Individual Details

Edward Bowne

(6 May 1870 - )

Standing in the front rank of the prominent business men and public-spirited citizens of Cloverport, Breckinridge county, is Edward Bowne, whose activities have contributed in large measure to the business welfare of that place. He was born at Mt. Holly, Burlington county, New Jersey, on the 6th of May, 1870, and is descended from sterling old English ancestry, the progenitor of the family in this country having been Thomas Bowne, who came from Derbyshire, England, to Boston in 1645. He was a widower and brought with him a son, John, and a daughter, Dorothy, another daughter remaining in England. Among his descendants was Edward Bowne, who was born at Flushing, Long Island, in the old Bowne house, which was built in 1645 and is still preserved by the Bowne family and is visited by many sightseers. Edward Bowne followed farming in New Jersey, his death occurring near Columbus, Burlington county. He was a whig in politics and a Quaker in his religious faith. He married a Miss Woodward, who was born in Burlington county and died near Mt. Holly, New Jersey. Among their children was Edward L. Bowne, who was born on the Bowne farm near Columbus, New Jersey, in 1842, and died near Mt. Holly, August 21, 1884. He was a farmer by vocation, a member of the Quaker church and a democrat in politics. He married Miss Marietta Deacon, who was born near Burlington, New Jersey, and died at the home of a daughter in Chester, Pennsylvania, October 1, 1916. She was a daughter of Henry C. and Elizabeth (Stokes) Deacon, both of whom were born near Burlington, the father dying there, while the mother died at the home of a daughter at Mt. Holly.
Edward Bowne secured his early education in the Lane school in South Hampton township, New Jersey, after which he took a commercial course in the Bryant & Stratton Business College, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He devoted his attention to farming for about one year and in 1890 went to Parkersburg, West Virginia, where he obtained a position as clerk in the wholesale grocery house of C. C. Martin & Company. He was a traveling salesman for that concern for thirteen years and in April, 1905, arrived at Cloverport, Kentucky, and became associated in business with the late E. S. Moore, of Parkersburg, West Virginia; the late A. H. Murray, of Huntington, West Virginia; C. A. Crary, of Huntington, and Claude Murray, of Williamson, West Virginia. He and Mr. Moore had a half interest in the business when it was incorporated and eventually they bought the interests of the other partners and made it a partnership affair, under the name of the Murray Roofing Tile Company. The business was conducted under that name until Mr. Moore's death, when, on July 1, 1926, it was incorporated as the Murray Tile Company, of which Mr. Bowne is a director, president and general manager. This has been a very successful enterprise and is now one of the leading concerns of Cloverport. Mr. Bowne is also a director and president of the Breckinridge Bank, of Cloverport. He is a man of up-to-date and progressive methods and has shown ripe judgment in the management of his business interests.
On December 15, 1906, Mr. Bowne was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth W. Jarboe, who was born at Skillman, Kentucky, May 22, 1878, and is a daughter of John C. and Artelia (Sterett) Jarboe. Her father was born at Skillman, July 5, 1848, and died in Cloverport, January 30, 1921. He was the owner of a large farm, which he operated in partnership with A. B. Skillman for forty-three years, and was also a director of the Breckinridge Bank. Fraternally he was a Mason, a democrat in politics and an adherent of the Baptist church, being liberal in his gifts to all worthy causes. He was a son of George Madison and Malinda (Richie) Jarboe, of whom the former was born in Breckinridge county, February 15, 1823, and died at Skillman, May 6, 1897. He was a farmer, was an adherent of the Baptist church and supported the democratic party. His wife was born in Breckinridge county, November 29, 1823, and died at Skillman, February 12, 1917. She was a descendant of William Hardin, a noted Indian fighter and the settler of "Hardin's Port," now Hardinsburg, Kentucky. George Madison Jarboe was a son of Jared and Elizabeth (Jefferson) Jarboe, of whom the former was born April 13, 1793, in Maryland, of Catholic parents who came to this country from France during the religious persecutions in that country and settled in Maryland. Jared Jarboe died July 1, 1852. His wife was born on her father's estate on the James river in Virginia, and died in July, 1852, she and her husband dying during the cholera epidemic. She was said to have been a niece of Thomas Jefferson. Artelia Sterett was born in Skillman, Kentucky, August 5, 1857, and died in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Newsome, in Cloverport, July 2, 1924. She was a daughter of Baird and Elizabeth Perkins (Haynes) Sterett. The father, who was born in Hardinsburg, Breckinridge county, January 31, 1819, and died at Skillman, this state, April 4, 1885, was a farmer by occupation, served as justice of the peace, was a member of the Baptist church and supported the democratic party. His wife was born in Breckinridge county, April 11, 1827, and died here January 6, 1889. Baird Sterett was a son of John and Sallie (DeHaven) Sterett, of whom the former was a native of Virginia and died in Hancock county, Kentucky, where he had devoted himself to the vocation of farming. He was a democrat and served as sheriff of Breckinridge county, was in the War of 1812 and was wounded at River Raisin. He was also sent to the state legislature and while a member of that body Hancock county was created, he naming it in honor of John Hancock. His wife, who was born November 27, 1787, and died September 27, 1843, was a daughter of Edward DeHaven, a Revolutionary patriot, after whom Edward DeHaven Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at Cloverport, was named.
Mrs. Bowne graduated from the Cloverport high school in 1896 and has taken an active interest in church, club and social affairs of her community. She is a member of the Baptist church, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Ladies' Reading Club and the Parent-Teachers' Association. She gives her political support to the democratic party. Mr. and Mrs. Bowne are the parents of four children: Mary Artelia, born on February 3, 1910, new a senior in the Cloverport high school; Elizabeth E., born on June 20, 1914; Anna Deacon, born on September 8, 1916, and Edward, Jr., born on September 28, 1919. Mr. Bowne is nominally a democrat, but is independent in his voting. He is a member of Mount Olivet Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M., of Parkersburg, West Virginia, and Osiris Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Wheeling, West Virginia, and belongs to the Cliff Lake Club. He gives his support to the Baptist church and is deeply interested in the welfare of the community, being a member of the graded school board of Cloverport. A man of kindly and generous impulses, cordial and friendly in manner and true and loyal in all of life's relations, he is held in the highest esteem by all who know him.


Birth6 May 1870Mount Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey
Marriage15 Dec 1906Elizabeth W. Jarboe


SpouseElizabeth W. Jarboe (1878 - )
ChildMary Artelia Bowne (1910 - )
ChildElizabeth E. Bowne (1914 - )
ChildAnna Deacon Bowne (1916 - )
ChildEdward Bowne Jr. (1919 - )
FatherEdward L. Bowne (1842 - 1884)
MotherMarietta Deacon ( - 1916)
