Individual Details

Chaya Weingarten

(1880 - Bet 1941 and 1942)

per Yad vashem files
19 May 1957, YVMF190 #2521 Dzieloshinski Lili
webmaster found in year 2000 (but did not communicate with)
There is a person named Dzieloshinski Alexander, 11 Kibbutz Galuiot, Akko
Yad Vashem files entry 1955-1957 YVMF190 #2537
by Michael Weingarten her brother


Birth1880Galicia, Austria-Hungary
Birth1883Busk, Poland, Lwow (Lemberg), Galicia, Austria-Hungary
DeathBet 1941 and 1942Murdered in The Holocaust - Lwow, Poland
Occupationpublic activist
ResidenceLwow, Poland


SpouseMichael Terkel (1875 - 1941)
ChildDr. Zygmunt "Mondek" Terkel (1905 - 1941)
ChildJulek Terkel (1911 - 1942)
ChildNessia "Nucha / Nusia" Terkel (1920 - 1942)