Individual Details

Robert DAY

(1605 - 4 Sep 1683)

This Robert Day, of Ipswich, should not be confused with the Robert Day of Cambridge.
See Anderson, Great Migrations, Vol II, C-F, p 332

Note found on Ancestry:
This info does not match what has info on and I've now accepted the lineage as defined through others on ancestry because of the close similarities. Family history passed down when the ease of verifying records wasn't there is much more likely to be flawed.

But this is the information passed down via Mrs. E.S. Hughes, daughter of the late Judge Smith of Minneapolis, MN who shares this ancestry:

Three brothers whose last name was DEE came from Wales, England in the early 1600s. They settled beside a river in the Northern part of Maine which is now Nova Scotia. They named the river after themselves and called it "The River Dee". It is located in Crepe Breton, Nova Scotia.

One of the brothers Robert Dee, changed his name to Day. He married and had a son, Thomas Day, who was born in Maine in 1643.

Robert DEE/DAY born in England in 1605, married in Maine and died in 1683 at 78 years old.

His child Thomas Day born in Maine 1643 married Anna Woodward on Oct 20, 1672 when 29 years old. Thomas and Anna Day had 5 children and Thomas died in 1718 at age 75 years old. Their children, Anna born Sept 24, 1673, Sarah born Jan 4, 1675, Thomas Day Jr born 1677 in Ipswich Mass, Robert Day born March 1678 and Marey born April 31, 1686.

Thomas Day Jr was married to Elizabeth and had a large family. 3 of their sons were Thomas (served in the Revolutionary war) born 10/26/1729, Jeremiah Day born 1713 and Aaron Day baptized Dec 18, 1726 and married Sarah Goodhue who died in 1790.

Jeremiah was born in Ipswich he married Elizabeth Caldwell and they had 11 children. Aaron, Mollie, Sarah, Hannah, Abigail, Jeremiah, Nathaniel, John born 1751 in Ipswich married cousin Sarah Day Dec 22, 1774 and settled in Winthrop Maine, Benjamin, Moses and James.

Aaron, the oldest son was born in Ipswich Mass in 1735 he married and had one son, Aaron Jr. Day. Aaron served in the French Indian war with Roger's Rangers for 3 months and 20 days when he was 18 years old (Oct 20, 1753).

Aaron Day Jr born in Ipswich in 1784 married Marian Harris who died March 17, 1852 and Aaron Day jr died Feb 16, 1862 at 78 years old.

Their son, Nathaniel Day was born November 30, 1807 married Eunice Boobar on Dec 5, 1830 in Kilmarnock Maine. Eunice was born July 23, 1810 and died Dec 9, 1895 at 85 years in Plymouth, MN. Nathaniel died Jan 7 1867 at 59 years old.

ShereceL originally shared this on 20 Mar 2010

Another note found on Ancestry:

1. The Hopewell passenger list records Robert Day, age 30 on April 3, 1635. Reads as follows: "Theis underwritten names are to be transported to New England, imbarqued in ye HOPEWELL, Mr. Wm Bundick, the pties have brought certificates from the Minister and Justice of Peace, that they are no subsedy men. They have taken the oath of allegeance and supremacie." The name is written both as "Bundick" and "Bundocke" on the document.

2. From a commenorative biographical record of Tolland and Windham Counties Connecticut. Publisher J.H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1903, P. 356:

"It has been handed down by tradition that the family originally came from Wales, which is undoubtedly correct. In a book of Heraldry containing Arms of William Day, B.D. Provost of Eton College, and Dean of Windsor, confirmed by William Flower, Norroy, on Oct. 21, 1583, in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, he is said to be descended from the Dees of Wales, being a younger son of Richard Day, who was a son of Nicolas Day, son of John Dee (called in English Daye), son of Morgan Dee, a Welshman. Dee signifies, it is said, dark or dingy, and was the name of a small river in Wales, and was applied to some ancestor living on its banks. In time the name Dee came to be written as it sounded, Daye or Day.

3. From the Essex Antiquarian, p. 133: Robert1 was a witness in a case against Samuel Ingalls - Samuel Ingalls were caught lighting fire and smoking on court day in Master Baker's yard.

4. Robert's will date Aug 11, 1683, probated Sep 25, 1683 names sons John, Thomas and James and daughters Hannah Lord and Sarah Fiske. His inventoried estate valued 472-06-00 (there is a fancy L symbol in front of the numbers). Son James was executrix of his father's will.

The following came from F Shaw with sources listed at the end:

Robert Day came to New England in April, 1635, on the ship "Hopewell". The
"Hopewell" under the command of William Bundoche shipped out of London. On a
list of passengers, Robert was listed as being 30 years old. This list
"Theis under-written names are to be transported to New England imbarqued in
ye Hopewell. Mr. Wm. Bundoche. The pities have brought certificates from the
Minister & Justices of peace that they are no Subsedy men they have taken the
oath of alligence and Supremacee."
Robert was one of the original settlers of Ipswich, Mass. He was made a
freeman on May 6, 1635. In 1648 Robert was listed as having owed 2 shillings
for Ipswich's yearly tax. Robert was married to Mary _____. Together they had
the following children; John (1640/1-1689), Thomas (1643-1718), James
(1644-1683), and Hannah (1646-aft 1683).
Robert died in 1683. His will reads as follows;

"In the name of God, Amen. The eleventh day of August on thousand six hundred
& eighty-three. I Robert Day, of Ipswich in the county of Essex, brickmaker,
haveing yet by ye good Providence of God to me my understanding well, but
being Aged and full of infirmities and knowing not how suddenly ye Lord may
call me out of this world, doe make and ordaine this my last will and
testament in manner and forme following what is to say: First I commend my
soul into the hands of God my maker hopeing assuredly through the many merits
of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be made Partaker of Life Everlasting and I
commend my Body to ye earth in hope of a glorious Resurrection.
Imp.: I give to my son John Day after my decease as already I have engaged
upon him marriage with Sarah Penry my dwelling house wth ye Barne outhouse
orchards yards and lands about it with all the appurtenances and priviledges
thereunto belong. Also all my salt marsh adjoining to ye Hundreds and all
that Parcel of Land lieing near ye common fence gate wch was part of Mr
Bradstreets, his lot and six Acres of land, more or less, which I bought of
Deacon Knowlton all wch I give to my sonne John Day to have and to hold to
him and his heirs forever with this Provisoe and condition, yt he pay twenty
pound, or else leave ye Lot yt I bought of Deacon Knowlton, where I shall
dispose of it according to Agreement at my son John Day his marriage, wch
twenty pound shall be paid the one halfe in good new england money and ye
other ten pound in good wheat malt and Porke, each Proportionally or [word
illegible] Also I give my son John one Book.
I give to my son Thomas Day my farme in which he now liveth containing fifty
four acres, be it more or less, with these Provisoes & conditions following:
first that he let his Brother John Day quietly possess and enjoy four Acres
of Broken upland to plant or sow and take off ye crop, and ye mowing and
carriing away two loads of hay yearly from year to year dureing ye whole
terme of my naturall life, Secondly that my son Thomas pay by way of Legacy
twenty pounds, ten pounds to my daughter Hanah Lord, and ten pounds to my
daughter Sarah Fiske, within three years after my decease as is expressed in
my deed of gift to him ye sd Thomas. Also I give him one book.
To my daughter Hannah Lord I have already given thirty five pounds I also
give her ten pound more to be paid by sonne Thomas Day as is above exprest.
Also I give her fifteen pounds more to be paid by my son James wch sall be
paid [several words illegible] Bed in ye Parlour & Bedstead & furniture
belonging to it at a price [bottom of page, line of text may be missing] The
rest of the Legacy in other pay: Also I give her one Book.
To my daughter Sarah Fiske I have already given thirty five pounds I likewise
give her ten pounds more to be paid by my son Thomas Day as is above exprest
also I give her fifteen pounds to be paid by my son James in such good pay as
he hath in his possession.
I do appoint my son James Day to be my sole executor of my last will and
testament, to him I give all ye rest of my estate of lands & cattle & goods
of all sorts whatsoever and Debts from whosoever due unto him & his heirs
forever. in confirmation whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this
eleventh day of August one-thousand six hundred and eighty three.

Robert X Day, his mark and a seal
John Denison, Senr
John Brewer, Senr
Robert Lord, Senr

Proved 25 September 1683 at Ipswich upon testimony of John Brewer Sr and
Marshall Lord"

John Day married Sarah Pengry on April 20, 1664 in Ipswich, Mass. They had 6 children:
John (1665-), Mehitable (1669-), Moses (1673-), Lydia (1676-), Hannah (1679-), and Richard
(1683-). Hannah married Michael Emerson. Sources, 'Ipswich Proceedings' NEHGS Register
vol. 2 1848, 'List of Freeman' NEHGS Register vol 3 Jan 1849, 'The Founders of New England'
NEHGS Register vol 14, 1860, 'Indian War Papers' NEHGS Register vol 8, July 1854. Will of Robert
Day of Ipswich, recorded in Essex Probate Book (30)4, Page 31, 1683.


5. There is some uncertainty as to the birth place of Robert Day. Several sources say Stansted Abbot, Hertfershire, England (I've found various spellings), some say London, and others just say England. The following came from

ROBERT1 DAY1 was born 1605 in Stanstead Abbott, Herts.U.K., and died September 04, 1683 in Ipswich, Massachusetts2. He married HANNAH PINGRY2, daughter of MOSES PENGRY and HANNAH CLEMENTS. She was born 1612 in England, and died Aft. 1652 in Ipswich, Massachusetts2.

More About ROBERT DAY:
Emigration: 1635, Came on the Hopewell from London3,4,4
Occupation: 1635, Husbandman4

Children of ROBERT DAY and HANNAH PINGRY are:


THOMAS2 DAY, b. 1643, Ipswich, Massachusetts; d. 1718, Ipswich, Massachusetts.


JAMES DAY, b. 1644.


HANNAH DAY, b. 1646.


SARAH DAY, b. 1648.


JOHN DAY, b. 1640.


SARAH DAY, b. 1650.


JAMES DAY, b. 1652.

The source is:

Nancy Virginia Day

347 Oak Terrace

St. Davids, Pa. 19087


Here are her endnotes for that information:

Ipswich roll of first settlers, Ipswich, Massachusetts.
2. LDS Ancstral File.
3. "Hotten's Lists", 44,46,49.
4. Certification from Stansted Abbey in Herts..



Birth1605Stanstead Abbots, Hertfordshire, England
Arrival1635aboard the Hopewell - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
MarriageBef 1638Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Hannah [UNKNOWN]
MarriageBef 1638Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America - Hannah PENGRY
CivilBef 2 Jun 1641admitted as a freeman - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
ReligionBef 2 Jun 1641admitted to the church (as a consequence of freemanship) - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Will11 Aug 1683
Death4 Sep 1683
Probate25 Sep 1683
Educationto some extent; he signed his name with a mark, but, in his will, left each child "one book".


SpouseHannah PENGRY (1612 - 1652)
ChildHannah DAY (1638 - )
ChildJohn DAY (1640 - )
ChildThomas DAY (1647 - )
ChildSarah DAY (1651 - 1729)
ChildJames DAY (1653 - )
SpouseHannah [UNKNOWN] ( - 1663)

