Individual Details

Halina (unknown maiden)

(Bet 1890 and 1900 - Bet 1941 and 1944)

"Probably murdered in Auschwitz together with her little daughter, 9-10 years old, Hanale. (Halina, Hindje as she was called there, although was hidden well at home, followed her daughter who was found in a closet when she was taken away from her home, maybe to Auschwitz" Eldad Gross mail (Jan 7, 2011) he was told by his mother


BirthBet 1890 and 1900
DeathBet 1941 and 1944Holocaust


SpouseLeib Gutstein (1890 - 1941)
ChildMichael Gutstein
ChildMoshe Gutstein (1924 - 1941)
ChildChanna Gutstein (1933 - 1941)