Individual Details

James Wade LOVE

(18 Jan 1828 - 11 May 1894)

Middle name also shown as Washington.

Know all men by these presents that I James W. Love of Stanly County and state of North Carolina, a farmer, being of sound mind & memory do make and publish this my last will and testament & hereby revoking all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made and as to my worldly estate and all the property both real and personal of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled to at the time of my decease I desire bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following, to wit;
First, [my] will is that my just debts and funeral expenses shall by my executors hereafter named be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall by them be found convenient (Marble Tomb Stones to be placed over my grave)
Item I give and bequeath to my beloved [wife] Mary C. Love three hundred dollars as Dower ($300.00) and any and all notes and accounts [that] have or may at any time before my decease [be] assigned over t o my said wife. -- -
I further will to my wife Mary C. Love all the corn, heat, meat, and all other provisions or feed for stock that may be on hand at the time of decease; also all the hogs one mule & one milch cow one two horse wagon and one bugg and harness, one single double foot plow and harness, one side harrow one two horse harrow, stretchers and single trees log chain and all appliances
Item I bequeath to [my] son Mathias Love one tract of land on which he now resides (known as the Harkey Place) & bequeath to [my] son John E. Love the tract of land on which he now lives and for which he has a deed known as the Sol. Hartsell place & will and bequeath to [my] son James D. Love a tract of land on which he now resides and for which he holds deed known as part of the Michael Love lands & also will my son Green Love a tract of land, the on which he now lives, but holds no deed, known as part of the Harkey tract I bequeath to [my] son Henderson Love the tract of land on which he now resides (and holds a deed) known as a part of the Michael Love lands, I further will and bequeath to my wife Mary C. Love & youngest son Milas H. Love the home place, Adjoining the lands of Adam Love heirs James M. Green Emeline Osborn Jacob W. Hartsell a west corse a State [line] across the east prong of Rock Creek at the old water fence & thence to Henry Reed’s corner on the west side of the west prong of said Rock Hole Creek thence from said Reed’s corner south corse with the outside line to the corner in the old Adam Love line ------ Metes and bound to be ascertained hereafter by proper survey of the same I further will the above described land to be held jointly by my said wife Mary C. Love & son Milas H. Love during my said wife’s natural life and after her decease I will further that my son Milas H. Love have full possession, ownership and control of said land held jointly by them I further will that in the event of my said wife’s death occurring before my youngest son Milas H. Love becomes of age Then my said son shall have a year’s allowance out of the estate. I will and bequeath to my son Milas H, Love one mule or horse one set of harness one plow stock and appliances I further will that after my said wife’s decease that all the personal property conveyed to her in [this] will shall be sold at public sale as soon as practicable and the proceeds of said sale be equally divided between all the heirs.

I further will that the lands adjoining my home place on the north and including the Jonah Love Home place be sold at public Auction as soon as practicable after my decease and the money derived therefrom be equally divided between all heirs.
Item I further will that any notes or accounts that any of the heirs are due the estate shall be accounted for in the settlement (and no statute of limitation shall be allowed) I further will that after my decease if any of the heirs of my estate shall not be satisfied or shall make any disturbance concerning their portion of the estate, they shall have no more of the estate than they possess at the time of my decease I further will that [my] said wife Mary C. Love have all the house hold goods and all the kitchen furniture during her lifetime

Lastly I appoint my said wife Mary C. Love John E. Love and James D. Love to be my lawful Executors of my last will and testament In testimony I the said James W. Love have to this my last will and testament subscribed my name and affixed my seal this May 9th 1893

James (x) W. Love (Seal)

Signed and sealed in presence of
J. E. Hartsell and Jas. M. Green


Birth18 Jan 1828North Carolina
Marriage1844North Carolina - Malinda Lovina FURR
Marriage11 Oct 1864North Carolina - Mary C. TUCKER
Death11 May 1894North Carolina
Alt nameJames W. LOVE
BurialLoves Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery, Stanfield, Stanly County, NC


SpouseMalinda Lovina FURR (1826 - 1863)
ChildHester C. LOVE (1846 - 1892)
ChildMary Jane LOVE (1849 - 1938)
SpouseMary C. TUCKER (1836 - 1906)
ChildMalinda Lavinia LOVE (1867 - 1904)
ChildJonah Duncan LOVE (1865 - 1943)
FatherJonah A. LOVE (1779 - 1865)
MotherMary Polly GARMON (1787 - 1880)
SiblingMargaret J. LOVE (1810 - 1911)
SiblingMichael Garmon LOVE (1823 - 1864)
SiblingJonah Askew LOVE (1825 - 1907)
SiblingMelinda LOVE (1831 - 1925)
