
Childinfant Türkel (1891 - 1891)