Individual Details

Jonathan HATCH

(Say 1621 - Dec 1710)

I have removed the prefix of "Lt." because I can't identify a source for it.


Conflicting evidence states that Jonathan was born 7 SEP 1625 in Sandwich, Kent, ENG. At fourteen years of age he was bound an apprentice to Lieut. Richard Davenport of Salem. His father, mother and sister had removed to Yarmouth, leaving him a stranger in a strange land. Davenport was a soldier, a man of impetuous spirit. Jonathan after remaining with him two years deserted (in 1639 WFT II:2448) and went to Boston, probably with the intention of obtaining passage by water to Yarmouth. On Sept. 2, 1640, he was arrested at Boston as a fugitive from service and was "censured to bee severly whiped and for the present is comitted for a slave to Lieut. Davenport." (Mass. Records). Whether he escaped the severe whipping does not appear, but it is certain that twenty "severe whipings" would not have compelled a boy of his spirit to return to his servitude of Davenport He had legs and made legitimate use of them, and they brought him safely to his father's house in Yarmouth; but his troubles did not cease on his arival at Cape Cod. Dec. 1, 1640, Capt. Nicholas Simpkins charged him with slandering him. The result was, the Captain gat a fine of forty shillings imposed on himself, and Jonathan escaped without punishment. March 1, 1641-2, he "was taken as a vagabond and for his misdemeanor censured to be whipped," and sent from constable to constable to Lieut. Davenport at Salem, but at the Court held April 5, 1642, this sentence was rescinded. The Court had no authority to order the arrest of a party as a "vagabond" because he had escaped from the service of a master residing in another jurisdiction. He was then appointed to dwell with Mr. Stephen Hopkins, who was enjoyned to have a special care of him. Mr. Hopkins died in 1644, so he could not have long lived with him. OWL DEC 1908 p. 753.

Jonathan was Mr. Stephen HOPKINS's housemate in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony 5 APR 1642. Soon after he was at Barnstable. Aug. 1, 1645, he was one of four men forming quota of Barnstable in expedition against the Narragansetts. OWL DEC 1908 p. 753.

After his marriage, he probably lived at West Barnstable, but later removed to South Sea. Oct. 7, 1651, he and Samuel Hinckley were prosecuted by grand jury for having purchased land of the Indians. Again, March 2, 1651-2, he was prosecuted for furnishing an Indian with a gun, powder and shot. Feb., 1652-3, he was on a jury that laid out land from Sandwich to Plymouth ... OWL DEC 1908 p. 753.(160)

Jonathan served during war unknown (1 AUG 1645) in Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. Aug. 1, 1645, he was one of four men forming quota of Barnstable in expedition against the Narragansetts. OWL DEC 1908 p. 753.

He resided South Sea in Barnstable, Plymouth Colony bef 7 OCT 1651. "Oct. 7, 1651, he and Samuel Hinckley were prosecuted by grand jury for having purchased land of the Indians....His grant of land was recorded Feb. 14, 1655, but it is probable that his grant was made, and that he removed to South Sea at an earlier date." OWL DEC 1908 p. 753.

He bought property from an unknown person 1654 in Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. His grant of land was recorded Feb. 14, 1655,
but it is probable that his grant was made, and that he removed to South Sea at an earlier date. His land at South Sea is thus described:
"Fifty acres, more or less, of upland with a little parcel of marsh adjoining, at a place called Sepneset on ye South Sea. Also, eight
acres of meadow, four at Oyster Island, which is very particularly described. One half of this farm he afterwards sold to Thomas
Shaw, and they sold the same on May 27, 1661, to Mr. John Thompson, who re-sold to John Lovell about 1674, and the descendants
of the latter yet hold most of the ancestral hatch farm and meadows under the title derived from Thompson. In the deed from Hatch to
Shaw-to Thompson the upland is described as being upon a creek commonly called "See-paw-ess-is-set," and thus described: "Fifteen
acres lying on ye south side of ye said creek, bounded southerly and westerly by ye commons; easterly by a little swamp; northerly,
partly by ye said creek and partly by ye harbour; and thirty acres bounded southerly by ye sd creek, lying 140 rods long by ye sea side,
and 40 rods into ye woods." OWL DEC 1908 p. 753.

1653 - given land at Sepneset Bay (Now Lewis Bay)

1654 - built log home and moved there with his family - lived on good terms with the indians WFT II:2448 (NOTE)

He took an oath of allegiance 1657 in Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. He resided in Saconecet (Now Falmouth), Plymouth Colony 27
May 1661. May 27, 1661, Goodman Hatch sold his farm at Sepneset and removed to Saconecet or Sackineisett (now Falmouth). He is
named in the colony records of 1685 as one of the original proprietors, but the records and deeds preserved in the family show that he
was there before that date. At a meeting of the proprietors Nov. 29, 1661, it was voted that Jonathan Hatch and Isaac Robinson,
"because they have built their houses" shall "have lots by their houses," that is to say, Jonathan Hatch to have ten acres by his house,
lying against the Neck (lying by Herring Brook) and Isaac Robinson to have four acres by his house and eight acres adjoining Jonathan
Hatch, toward Pease's Land. Goodman Hatch's land at Falmouth contained eighty acres. For several years he was the agent of the
proprietors, and was employed at times to lay out the boundaries of lots and to attend to sales and transfers of rights. He could not,
however, give up his old habit of trading with the Indians and on June 7, 1670, he was fined for selling them liquor. OWL DEC 1908
pp. 753-754.

Jonathon (sic) Hatch had penetrated the wilds on the east shore of Buzzard's Bay as early as 1661 1952 ANNALS p. 3

Jonathan HATCH was made a freeman of Falmouth on 29 JUN 1690 at in Barnstable, Barnstable, Plymouth. He made a will 15 SEP
1705 in Falmouth, Barnstable Co., Massachusetts. Jonathan had His will probated 4 JAN 1710/1 in Falmouth, Barnstable Co.,
Massachusetts. Jonathan, son of Thomas, was born, probably in England, about 1624. He proved a man of indomitable energy of
character. No difficulty discouraged him; no misfortune swerved him from his onward march and determined course of life. He was a
pioneer in the march of civilization, and the history of his life faithfully written would present many points of romantic interest. ....

The records of the life of Jonathan Hatch do not present his character in an amiable point of view. his parents seemed not to have taken
an interest in his welfare. The writer thinks, that this can be accounted for only on the supposition that "Grace" was a second wife and
not the mother of the children of Thomas Hatch; that none but a step-mother would have allowed them to be exposed to temptation as
they were. had there not been some superior controlling influence in the home Thomas Hatch would never have allowed his only son
and only daughter to be thus exposed. Jonathan Hatch was exposed to temptation on every side. A bond servant, with no friend upon
whom he could rely, he resented, escaped, and in the eye of the law was a criminal, and for that imprisoned and endured cruel stripes.
Although not legally justifiable, we cannot but admire his bold and manly resistance to the intolerable spirit of the age, and the law
which banished him from his father's house, and deprived him of the liberty which he claimed as a freeborn citizen of the British


He was a pioneer in the march of civilization in the stirring times of the early history of New England, a man of daring enterprise and romantic
adventure, only a part of which is known to us now. He was born in England about 1625 and came to Mass. Bay Colony with his father in 1634.
Even as a boy he was a lad of spirit and perhaps somewhat willful and disinclined to conform to all the austerities and restrictions of the intolerant
age in which he lived. The most of his early struggles with society came from this cause and not from any natural depravity in the boy or man and
from the further circumstance that as a boy his lot was cast largely among strangers where he was deprived of the loving counsel of good friends.
The theory has been advanced, and with apparent good reason, that his father's wife, Grace, was a second wife, and not the mother of Jonathan and
his sister, Lydia, and that she and the children did not get along well together as a reason why the children did not apparently live much at their
father's house. At that time in Plymouth and Mass. Bay Colonies it was the custom of those who assumed leadership in any community to look
askance and with disfavor upon any one who had no regular occupation or permanent place of abode. Such persons were the subjects of special
attention and closely watched and either ordered out of town or appointed by the Court or Town Meeting to reside with some family of known
probity to watch over them and keep them employed and out of mischief.
This was due partly to the austerity of the time, and the responsibihty of training the twig as the tree should stand, but partly also to the fact that in
their hand to hand conflict with the wilderness and the savage the colonists could not afford to have any impecunious person come into town who
might become a public charge on the community or set a bad example for others. Sobriety, industry and frugality were prime virtues at that time. The
austerity of the time frowned upon all amusements as a device of the Devil. The Sabbath must be sacredly and religiously observed. They were
perhaps too prone to meddle in private affairs and opinions, to put a straight jacket upon everyone's conduct, public and private. Even the clothes one
might wear were subject to regulation by Puritan law. (See Laws of Massachusetts, 1634 and later). But with all their drabness and austerity perhaps
we should not judge those stern old Puritans too harshly. They were human and had their faults but they were a conscientious, God-fearing race,
sternly doing their duty as they saw it; erring sometimes doubtless, sometimes in their zeal cruel and intolerant, but always we may well believe,
actuated by what they conceived to be the good of their religion and, their respective communities.
In view of all these circumstances and perhaps also in the belief that the discipline of the soldier would benefit the boy, Jonathan was at about the age
of 12 apprenticed to Lieut. Davenport of Salem, Mass.There is little doubt that the free spirit of Jonathan chafed and fretted under the strictures and
discipline of the soldier and perhaps a home-sick longing to be near friends and after serving him for about two years he could endure it no longer
and deserted and made his way to Boston with the probable intent of seeking passage by boat to Yarmouth where his father then resided. A strange
boy wandering around the streets and wharves of Boston was at that time, a sufficiently
grave matter to be inquired into. It probably did not take long to acertain the true state of affairs. Sept. 2, 1640 he was arrested as a fugitive from
service and "was censured to be severely whipped and for the present is committed for a slave to Lieut. Davenport." (*)
[*Slave at that time in New Engand meant a bond servant or person bound to service for a specified length of time. There were not many of them.]
But Jonathan did not wait for any whipping nor did he return to Lieut. Davenport. He had a good head and two good legs and the spirit and will to
use them and they brought him safely to his father's home at Yarmouth.
Although his conduct in this case could not be justified by the law of that time, we cannot but admire his brave manly spirit in his resistance to the
strictures and intolerant spirit of the age and for his courage and daring, boy though he was, in striking out for liberty, alone and unaided.
Though he gained his liberty in a practically hostile community and arrived safely in Yarmouth, his troubles did not end there. Dec. 1, 1640 Capt.
Nicholas Simpkins had him arrested and charged with slandering him. When the case came up for trial in the General Court at Plymouth, Jonathan
evidently proved the truth of his charges for Capt. Simpkins was fined 40 shillings and Jonathan was set free.
Still his troubles did not end. His father moved to Barnstable in June, 1641, but Jonathan apparently lived on in Yarmouth earning such a living as he
could with no settled occupation or place of residence. That of itself was a sufficient reason why those stern old Puritans of that time should have
him under observation. Undoubtedly they did. Mar. 1, 1642 he was "taken as a vagrant and for his misdemeanors was censured to be whipped and
sent from constable to constable to Lieut. Davenport, at Salem." His misdemeanors, aside from his desertion from Lieut. Davenport were probably
nothing more than the natural disinclination of a spirited and exuberant youth to conform to all the austerities and restrictions of the strict age in
which he lived. The above sentence appears not to have been executed. Jonathan may have protested he would never stay there if sent. Knowing
something of the spirit of the lad may have been cause for second thought. At the session of the Court held about a month later, April 5, 1642, this
sentence was reconsidered. Jonathan was in Plymouth Colony while Lieut. Davenport was in Mass. Bay Colony. It was held Jonathan could not be
sent back into the service of a master residing in another colony. And so Jonathan escaped again. But the Court appointed him to reside with Mr.
Stephen Hopkins of Plymouth, who was enjoined to have a special care of him.
Mr. Hopkins died about two years later. In 1644 we find Jonathan in Barnstable where he was on the list of those able to bear arms. In 1645 he was
one of four men forming the quota of Barnstable who with men from other towns went forth Aug. 15 in an expedition against the Narragansett
Indians. They returned Sept. 2 and were disbanded the next day.
April 11,1646 he married at Barnstable, MISS SARAH ROWLEY, daughter of Henry Rowley by his first wife Ann, who was widow of Thomas
Blossom and daughter of William Palmer, Sr., and his wife Frances. William Palmer came to Plymouth Colony in 1621 and in 1630 was one of the
original first settlers of Yarmouth. Both Blossom and Palmer were of the Pilgrim element. Ann Palmer married Thomas Blossom in England in 1615
and went with him to Leyden, Holland where they were a part of the Pilgrim settlement. In 1620 they came to Plymouth, England in the Speedwell
intending to take passage on the Mayflower for America; but for some reason found it impractical to do so and returned to Leyden, where they
formed a part of the Pilgrim group.
While in Leyden, Blossom held some correspondence with Gov. William Bradford of Plymouth Colony and in 1629 he and his wife and son came
to Plymouth, Mass. Blossom died soon after and Oct. 17, 1633 his widow married Henry Rowley as his first wife. Their first child was Sarah, who
at about the age of 13 married Jonathan Hatch. After his marriage, Jonathan lived for some years at West Barnstable.
Oct. 7, 1651 he and Samuel Hinkley, father of Governor Hinkley, were brought before the grand jury on a charge of hiring land from the Indians.
Not a very heinous offense it would seem now, but rather as an evidence of their energy and enterprise. But at that time it was felt that enterprises of
that kind should be discouraged as likely to lead to misunderstandings and trouble with the Indians.
In Feb. 24, 1652 he was appointed one of a commission that was to "choose and lay out a common highway between Plymouth and Sandwich,
according to your best judgment where you shall find it most convenient for the country's use," showing that at that time the Court had confidence in
his integrity and good judgment. This road was at that time one of the most important roads in the colony. But Jonathan found it difficult to suppress
his natural instinct for trading wherever he found it advantageous and Mar. 2, 1652 he was again before Grand Jury on a charge of "furnishing an
Indian with a gun, powder and shot."
It is probable that heretofore he had worked for others or had farmed land on shares and that he now felt he wanted and was entitled to land of his
own and that he applied to the town for a grant of land. At a town meeting held Oct. 27, 1653, it was "ordered that ye land measurers shall lay out
Jonathan Hatch land as they shall conceive most convenient for him and least prejudical to ye other inhabitants who are to have their lots laid out
afterwards." It is probable at that time there was no unallotted land except in the outskirts of the town, for his land was laid out to him in quite the
southeast part of the town, known at that time as "Sepneset on ye South Sea." (Now Lewis Bay.) The Indian name was Sepneset.
After his land had been laid out to him he went there and built a log house and on Oct. 7, 1654 moved there with his family. There were 50 acres of
upland and a parcel of marsh adjoining and 8 acres of meadow and some land on an island. Feb. 14, 1655 he had the grant of his land recorded and
at the same time, probably in answer to questions, expressed his satisfaction of the division of the lands. All that part of the town was then an
unbroken wilderness inhabited only by Indians.The wigwam of Paup-Mun-Muche, Chief of the Massapees was only a mile away. There were no
white settlers within several miles of him for several years. Rather a dreary and dangerous situation one would think. But it was characteristic of the
man that no difficulties or dangers daunted him. It is not known that he had any trouble with the Indians during all the time he resided there. He was
friendly with them, traded with them and treated them well. That he was able to get and retain the good will of these wild denizens of the wilderness
speaks well for his courage, tact, and good sense. If by his conduct
towards them he had excited their hostility they could have done him much harm.
At this time oysters were abundant in the waters near Jonathan's residence at Sepneset and many barrels of them were annually pickled by him and
his family and sent to market. The shells of the oysters were burned in kilns into quick lime of a superior quality and for many years all the lime
used for building purposes was manufactured from the shells of oysters at this place. Some time subsequent to the grant of his land at Sepneset he
sold one-half his farm (probably an undivided half interest) to Mr. Thomas Shaw. Whether Shaw came there to live does not appear but it would
seem not.
At first all the freemen of the Colony met annually at Plymouth in a General Court for transaction of the general business of the Colony. In 1638 a
representation of the towns by Deputies was adopted. In 1657 Jonathan took the oath of fidelity, which, as the head of a family and a taxpayer
entitled him to vote for Deputies and any other town business though he was not yet a freeman. He was made freeman later. It was well known that
Jonathan had the good sense to be on friendly terms with the Indians. Perhaps it was sometimes thought he was too friendly with them. In June,
1658 it was proved in Court that an Indian named Repent had threatened to shoot Gov. Prence on his return from Plymouth. Jonathan was also in
Court at the same time on suspicion that he had "justified" Repent; but of this there was no proof and he was by the Court admonished and released.
The vacant lands in his vicinity were not being settled upon and it is evident Jonathan did not find here in this isolated locality the opportunities to
satisfy his enterprising spirit. In the summer of 1659 he went in search of more promising prospects to Martha's Vineyard and elsewhere. It was
about this time that an old Indian Chief, Notantico by name, knowing that Jonathan was a good friend of the Indians and that he was looking for
land, freely gave him a tract on that neck of land between Woods Hole and Buzzards Bay, about two or three miles southwest of the present village
of Falmouth. Jonathan did not go there to live. It was too far away from even the nearest settlement with no prospect of others coming there for a
good while. Years afterwards Jonathan remembered this gift and claimed it as we shall see.

June 7, 1659
"Liberty to view and purchase a tract at Succonnesset and arrange with the Indians for the same" was granted to six men from Barnstable and one
from Sandwich. These men apparently did nothing towards making the purchase; but it served to direct attention to the place and Jonathan may have
gone there prospecting. Succonnessett was the Indian name of the place meaning in their language the place of the black clam shells, which were
found there in abundance. It was on the sea shore southwest of Barnstable, near Woods Hole.

Mar. 5, 1660
"Liberty to purchase land at Succonnesset and adjacent" was granted by the Colony Court to another and different company of seven men, John
Howe, Anthony Annabel, Nathaniel Thomas, Samuel Fuller, Abraham Pierce, Peter Blossom and Isaac Robinson. Isaac Robinson was son of John
Robinson, the Leyden preacher and a friend of Jonathan Hatch. June 4, 1660 were added to the above purchasers of Succonnesset and places
adjacent, Samuel Hinkley, Henry Cobb, John Jenkins, who were of the company which applied June 7, 1659 and Mathew Fuller, John Cooper and
John Dunham, all of Barnstable and William Nelson and Thomas Burman (now Bowerman) of Plymouth.
The purchase was made of Qua-cha-tis-set and other Sachems of the Succonnesset and Massapee tribe of Indians.

Here seemed to be the promising prospect that Jonathan was in search of. Here he could be in the midst of things and a part of it. Just what day and
month the purchase by the Company was consummated does not appear but that same year (1660) Jonathan Hatch and Isaac Robinson went there
and built each of them a log house; whether before or after the purchase by the Company is not known but probably after and that they had the
permission of the Company.
Land could not be purchased of the Indians except by permission of the Colony Court and as the Court had already permitted the purchase by a
company it seems unlikely they would grant permission to purchase a part of the same land to an individual. It is improbable permission would have
been granted previous to the purchase by the company for the Colony laws required that no settlement be made remote from a place of public
worship unless the settlers be strong enough to support a minister of the Gospel. Barnstable was the nearest place of public worship about 15 miles
Jonathan built his house on or near that narrow neck of land between Fresh and Salt ponds (see map) about a half mile south or southwest of the
present village of Falmouth.
Robinson built his a little further south. They probably moved there with their families soon after they built their houses though no precise date is
known. Jonathan placed his family and goods on a small skiff and sailed away down the coast till they came to Salt Pond, entering which, they sailed
up to the neck where they landed. Jonathan Hatch and Isaac Robinson were the first white settlers in Succonnesset, now Falmouth.
Jonathan's son Moses was the first white child born there-named Moses it is said because so many bullrushes grew near his father's house.

May 27, 1661
Jonathan and Mr. Shaw sold their farm at Sepneset to Mr. John Thompson who sold about 1674 to John Lovet some of whose descendants still
hold the old Hatch farm. Nov. 29, 1661 the proprietors or purchasers of Succonnesset held a meeting which extended to Dec. 3rd following, and
agreed upon an allotment of lands. The meeting appears to have been held at Jonathan Hatch's house so that they might view the land and make an
equitable allotment. The land by the Herring Brook was to be "in general." Each of the proprietors was allotted about 80 acres. Commencing at the
sea shore as a base these lots ran straight back into the interior. Nine of them were l6 rods broad,
three were 17 rods broad, two were 8 8 1/2 rods broad and one (that to Isaac Robinson) was 18 rods broad. These lots were just east of the Herring
Pond and the lines of the lots were to run to "the same point of the compass as Jonathan Hatch's 80 acres upon the sea," showing that Jonathan had
his farm there of 80 acres previous to this first allotment. He probably selected and laid out his land soon after he moved there and it was not by his
house, but by the sea. For the better accommodation of all some other small allotments of 4 to 8 acres were made and "Jonathan Hatch and Isaac
Robinson because they have built their houses shall have their lots by their houses, that is to say Jonathan Hatch to have 10 acres by his house, lying
against the neck, leaving a sufficient way into the neck; and Isaac Robinson shall have 4 acres by his house and 8 acres next adjoining Jonathan
Hatches." Apparently upon second thought "because we questioned
whether we should get water on These lots we laid out 4 acres to a share along by the pond ***a sufficient way to be left along by the pond side
above or below the houses." What pond this was is not stated.

It was "also agreed that the proprietors shall not keep above 20 head of cattle each upon the great neck for a share." This great neck was probably
that land by the Herring Brook which was to be be "in general" and used in common by all as pasturage. Again "we have laid out 20 acres to a share
next to Jonathan Hatches ground abutting upon the sea and running 200 rods towards the woods. This work is now concluded and the agreement
signed I)ec. 3, 1661." Jonathan Hatch is one of the signers.
Jonathan Hatch's father died in Barnstable in 1661 and Mar. 3, 1662 Jonathan and his sister Lydia, who married Henry TayIor Dec. 19, 1650
applied for and were granted letters of administration upon their father's estate by the Plymouth Colony Court. Isaac Robinson and Thomas Ewer
were appointed to make an inventory and appraisal of the estate which they did May 27 and it was sworn to by the widow.
The new settlement at Succonnesset not being strong enough at that time to stand alone it was ordered bv the Court in Mar. 1663 "that Succonnesset
shall for the present belong to Barnstable."

The first purchase of land at Succonnesset by the original company in 1660 was probably not largely in excess of that allotted to the proprietors in
Nov. and Dec., 1661. Sometime subsequent to the first purchase the company obtained additional land; a tract extending along the seashore from
Woods Hole to Five Mile River and extending inland four or five miles, apparently completely surrounding the first purchase except on the sea side.
In July 1677 it was agreed to lay out additional lands of 60 acres to a share, also meadows. John lowland and Thomas Lathrop acting for the
company appointed Bernard Lumbert, William Gifford and John Smith a committee who laid out 12 strips or lots which were assigned to Moses
Rowley, Sr., Joseph Hull, Thomas Griffin, John Robinson, Samuel Tilley, Nathaniel Skiff, Thomas Johnson, William Gifford, Thomas Lewis, John
Jenkins, Jonathan Hatch, Sr., William Wicks or Weeks, and Thomas Ewer. There were also other 10 acre lots laid out to the same individuals. The
balance of the tract was held in common to be sold later to others. Jonathan Hatch and Isaac Robinson were appointed a committee to sell the lands
of those who did not wish to settle there.
It was about this time when settlement was extending and land was becoming valuable that Jonathan remembered the land the old Indian Chief had
given him some years before. The old Chief was not living then but his son remembered the gift and confirmed it by the following deed dated Jan.
15, 1679, signed by Job Notantico, Indian of Succonnesset.
"To all people to whom these presents may come, Job Notantico, son of Thomas Notantico, Indian of Succonnesset in the Govt. of New Plymouth,
sendeth greeting etc. Know ye that I, the said Job Notantico, understanding that my father, the said Notantico, Sachem, many years ago, about or
since the beginning of the Succonnesset Plantation, did freely and absolutely grant and give unto Jonathan Hatch, Sr.,
of the said Succonnesset all that tract or neck commonly called Woods Hole Neck, excepting a part which he, the said Notantico reserved for himself
which afterwards he exchanged with Succonnesset men and accepted in lieu thereof 40 acres at little Sipperwisset, with liberty to cut sticks and wood
in the commons. The fins and tails, whales cast ashore to be mine, etc."
This deed was witnessed by Shearjashub Bourne and Bathsheba Bourne and acknowledged by Job Notantico, alias Attuckoo, before Thomas
Hinkley, Assistant.
There was preaching at Succonnesset-often at the house of Jonathan Hatch-but there was no regular church organization till the autumn of 1708. The
business meetings of the proprietors were held more often at his house than elsewhere. When strangers arrived they were often entertained at
Jonathan Hatch's till his house became a place of public entertainment for travelers and others and was finally licensed as such with the privilege of
selling liquor for their use. When any of Jonathan's good friends among the Indians were present it was doubtless a little difficult for him to refuse
them a little "fire water." June 7, 1670 he was fined L3 for selling them liquor; but knowing the Indians as he did it is not likely he gave them enough
to make them dangerous.
Shortly after King Phillip's War Jonathan Hatch bought of Capt. Church three Indians, a man, wife and child, probably prisoners, many of whom
were taken near the close of the war, for the apparent purpose of liberating them. June 3, 1679 Jonathan and the brothers of the woman appeared in
Court where it was agreed that "for L6 the man and woman should be released and the child should remain with Goodman Hatch till 24 years of age
and then be released forever."
In Colonial times the local Inn or Tavern often became the Civic Center of the community and excepting the meeting house was the most frequented
place in town and the tavern keeper the best informed man in the community. People flocked there to learn not only the local gossip but the news of
the outside world from travelers. When in June 4,1686 Succonnesset was detached from Barnstable and incorporated as a separate township and
given the name of Falmouth, Jonathan Hatch's public house was the logical place for holding town meetings for the transaction of town business and
all public affairs. From this time on Jonathan became more prominent in the affairs and business of the town. He was often engaged in running the
lines of lots, attending to the sale of lands and transfers of titles. Age and experience had toned down the fire and impetuosity of youth and he had
become an honored and respected citizen and a religious man.
June 24, 1690 he took the Freeman's oath and was admitted as a Freeman of the Colony at the County Court at Barnstable; which was something of
a distinction at that time as none but men of known probity and integrity and generally church members could attain to that honor.
Jonathan Hatch acquired a large land estate and was regarded as among the wealthy of those times. In his later years he became the venerable
patriarch of a large and esteemed family of children and grand children. He apparently gave away all his land to his children previous to his death as
shown by his will.


BirthSay 1621England
Arrival1633Dorchester, Massachusetts Bay, British America
MiscellaneousAbt 1635apprenticed to Lt. Richard Davenport - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British America
RemovedBy 1639Yarmouth, Barnstable, Plymouth, British America
RemovedBy 1641Barnstable, Plymouth, British America
Military22 Aug 1645 - 3 Sep 1645fighting an uprising of the Narragansett Indians - Seekonk, East Providence, Rhode Island, British America
Marriage11 Apr 1646Barnstable, Plymouth, British America - Sarah ROWLEY
RemovedBef 1655near Sepauisset Creek, Barnstable, Plymouth, British America
Property27 May 1661sold 58 acres of land to John Tompson - near Sepauisset Creek, Barnstable, Plymouth, British America
Removed1661building a house there - (now called Falmouth), Saconnesset, Plymouth, British America
OccupationAbt 1670innkeeper - Saconnesset, Plymouth, British America
Miscellaneous7 Jun 1670fined 3 pounds for selling liquor to Indians - Saconnesset, Plymouth, British America
Miscellaneous1679owned Indian slaves
Miscellaneous4 Jun 1686was noted as a founder of Falmouth when Saconesset was incorporated as Falmouth - Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Miscellaneous24 Jun 1690took oath of a freeman - Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Will15 Sep 1705Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Miscellaneous1710had accumulated a large landed estate and was ranked among the wealthiest
DeathDec 1710Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay, British America
DeathDec 1710Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
Burial1710the graveyard upon the west side of Fresh Pond in view of the sea, Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Probate4 Jan 1711Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Alt nameJonathan HATCH


SpouseSarah ROWLEY (1625 - 1710)
ChildMary HATCH (1648 - )
ChildThomas HATCH (1649 - )
ChildJonathan HATCH (1652 - )
ChildJoseph HATCH (1654 - 1737)
ChildBenjamin HATCH (1655 - )
ChildNathaniel HATCH (1657 - 1710)
ChildSamuel HATCH (1659 - 1718)
ChildMoses HATCH (1661 - )
ChildSarah HATCH (1663 - )
ChildMercy HATCH (1665 - )
ChildLydia HATCH (1669 - 1710)
FatherThomas HATCH (1596 - 1661)
MotherGrace [wife of Thomas Hatch] [UNKNOWN] (1605 - 1661)
SiblingLydia HATCH (1625 - )

