Individual Details
Morris Elkin
(Abt 1901 - 22 May 1991)
Spouse | Celia Silverman (1906 - 1995) |
Child | Elaine H Elkin (1931 - 1999) |
StreetAddress: Eldridge Street; Age: 8; AttendedSchool: Yes; EnumerationDistrict: 0181; MaritalStatus: Single; RelationToHead: SonResidence
StreetAddress: Eleventh Street; Age: 18; Occupation: Baker; AbleToSpeakEnglish: Yes; AttendedSchool: No; CanRead: Yes; CanWrite: Yes; EnumerationDistrict: 587; Industry: Bakery; IsEmployed: Wage or Salary; MaritalStatus: Single; RelationToHead: SonResidence
StreetAddress: 11 St; Age: 29; AttendedSchool: No; CanReadWrite: Yes; CityWard: A D 8; ClassofWorker: Wage or salary worker; EnumerationDistrict: 0207; HomeOwnership: Rented; IsEmployed: Yes; LiveOnFarm: No; OwnedRadio: Yes; RegistrationDistrict: 207; ValueOfHome: 25; MaritalStatus: Married; RelationToHead: Head; Occupation: ClerkResidence
StreetAddress: Dahil Road; Age: 38; Occupation: Clerk; AttendedSchool: No; CityWard: 16 A D; ClassofWorker: Wage or salary worker in Government work; EmploymentCode: 1; EmploymentDetails: No; EmploymentHistory: No; EnumerationDistrict: 24-1840; GradeCompleted: Elementary school, 1st to 8th grade; HomeOwnership: Rented; HoursWorked: 40; Income: 2100; IncomeOtherSources: No; IsEmployed: Yes; OwnsFarm: No; PublicEmergencyWork: No; SeekingWork: No; ValueOfHome: 49; WeeksWorked: 52; MaritalStatus: Married; RelationToHead: HeadResidence
StreetAddress: West 1st Street; Age: 49; Occupation: Postal Clerk; ApartmentNumber: Upper Front; AttendedSchool: Yes; ClassofWorker: Government; EnumerationDistrict: 24-271; GradeCompleted: Yes; HoursWorked: 48; Income: 3696; IncomeOtherSources: None; Industry: Us Post Office; LiveOnFarm: No; OccupationCategory: Working; OtherIncomeSupplement: None; PreviousMarriages: No; SchoolYearsCompleted: S8; ServedInWWI: No; ServedInWWII: No; ThreeOrMoreAcres: No; Veteran: No; WeeksWorked: 52; YearsSinceMaritalStatusChange: 25; LiveOnFarm: No; SameCounty: Yes; SameHouse: Yes; RelationToHead: Head; MaritalStatus: MarriedEndnotes
1., 1910 United States Federal Census (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006), Year: 1910; Census Place: Manhattan Ward 10, New York, New York; Roll: T624_1009; Page: 4a; Enumeration District: 0181; FHL microfilm: 1375022.
2., 1920 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010), Year: 1920; Census Place: Manhattan Assembly District 8, New York, New York; Roll: T625_1198; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 587.
3., New York, New York, U.S., Marriage License Indexes, 1907-2018 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2017), New York City Municipal Archives; New York, New York; Borough: Manhattan; Volume Number: 5.
4., New York, New York, U.S., Extracted Marriage Index, 1866-1937 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014).
5., 1930 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2002), Year: 1930; Census Place: Manhattan, New York, New York; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 0207; FHL microfilm: 2341290.
6., 1940 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012), Year: 1940; Census Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02594; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 24-1840.
7., 1940 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012), Year: 1940; Census Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02594; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 24-1840.
8., 1950 United States Federal Census (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2022), National Archives at Washington, DC; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Year: 1950; Census Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: 4039; Page: 72; Enumeration District: 24-271.
9. Connecticut Department of Health, Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2003).