Individual Details

S. John Warren

(1776 - 19 Jun 1863)
S. John Warren was born in Virginia in 1776 and moved to Kentucky with his family following the American Revolution. He married Cassandra Gentry, daughter of Richard Gentry on November 1, 1806 in Madison, Kentucky. They were the parents of Willey, Reubin, Charles, Sarah, Cassie, Isom J. and Susanna. After the death of his first wife, S. John Warren married Sarah Robinson in Tennessee and soon thereafter moved his family to Limestone County, Alabama. While in Alabama the following children were born to S. John and Sarah: William D., John F., Sarah, Napoleon Bonaparte, Melinda and George W. Following some of his older sons, S. John moved his family to Itawamba County about 1840 where two more children were born. They were Alex and Manerva. S. John owned a sizeable farm northeast of Fulton on Dulaney Branch. S. John's son, Charles, was elected the first sheriff of Itawamba County in 1836 and the Warren family served Itawamba County by holding several public offices throughout the years. S. John Warren died on September 19, 1863 and was buried in a small family plot on his farm.
S. John Warren's Will
In the name of God Amen
I, S. John Warren of the County of Itawamba and State of Mississippi being of sound disposing mind, memory and understanding and knowing the uncertainty of human life do make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all other and former wills by me made towit:
Art. 1st: I direct that my body be decently interred and that my funeral be conducted in a manner to correspond with my age and circumstances in life
Art. 2nd: As to the worldly estate it has pleased God to intrust me with, I will and desire that it be disposed of as follows towit:
Art. 3rd: I direct that my debts and funeral expenses be paid out of the first money which may come into the hands of my executor hereinafter appointed belonging to my estate as soon after my death as practicable.
Art. 4th: I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Warren during her natural life a Negro slave named George and his wife Mary and their four children named Reuben and Elizabeth, Jacob and Eli. All my blacksmith tools, farming tools sufficient to cultivate as much land as will be necessary for the support of herself and family. Also one yoke of oxen and one wagon, one horse or mare, two cows and calves, ten head of pork hogs and ten heard of stock hogs. Also the cleared land that may be n ecessary to cultivate for a support for herself and family said land to be selected by my said wife. Also all of my household and kitchen furniture. All of said property hereby bequeathed to be owned, enjoyed and controled by my said wife for and during her natural life or widowhood, but after her death or marriage, I direct that my executors take possession of all of said property with its increase and dispose of it as the balance of my property hereinafter directed.
Art. 5th: I will and bequeath to my children an equal share of my estate and to my grandchilren the distributive share of their mothers or fathers after deducting the amounts which each of my children have received from me as an advance which I charge as follows (towit)
(1) Milly Savage the sum of two hundred and fifty eight dollars (2) Reuben Warren the sum of two hundred and eighty three dollars (3) Charles Warren the sum of two hundred dollars (4) Sarah Guyton the sum of two hundred and sixty seven dollars (5) Cassey Hankins the sum of one hundred and fifty eight dollars (6) Isom J. Warren the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars (7) Susanna Barnes the sum of two hundred and seventy dollars (8) W.D. Warren the sum of three hundred and seventy dollars (9) John F. Warren the sum of six hundred thirteen and 75/100 dollars (10) Lucinda Watson the sum of four hundred and seventy five dollars (11) N.B. Warren the sum of one hundred dollars (12) Malinda Jones the sum of one hundred and forty dollars (13) G.W. Warren the sum of one hundred dollars (14) Alexander Warren the sum of one hundred dollars (15) Minerva Warren the sum of seventy dollars
Art. 6th: I will and direct that all my property both real and personal be taken in hand by my executors and disposed of by them as a majority of these may agree upon and should they fail to agree then a disinterested free holder may be called in who shall determine the manner of disposing of my said estate
Art. 7th: I will and direct that if my executors shall sell my said estate and any of my legal heirs hall purchase a larger amount of property than will be due them, that they have five y ears to pay the surplus provided they secure the payment of the same with good security at legal rate of interest
Art. 8th: I hereby constitute, nominate and appoint Charles Warren, Isom J. Warren, William D. Warren and N.B. Warren executors to this my last will and testament hereby enjoining it upon my said executors to see that no one of my said heirs shall have any part of the labor or proceeds of labor of the slaves bequeathed to my said wife until after her death or marriage.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 22nd day of November AD 1862.
S. John Warren
Signed and sealed in the presence of
Wm. Patton
Wm. H. Moore
Eli Phillips

The State of Mississippi
Itawamba County
Probate Court September Term 1863
The petitioning of Charles Warren, Isom J. Warren, William D. Warren and N.B. Warren who are citizens of Itawamba County would respectfully represent to the court that on or about the 19th day of September 1863, that S. John Warren who was a citizen at the time of his death ... that he died siezed of an estate real and personal ... worth about Fifteen Thousand dollars ...
The State of Mississippi
Itawamba County
Received this the 16th day of March 1864 of N.B. Warren, executor of S. John Warren, deceased, $60.96 in full of his Taxes for the fiscal year 1863 on the following property, viz:
13 slaves
NW 1/4 Section 11, Township 9 South, Range 9 East
SE 1/4 Section 11 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
NE 1/4 Section 1 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
NE 1/4 Section 2 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
SW 1/4 Section 2 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
SE 1/4 Section 17 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
NE 1/4 Section 17 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
E 1/2 NW 1/4 Section 17 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
SE 1/4 Section 17 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
SE 1/4 Section 18 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
SE 1/4 Section 36 Township 9 South, Range 9 East
Manley D. Files
Sheriff and Tax Collector
State of Mississippi
Itawamba County
In the Matter of S. Jno. Warren, deceased No. 168
___ appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants Malinda Jones, Jno. D. Warren, C.A.J. Warren, N.A. Duncan and husband J.M. Duncan, J.D. Warren, D.L. Warren, A.J. Hartsfield and husband T.J. Hartsfield, C.C. Tatom and husband W.A. Tatom, Minerva D. Works and husband W.A. Works, Lucinda Watson and husband A.S. Watson, I.J. Warren, M.L. Warren, John J. Warren, W.N. Warren, William Warren, Malinda Jane Beck and husband Elijah Beck, Isom G. Hankins, Elizabeth Smith and husband Hamilton Smith, David C. Hankins, Joel Hankins, Franklin Hankins, Mary Hallis and husband Daniel Hallis, Cassey Sawyer, Sallie Savage, F.M. Warren, Alexander Warren (Jr.), Isom J. Warren (Jr.) Charles Warren (Jr.) and Matilda J. Hankins are non residents of the state. It is therefore ordered by the court that they enter their appearance and plead answer for demur to the petition and final account of N.B. Warren executor of S. Jno. Warren deceased on or by the 2nd day of the Chancery Court of Itawamba County to be held at the court house in the town of Fulton on the 3rd Monday of January 1874.
A.P. Gaither


Birth1776Amherst County, Virginia
Marriage1 Nov 1806Madison County, Kentucky - Cassandra Gentry
Death19 Jun 1863Fulton, Itawamba County, Mississippi


SpouseCassandra Gentry (1790 - 1826)
ChildWilliam David Warren (1826 - )