Individual Details

William Price

(3 Sep 1730 - 1815)

Goochland DB 6, p.32 23 Sep 1749 John Price for love & affection to my son William Price after my decease. Tract whereon I now live ...330 acres, slaves Isam, Jack, Nan. After decease of my loving wife Hannah Price to sd son William a Negro man Job and Woman, Jenny, Woman Moll, Girl Edom. Signed: John (X) Price
Witness: Wm Street, Robt Willis Junr, Ellender Willis.
Also 2 feather beds, 3 iron pot, dishes, etc. Rec. 21 Nov 1749

Goochland DB 7; p.31 5 Jul 1755. Wm Price & Susanna his wife to John Bibb. 30£ 71 acres being part of tract by deed from John Price to his son William Price. Robt Willis's; Watson's tract; line of the sd John Bibbs. Signed: William Price, Susanna (X) Price. Wit: John Hughes, William Barnett, Richd Barnett
Susannah relinquished. 16 Sep 1755

In 1757, William and Susannah of Goochland for 100#'s bought 186 acres in Goochland from Samuel & Elizabeth Shepherd of Henrico Co. The land was bounding on John Watson, Richard Loving, Samuel Ligon and William Wade. Wit: Robert Willis, Leonard Henley and John Crow. [Goochland DB 7, p.151, #7645026, Img 340]. William Price and Elizabeth Shepherd were brother and sister.] In 1769, William & Susannah Price sold this same 186 acres to John Williamson.

Goochland Deed Book 8, p.34, #7645026, Img 470
26 May 1759 William Price to John Shapard for 100#'s. 186 acres on tuckahoe Creek, bounded by Turkey Creek, John Watson, Richard Loving, Samuel Liggins, William Wade. signed: William Price, Suzannah (X) Price. Wit: Edmond Alley, Richard Loving, Richd Clayton. Ack by William Price 18 Sep 1759; Susannah relinquished dower.

Henrico Co VA Deed Book 1767-1774, p.657 [FHS #7645097, img 387]
6 Oct 1760 William Price, son of John, to John Miller - both of Henrico Co for 150#'s, 100 acres on Deep Run; adj Richard Cottrell, Edward Pryor and Christopher John Thomas. Wit: Christopher John Thomas, Nathaniel Lancaster, Samuel Childers Signed William Price, Susannah, wife of William Price, relinquished dower.
Tidewater Virginia Families, Vol 10, #2; Aug-Sep 2001, p.123

Goochland Deed Book 8, p.151, #7645026, img 529,
21 July 1761. John Shapard and wife Ann of Goochland to William Price. 100#'s, 186 acres in Goochland - same land Price sold to Shapard. Turkey Branch, John Watson's line, Richd Lovings' line, Saml. Ligons lin, Willm Wades' line. Signed: John Shapard, Anne (X) Shapard. Wit: George Chowning, Radol Rowntree, Thomas Hubbard. 21 Jul 1761 Acknowledge by Shapard; Anne examined.

Goochland Deed Book 10, p.11, #7645027, Img 167
September 1769. William and Susannah Price of Goochland to John Williams. 100#'s. 186 acres on Turkey Branch, William Prices own line, William Wades line, Samuel Liggins line, Richard Lovings line, John Watson's line. signed: William Price, Susannah (X) Price. wit: Pleasant Willis, Giles Harding, Anderson Peers, Stoakes McCaul. Ack 19 Mar 1770.

Henrico Co VA Deed Book 1767-1774, p.211
27 Nov 1769 Samuel Liggon of Henrico to John Williams of Goochland for £60, 200 acres adj William Wade, David Gwine, William Harlow, Richard Loving, and William Price. Wit: Pleasant Willis, William Price, William (X) Liggon. Signed: Samuel (x) Liggon. Rec.7 May 1770.

On 22 Aug 1776 William Price purchased land from Mark Harden in Pittsylvania Co VA. They did not go there to live at that time, but were apparently in Louisa Co.

VA Land Patent, Grants A, p.200 27 Jan 1779. William Price, Louisa Co. 110 acres on branches of Fork Creek.

Goochland DB 13
p.86 19 Aug 1780 William Price & Susanna his wife to Matthew Vaughan. 2800£. In fee simple, 400 acres whereon the said Price and his wife now live. Bounded by Pleasant Miller, Daniel Wade, said Prices. Stephen Giles Letchers line; Joseph Watsons line; Loving's fence, his line; John Williams spring branch; Signed: William Price, Susanna (+) Price. Wit: Shipply Broaddus, John Pryor, George (+) Hancock.
20 Nov 1780. Proved by oaths of witnesses.

Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists, 1782. William Price, 600 acres.
In 1783, he is listed as having received 1250 acres from Charles Burton. He also sold 100 acres to John Prewatt. In 1784 he sold 500 acres to Joseph Tomberlin.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 7
p.201 15 Jan 1784 Charles Burton of Pittsy and William Price of Louisa County 1000£ Tract on Dry Fork of Sandy Creek of Dan River. 300 acres. Hughes line, John Tomlins line, Halls line. One other parcel on branches of Sandy River 352 acres. Evens Stokes line, Roberts line, pine in sd Burtons former line near Piggs Road, Billings old line. Another parcel both sides of Sandy Creek of Dan River containing ?600 acres [cut off by edge of page]. Rockey Branch, Hughes & Winbush lines, Quinns line, on the main county Road, Roses line, Stokes line. Signed: Charles Burton
17 Feb 1784 Ack by Charles Burton
[Charles Burton probably a kinsman of Susannah. Did he encourage the Prices to move?]
Unrecorded Deed as listed in the book, LOUISA CO RECORDS YOU PROBABLY NEVER SAW OF 18TH CENTURY VIRGINIA, compiled by John C. Bell, 1983.
p.58/13-14 of original] William Price to John Price 3 Oct 1784. John was son of Wm. Wit: Robt George, Benja. Mosby, Nanthl. Burton, Chas. Burton. Proved by Mosby & Burton, May 1785.

Louisa Co VA Deed Books E & F 1774-1790; Rosalie Edith Davis
p.47; DB E, p. 204 26 Nov 1786 William Price Senr & Susanna his wife of Pittsylvania Co to Benjamin Cranshaw of Louisa for #600. 845 acres Trinity Parish on Pamunka River; Capt Wm Meriwethers corner, Clarks corner, capt Meriwethers to the county line, on the line, Clarks line, Diggs line, Diggs formerly Francis Clarks line, to Joseph Clarks corner. Signed: William Price, Susanna (X) Price
Wit: Wm Price Jr, Susannah Price, Nathl Burton
8 Jan 1787 proved by Nathl Burton. 11 Jun 1787, proved by William Price Jr & Susanna Price
p.98 DB F, p.455 1 May 1789 William Price Senr of Pittsylvania to Wm Price Junr of Trinity Parish, Louisa. Wm. Price Senr & Susannah his wife for #100. 200 acres on Roundabout Crk, Stephen Hunters line, along a new line made by John & William Price to the schoolhouse path & Anderson Parrishes line to Edmond Humphreys to Stephen Hunters line. Signed: William Price. Wit: Athanasius Barnett, Joseph Purkins, John Price. 13 Jul 1789 proved by Purkins. 10 Aug 1789, proved by John Price & affirmed by Atha. Barnett.

On 3 Oct 1784, William Price of the Parish of Trinity, Louisa County gave to his well beloved son John Price and heirs forever half the tract whereon he now lives, being bounded by Anderson Parrishes line, land formerly William Cannon's, Richard Johnson, Garth formerly Stathams, Stephen Hunter's, Edmund Farr's, William ?Humphrey, Edmund Humphry. The land to be the lower end of the tract. Signed: Wm Price. Wit: Robert George, Benja. Mosby, Nathaniel Burton, Chas. Burton. Clerk's notation: May 1785, ordered to be recorded. [Unrecorded original deed at Louisa Court House.]

By 26 Nov 1786, William Price Sr and wife Susannah were living in Pittsylvania Co. They sold 845 acres in Louisa Co on Pamunkey River in Trinity Parish to Benjamin Crenshaw of Louisa. Adj Capt Merriwether, Smith, Green's formerly Joseph Clark, Digg, and Francis Clark [Pittsylvania DB 4, p.368]

Pittsylvania DB 7
p.523 17 oct 1785 William & Ann Quin to William Price Senr. 100£. Camden Parish, 153 acres. Billing's line. Signed: William (W) Quin, Ann (X) Quin. Wit: William Price Junr, James Robison, John Adams.
17 Oct 1785 Ack & Ann Quin relinquished dower.

Pittsylvania DB 8
?p.142 17 Sep 1787 John Tomblin Senr & Mary his wife and Jasper Tomblin & Ailsey his wife to William Price. Sum of 150£. 270 acres on Sandy Creek of Dan River. Begin North fork of said Sandy in sd Tomlins line, crossing the north fork of the said creek, crossing the South fork.
Signed: John (X)Tomberling, Jasper (X) Tomberling, Ailcey (X) Tomberling.
Wit: John May, Daniel Price, Cutbird Price.
18 Feb 1788 proved by witnesses
15 Jun 1789 Geo. Adams to Wm Price Senr. 40£. Tract in Pittsylvania. S. side Sandy Creek. Thomas Doake's line. 40 acres. Frances Ross purchased of Charles Burton to gether with the land & plantation that said Ross formerly lived on containing in the whole 100 acres. Signed: Geo. Adams
Wit: D. Price, Robert Price, Maraday Price.
20 Apr 1789, proved by oaths of witnesses

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 9
p.36 18 Mar 1791 William Price to William May. For love & Good will to Francis Rose and Mary, do give one certain tract of land. 240 acres in Pittsy. Magruders line, Smiths & Davisons line, along Davisons line & Quinns line to red oak in Adkinsons line, Rosses line. I William Price have freely given the aforesd land to Francis Rosse and Rosse to William Maye. Signed: Wm Price. Teste: Daniel Price, Maraday Price, Cutbird Price
18 Jul 1791 Proved by witnesses & ordered recorded
p.39 5 Mar 1791 Hezekiah Smith to William Price. 20£. Tract on Sandy Creek 40 acres. Evans Stokes' line; Burtons former line; down the branch as it meanders to Sandy Crk then down the Crk to Stokes line. Signed: Hezekiah Smith. Wit: Daniel Price, Maraday Price, Cutburd Price. Proved by witnesses on 18 Jul 1791.
p.41 18 Mar 1791 Francis Rose to Robert Price. 50£ pd by William Price. Tract of 112 acres on Waters of Sandy River. Begin Billings line. Francis Rose & Priscilla his wife. Signed: Francis (X) Rose, Priscilla (X) Rose. Wit: Daniel Price, Marady Price, Cutburd Price. Proved by witnesses 18 Jul 1791.

Pittsylvania Co Va DB 11
p.258 9 Apr 1798 William Price and Susanna Price his wife of Pittsylvania to Christopher Roberts. $764. 382 acres. Begin white oak stump on Sandy Creek in Faulkners line, down the branch to Sandy Creek, crossing the Creek Signed: William Price, Susanna (x) Price Wit: Cutbird Price, Washington Thompson, Major Price 16 Apr 798 proved by witnesses.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.20 21 Aug 1799 Matthew Clay to George Shelton. 73$. Tract on Sandy Crk branch of Barister River. 73a part of tract sold by Henry Fox & Kitty his wife of Gloucester Co 20 Jun 1799. Signed: M. Clay Wit: David Allin, William Price Junr, William Price Senr, John Price, James (x) Mading 21 Oct 1799 ack by Matthew Clay

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 13
p.22 30 Apr 1802 Cuthbert Hudson & Peter Goodwin to George Shelton & William Price. Two acres. 20sh. South side of Piny branch.. Proved by witnesses.
This deed could be William Senr or Junr

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.365 7 Jun 1805 James Fowlkes to William Price. 22£ 16sh. Tract South side Sandy Crk 18 12 acres Begin Price's at a branch, with his line, to Sandy Creek and up the same to the mouth of a Branch. Signed: James Fowlkes, Sally Fowlkes. Wit: Adin Gray, Cutbird Price, Christopher Robertson. 15 Jul 1805 Ack by James & Sally and Sally relinq dower.
This deed could be William Senr or Junr

p.467 26 Nov 1805 William Irby to William Price Senr [Sandy Creek of Sandy River].Lands sold by Tax Collector at Publick Sale, Lewis Tucker. Land bounded by the said William Price, Geo Robertson, James Fowlkes. 91 acres. 20£. Signed: Wm. Irby 16 Dec 1805, ack by William Irby

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 16
p.399 31 Jul 1809 William Quinn and Ann his wife to Cutbird Price. 120 #'s. 205 acres. Begin Adkinsons corner, Berry lines, Wilsons lines, Wilsons Spring Branch. Signed: William Quinn, Ann Quinn. Wit: John Conner, Richard G. Keatts, William Price, John Fowlks. 21 Aug 1809, acknowledged. Ann examined privily.
This deed could be William Senr or Junr

William Price's will was dated 4 Dec 1809 and made in Pittsylvania Co. He stated previous gifts to children. Cutbird to receive the land where he was living, 220 acres, and a parcel bounded the the old Path, the Rocky Branch, and Adkinsons line - 40 acres. Son-in-law William McDaniel $1. The rest of the estate for maintenance of wife Susannah Price, to be distributed by her as she wished. Sons Daniel, Maraday, and Major to be Executors. Signed: William Price. Wit: James Matney, Leroy Shelton, Adin Gray and Joseph Talor. Proved 20 Nov 1815.

There were possibly two more daughters but no definite proof is known. A Joyce Price married 14 Feb 1805 William Soyars of Pittsylvania Co VA. Hannah Price said to have been named in a court suit resulting from the indenture of Susannah Price in 1815 - this paper has not been located. Neither of these possible daughters were listed in the family Bible record. I would strongly suspect that these are daughter of a son, quite likely son William.


Birth3 Sep 1730Henrico County, Virginia
Marriage29 Mar 1752Henrico County, Virginia - Susannah Burton
Death1815Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseSusannah Burton (1738 - 1815)
ChildSarah Price (1754 - )
ChildSusannah Price (1756 - )
ChildElizabeth Price (1758 - 1843)
ChildJohn Price (1760 - 1824)
ChildWilliam Price (1762 - )
ChildCuthbert Price (1764 - )
ChildDaniel Price (1766 - )
ChildRobert Price (1768 - )
ChildMeredith Price (1770 - 1816)
ChildMolly Price (1772 - )
ChildNancy Price (1774 - 1809)
ChildPatsy Price (1776 - )
ChildMajor Price (1779 - 1829)
FatherJohn Price IV (1690 - 1751)
MotherHannah Williamson (1698 - )
SiblingDaniel Price (1718 - 1801)
SiblingJohn Price V (1720 - 1772)
SiblingMary Price ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Price ( - )
