Individual Details

Thomas Brookes

(Abt 1792 - )

[Adkins lived next door to the land Thomas Brooks Senr deeded to his grandson. I think this marriage to Susanna Adkins is quite likely.] Bond by James Adkins. Azariah Graves witness.
A second marriage in Caswell County: Thomas Brookes to Huldath Mitchell on 28 May 1823 indicates possibly Susanna Adkins died young.

Caswell County Deed Book T, p. 205. 29 Nov 1819. Thomas Brooks Senr. to Thomas Brooks, Junr, son of Thomas Brooks, Junr. Dec'd. $400 a tract of land on the waters of the North fork of Moons Creek, adjacent Joseph Brackens, Williams Adkins. 170 acres. Test: Joseph Bracken, John Manly.

Deed Book T, p.207-208. Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Brooks Senr of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have & bear unto my beloved grand son Thos. Brooks only son of my son Thos. dec'd and for divers Other good causes & considerations we hereunto moving have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Thomas Brooks afore mentioned all and singular the good & chattels following. A Negro Woman Rachel, a Negro boy John do Negro boy Eller do Negro Girl Rachel. One Bed & furnitiure. all Stock Cattle Hogs and all other Articles thereunto belonging whereon he now resides to have hold and enjoy all and Singular the goods chattels and personal Estate aforesaid unto the Said Thomas Brooks his executors, Administrators and Assigns for ever and I the said Thomas Brooks Senr all and Singular the goods and chattles aforesaid to the said Thos. Brooks his Executors Administrators & Assigns against all persons Whatsover shall and will Warrant and for ever defend by these Presents. In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 10th day Decr. 1819. Thos. Brooks Senr.
Witnessed: Joseph Brackin, James Adkins.

1820 Caswell Co NC Census. Thomas Brooks, Junr on p.47. 1m -10; 1m 26-45 [Thomas]; 1f -10; 1f 16-26 [Susanna - married in 1816]. 3 Slaves.

Caswell DB V, p.207
6 Apr 1821 Thomas Brooks Jr to Richard Jones, for 10 sh, old negro woman Rachel, livestock, furniture, etc. to be held in trust for debt due Henry Cobb Esq of $120.57. Wit: Wm. B. Swift.
5 Jul 1821 George Williamson, sheriff to Henry Cobb, due to exection against Thomas Brooks Jr which was recovered by Solomon Graves & Son, dr $223, 170 acres adj Joseph Bracken. Ack in open court.
This seems to be the last time he is referred to as "Jr". Likely his grandfather died - he didn't appear to be in the 1820 census.

Caswell WB I, p.317
July Court 1824. Recived 20 Jul 1817 from Joseph Brackin, adm. in right of his wife, Jane Bracken of the personal estate of Thomas Brooks, Jun. dec'd. the sum of $500 in full share of estate of dec'd father, the said Thomas Brooks, Jun.
Signed: Thomas Brook, Jun. [actually the third Thomas, but his father was dec'd - his grandfather still living]
Test: Benj. C. West

1830 Caswell Co NC Census. p.310. 1m -5, 1m 10-15, 1m 30-40 [Thomas], 1f -5, 1f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 1f 30-40 [Susanna?] No Slaves listed.

Caswell DB CC, p.286
9 Jan 1836 Thomas Brooks in debt to Thomas Walker for $210 on note due Thomas W. Owen, to William Malone, for $1, 100 acres on S Hyco adj John Woods, Azariah Graves. Said deed made from Thomas W. Owen to Brooks on 6 Jan 1836. Wit: Wm Eskridge, James M. Lea, Thompson Neeley.

Caswell DB CC, p.315
6 Jan 1836 Thomas W. Owen to Thomas Brooks for $410, 100 acres on S Hyco adj. Jno Woods, heirs of William Owen dec'd, Azariah Graves, Isaac Vanhook, Eli Jones. Wit: Will A. Lea, Geo G. Lea

Later we seem to have a different Thomas Brooks, or possibly it's been a different man for several years.
There is a marriage bond in Person Co, for Thomas Brooks to Patsey Creder, 11 Jan 1816. The bondsman was John Bradsher; witness, Ira Lea. Since this wife is a Patsy [or probably Martha] and the Thomas Brooks in Caswell in 1850 was still married to a Martha, one would be inclined to think this cannot be Thomas Brookes & Mary Balcknall's grandson.

There is a Thomas Brooks in the 1840 census. 1m under 5, 1m 10-15, and 1m age 50-60; 1f under 5, 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, 1f 30-40.

Then there is a Thomas Brooks in 1850 in Caswell; household 930. He was 60, born in Virginia, a farmer, only $615 worth of real estate. Martha, age 52, born in Caswell Co. Nicy age 27, no birthplace given. Mtchell, age 21, farmer, b. Person Co. Ann, age 15, b. Caswell; William 13, b. Caswell. Manervia McKissick? age 3, mulatto, b. Person Co.

The will of Thomas Brooks, Caswell Co, was written 31 Mar 1855. He gave to his wife Martha his tract of land of 237 acres and all plantation tools and household goods during her natural life or widowhood. Son William Brooks when he reaches age 21, to receive a $75 horse and good saddle and bridle. At the death of his wife, if either or both of the daughters, Nicy and Mary Ann are single, they are have $100, and then come in for equal shares with the rest of the lawful heirs. Martha appointed executor. Signed with his mark. Wit: Charles G. Russell, Byrd D. Paylor.


BirthAbt 1792Caswell County, North Carolina
Marriage24 Dec 1816Caswell County, North Carolina - Susanna Adkins


SpouseSusanna Adkins ( - )
FatherThomas Brookes Jr. (1768 - 1793)
MotherJane "Jenny" Flippin (1775 - 1838)
SiblingMary "Polly" Brookes (1793 - )
