Individual Details

Heinrich FURRER

(6 Jul 1727 - 1769)

There are two Heinrich Furrers who lived in colonial America at the same time. Some claim the Heinrich Furrer (born 1691 in Switzerland) is our ancestor who married Rosana Furrer ("Russena Roffor"). On the other hand, others feel that our ancestor is Heinrich Furrer (born 1727 in Switzerland). After thorough research, we don't have 100% proof as to which one it is - we are all making a guess. I personally feel that our Heinrich ancestor is the one born in 1691. He was the accepted ancestor passed down through the generations. He was the one who originally emigrated to South Carolina. Upon the birth of the internet, some Furr descendants began copying and pasting each other widely, assuming that our Heinrich was the one born in 1727 (the Heinrich who originally emigrated to Philadelphia). Perhaps we will never know positively, and so until then, I suggest that we descendants preserve on familysearch both name.

I have been researching Henry Furrs who lived in Colonial America for over 40 years. To date, there is only one who makes sense as the correct Heinrich, and that is the one born in 1691. He is the Heinrich who emmigrated to Charleston, SC, which falls in line with traditional family stories. The Heinrich born in 1727 emmigrated to Philadelphia with his parents and relatives when he was a boy. Many Colonial records prove that his father Leonard stayed in the Philadelphia area for the remainder of his life. There are also 3 Heinrich Furrs living in colonial Pennsylvania. Only one of them could be the adult Heinrich Furrer (Henry Furr) born in 1727, if indeed that is him. He died as a young man in his 30's, left a wife, but no children.
Nancy D. Hendrickson

Per THE HISTORY OF STANLY COUNTY -Vol I, Published by Stanly County Historical Book Committee, County Heritage, Inc, in 2002...

Henry Furr who wrote his Will 1769 is not (IS NOT) buried in the Furr Cemetery as so many list, and where a monument was erected in the 1950's ALSO note that the original gravestone was not legible, but there was a date scratched on it "1779" (see below). So there is a question as to whether or not the gravestone that everyone says is Heinrich's actually belongs to another Furr.

This is what is written in a letter dated Oct 1, 1985 and published in this History listed under story # 853 Pg 221:

"Dear Coy,
My writing is terrible. I can't see the lines and get off. I just wanted to remind you about some of your earliest ancestors. When you visit the two Furr grave yards, the first one is on the west side of Buffalo Creek. I understand that their cabin was between the creek and grave yard. A new bridge and change in road. I understand the road built over some graves - - - the grave yard plowed up by a tenant. Henry Furr was not buried in the grave yard. The old folks always said he was buried by the side of the cabin beneath a wooden opening window. My grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Widenhouse always told the story - - - Grandma always said a child was buried on each side of Henry. His death date unknown - - - will written 1769. Rev. Albright wrote a Furr History. This history left out Henry and Rosina Furr's son Paul Furr 1st - born 1747. Rev. Albright substitutes a Paul Furr first born son of Jacob and wife, ___Pinkney, all the way through the history. He calls him Paul first, son of Henry 1st. Henry Furier and wife Susan Bowman of Switzerland. Their son Jacob was born 1722, came to Pa. 1750 - He was five years younger than his brother Heinrich born 1717 - - - that is exactly what the old folks said." "THE TRUE STORY- Hans Heinrich and Rosina's son Paul Furr, born 1747, wife's name I believe was Catherine. I saw Catherine's petition for dowry. Paul Furr born 1747, died in the of 1779 [Deb's note: Is this the grave that most list as Heinrich's?] Two months later, his wife deceased, by or about January 1, 1780. Paul Furr and his wife had two little sons - - - Henry born 1777 and John born 1779. Now Rev. Albright, in the history named them John's sons, a big error all through the history. Paul and his wife were buried in the first Furr family graveyard - - -west side of Buffalo Creek (Teeter Bridge) Henry and Rosina's son John born about 1745, the graveyard by the creek was flooded often. John Furr graveyard built on east side of creek. John died about 1827 - - - His tombstone vandalized. Notice this__ Rachel Furr, daughter of John and Catherine Lively married William "Billy" Stallings, lived near Buffalo Creek, now Pet Dairy land (Cleave Barrier).

24 Jun 1762 purchased 301 acres in Anson County (later Mecklenburg, now Cabarrus) just south of the Rowan County line. Purchased 185 acres adjoining 5 years later. On 16 February 1820, Henry Furrer, Sr. sold 146 and 1/2 acres in Cabarrus County to Tobias Furrer for $566 (Deed Book 9, page 486, LDS Film #463,597). This land adjoined Daniel Furrer's land.

His name appears on a list of immigrants naturalized in Rowan County on Sep 22, 1763 in the Superior Court Minutes, page 597, Salisbury, Rowan Co., N.C.

Arthur Dobbs, being a rather proper Englishman, required over 1,000 words to complete the land grant for Heinrich Furrer, who he referred to as "Henry Furr." The following are excerpts from this lengthy document.

Arthur Dobbs (Gov.) to Henry Furr
Book 6 page 161

This indenture made twenty-fourth day of June in the second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God King of Great Brittain &C and in the year of our Lord 1762 between his Excellency Arthur Dobbs, Esq. Captain General Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of North Carolina of the one part and Henry Furr of the County of Anson in the Province aforesaid planter of the other part witnesseth that the SD Arthur Dobbs for and in consideration of the sum of thirty two pounds one shilling and four pence proclamation money to him in hand paid by the said Henry Furr at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he the said Arthur Dobbs doth hereby acknowledge both granted, bargained sold aliened, enfoeffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enfoeff and confirm unto the said Henry Furr and his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land containing by survey three hundred and one acres and being in the SD County of Anson and beginning at a white oak on Dutch Buffalo Creek . . . .
In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Martin Phifer, WM. Powell.

Received 24 June 1763 from the within named thirty two pounds one shilling and four pence proclamation money being the consideration money within mentioned.

Martin Phifer Arthur Dobbs
WM. Powell

Will of Henry Forror (Furrer)
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Book C, Page 57

In the Name of God amen. September twenty-seven one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine. I, Henry Forror, being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all people once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First of all my debts to be paid.

Item. I give devise and bequeth unto my eldest and loveing son John Forror the land together with the improvements whereon I now live only that I first order the plantation to be valued by three freeholders and the valuation to be devided eaqually among each and every of my childering and after he the said John Forror have his share of the valuation allowed to him he is to pay to the rest of my childering their shares of the valuation as they come of ages.

Item. I give devise and bequeth unto my second and loveing son Paul Forror . . . lying between my lands and Paul Berring . . . . I first order that the land be valued by three freeholders and the valuation to devided eaqually among each and every of my childering and after the said Paul Forror having his share of the valuation allowed to him he is to pay the rest of my childering their shares of the valuation as they come of ages.

Item. I give and bequeth unto my loveing wife the third part of my personal estate only that I order that all my goods and chattels be sold at public auction and eaqually devided among each and every of my childering after my wife has her third.

In testament where of I the testator Henry Forrer have hereunto set my hand and seal of and for my last will and testament and I do here by nominate and appoint my loveing wife Rossena Roffor and my trusty friend Valentine Weaver the sole executors of this my last will and testament the day and year above written.

Heinrich Furrer

Signed sealed and published by the testator as and for his last will and testament. In the presence of us who subscribed as witnesses

John Phifer
Paul Barringer
Valentine Weaver

On the back of this original will in John Phifer's handwriting is a curious entry that appears to be an afterthought of the will:

Be it known unto all men by these present that I Henry Forror of Mecklenburg County and Province of North Carolina having made this my last will and testament in writing bearing date the twenty second of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine I the said Henry Forror do by these presents contained in this codicil confirm and declare this my last will and testament and do give and bequeth unto my loveing wife Rossena Forror one Negro man named Peter and a Negro woman named Dina during all the time she does remain a widow or keep single and in case she should get married . . . by such sale is to be devided eaqually among all of my childering and she is likewise to have her third of the same and my will and meaning is that this codicil or schedule be part and parcel of my last will and testament and that all things therein contained and mentioned by faithfully performed in as full and ample a manner in every respect as if the same were so declared and set down in my said will in witness there of I the said Henry Forror have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Heinrich Forror

John Phifer
Paul Barringer
Valentine Weaver


Birth6 Jul 1727Ober-Langenhard, Zell, Zürich, Switzerland
MarriageAbt 1751Rosana
Death1769Mecklenburg County, NC
Miscellaneous18 Aug 1953Family Reunion - Cabarrus County, NC
BurialCabarrus County, NC


SpouseRosana (1720 - 1774)
ChildJohn FURR (1752 - 1827)
ChildPaul FURR (1754 - 1837)
ChildJacob FURR (1757 - 1785)
ChildHenry FURR (1762 - 1851)
ChildMary Magdalena FURR (1764 - 1837)
ChildCatherine FURR (1765 - 1798)
ChildTobias FURR (1766 - 1797)
ChildAdam FURR (1767 - 1798)
FatherLeonhardt FURRER (1697 - )
MotherBarbara ZUPPINGER (1697 - )
SiblingHeinrich FURRER (1724 - )
SiblingHans Konrad FURRER (1728 - 1729)
SiblingAnna FURRER (1730 - 1734)
SiblingHans Rudolf FURRER (1732 - 1735)
SiblingHans Rudolf FURRER (1737 - )

