Welcome to Radnor, Ohio, 43066!
The 21,000+ names found here are the many years of work done by Joe Preston, the Radnor Heritage Society and Museum's Genealogist and Historian.
Information for these files has been gathered from many sources, including but not limited to personal interviews with Radnor descendants, various books and articles written by Radnor ancestors, and the many on-line resources available to the public.
If you would like to add to what is found in these pages, or report corrections, please email: RadnorHeritageSocietyInc@gmail.com
Visit us: www.RadnorHeritageSociety.org
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadnorHeritageSociety/
Or on Instagram: @radnorheritagesocietymuseum
Joseph R. PrestonRadnor, Ohio
Email: 2ITpF_jx6UGIJrc9sjxCpNWJVprrf3apP_eOB9QHhtBhFqrYrKZlwtWeAOWwwi@48cJzEmSWmheKs0xQFybnt777tv.bhHIxcc7xQlZAoKsXYwmm
last updated 2024-07-29