Individual Details


(Abt 1740 - Aft Dec 1806)

Birth date and marriage date are approximate based on information that son Robert Holderness died in 1833 at age 50 (from "Biographic Souvenir Of Texas" and other family papers). That age for Robert makes sense with the age of his children. In fact, he would have been about 35 when he married which is fairly late even for that time.
This does not agree with the Marvin Holderness book which states William & Sallie Holderness were in the US by 1750, unless they came as children. If William & Sallie were grown and married in 1750, they would have been nearing 60 at the birth of Robert and had children after that - not too likely. There is definitely a problem with the information from the book.

I do not believe that William was the immigrating ancestor. Evidence of a marriage between Robert Holderness and Abigail Chilton/Shelton, 11 Feb 1719, in Middlesex County, VA has been found. Both bride and groom were likely middle-aged. Abigail was a widow, possibly born about 1670. It is not known if Holderness had been married before, nor if he could have had children. It's doubtful Abigail & Robert Holderness had any children. Abigail's first husband, Peter Chilton had at least two sons with his first wife when they married; Abigail & Peter's children recorded in Christ Church Parish Records were: Henry, baptized 20 Sep 1691, Thomas, baptized 20 Sep 1693, and Zebulon, baptized 4 Aug 1700. Peter Chilton died 1 Oct 1718, will probated 3 Dec 1718. 4 Aug 1724, William Chilton, son & legatee of Peter Chilton sued Robert Holderness & Abigail his wife, and Thomas & Zebulon Chilton, Exr. of LW&T of Peter Chilton. Also on 1 Jan 1723, Zebulon Chilton was fined for the bastard child of his by Margaret, a mulatto servant of Robert Holderness. One of the descendants of Zebulon says that their family tradition is that Robert Holderness left Virginia and went to Caswell County NC after the death of Abigail in 17 Oct, 1729. [Later records make it seem more likely that Robert went somewhere else, perhaps Amelia Co, at this time - he would have been about age 60 if he was close to the age of Abigail Chilton. Caswell Co would not even exist until 1777 and few were going to NC this early.]
In Aug 1720, Robert Holderness served on juries in three cases of debt. Middlesex Co VA Court Order Book 5, 1710-1721; p.492-494

In the Vestry Book of Christ Church: On 10 Oct 1720, Robert Holderness was paid 800 #'s of tobacco for keeping John Purton.
Robert owned slaves: Christ Church Parish records show:
Kate, dau. of ___ a slave belonging to Robert Holderness, born Oct 7, 1725
Manuel, son of Phillis a slave belonging to Robert Holderness
Peter, son of Pegg a Slave belonging to Robert Holderness born Aug 10, 1728.

"Middlesex County Wills" published in The Virginia Genealogist, by J. F. Dorman
1960, Vol. 4, p.74 Abigal (X) Holderness was one of the witnesses along with Dr. Isaac Giles to the nuncupative will of Thomas Walker. 4 Apr 1721
1961, Vol 5, p.15 Inventory of the estate of John Denoon included a receipt from Robert Holderness. Dated 6 Sept 1726 and admitted to record.

Researcher Edward Pratt found in Tidewater VA in the 1730's, Capt Thomas Jones who married the widow of one of the William Pratts, referenced an acquaintance by the name of Holderness along with several members of the Pratt family. After this date the Pratts appear several times in connection with the Holderness family. James Holderness of Rockingham Co NC had property adjoining John Pratt, a son of William Pratt of Orange Co, VA. Was Abigail's maiden name Pratt?

On 10 Jan 1734, a Robert Holderness received a grant of 400 acres of land in Orange Co VA. In the patent he is said to be "of Caroline County". This land was on the south side of Southwest Mountain road adjacent land of William Pratt. On 16 Aug 1737, Robert Holderness and his wife Michal of Caroline Co sold this same land to Daniel White of King & Queen County. p.110-14, Orange Co VA Deed Book 2. On 22 Sep 1737, Michal relinquished her right of dower. I don't believe they ever lived on the land - part of the agreement of the grant was that part of it must be improved or cultivated within three years. Daniel White traded them 100 acres, being "the plantation whereon Daniel White doth now dwell in King & Queen County". Daniel White was on the list of Tithables for 1739 in Orange County - next to William Pratt. Many records from both Caroline and King & Queen Counties have been lost.
[King & Queen and Caroline Counties were adjacent - in fact Caroline was formed from King & Queen in 1728.]

Re Robert's wife's name:
from the email edition of NEHGS eNews, Vol. 10, No. 25
MICHAL (f): Hebrew. Despite the similarities, this female name is not a misspelling for the male name MICHAEL, nor a variant of its feminine form MICHELLE. King Saul’s daughter Michal, an early wife of King David, was evidently not given to frivolity; although she saved the life of her husband from her father’s revenge, she later saw David publicly dancing and playing [his harp, presumably] in honor of God, and “despised him in her heart” (1 Samuel, 1 Chronicles). Colonial parents probably had her earlier loyalty to her husband in mind when choosing this name.

23 Oct 1760 Thomas Burgess of St. Thomas Parish, Orange Co, sold 333 acres on branches of Pamunkey River, land where Timothy Burgess lately lived and was purchased from William Pratt by deed 26 Mar 1747, the other 200 acres part of 400 acres puchased of Daniel White, 25 Sep 1746 [land of Robert Holderness] to Timothy Burgess for natural love and fatherly affection.

From CAVALIERS & PIONEERS: [The following reference the Holderness patent in Orange County. The original patentee is often referred to in subsequent deeds even after the ownership of the land is changed. Description often to appear to simply be copied from deed to deed. The deeds continue to reference Mountain Road and the patent of William Pratt.]
Book IV, p. 95; PB 16, p.433: 400 acres, Orange Co on S side SW Mountain Road adj. William Pratt. 10 Jan 1735/36.
Book IV, p.97; PB 16, p.465 William Pratt of Caroline Co 400 acres Orange Co on North Fork Beaverdam Rum, North side SW Mtn Road adj Mr. Tayloe. 10 Jan 1735/36
Book IV, p.139; PB 17, p.358. Paul Harralson of Caroline, 480 acres in St. Mark's Parish, Orange Co. North side, South Fork of Beaverdam Run & SW side of sd Run adj. Robert Holderness & Staige. 10 Jun 1737.
Book IV, p.184; PB 18, p. 237. Thomas Gulley, 400 acres Orange Co on branches of Stoney Bridge Run a branch of the Northanna River adj Robert Bickers & Robert Holdness. 26 Mar 1739
Book IV, p.241; PB 18, p.945. Robert Bickers, 244 acres on heads of branches of North fork of Northanna River on the Road side, adj. Augustine Smith. 1 Jun 1741.
Book IV, p.245; PB 18, p.999 Goodrich Lightfoot, 175 acres St. Mark Parish, Orange Co, both side South fork of Beaverdam Run, a branch of Pamonkey River on the S & N sides the SouthWest Mtn Road; adj. Robert Holderness, Charles Curtis, Larkin Chew, Tayloe & William Pratt. 6 Jul 1741.
Book V, p.281; PB 27, p.51 Charles Curtis 1300 acres Orange Co on Brs. of Pamunkey adj. Theodsius Stage, Robert Holdiness, Larkin Chew & Charles Stevens. 10 Feb 1749. 400 acres formerly granted sd Curtis 20 Jun 1733 [PB 15, North Fork of the Northanna in Spotsylvania Co] and 400 acres granted sd Curtis 10 Jan 1736 [PB 16]. 500 acres never before granted.

Then a Holderness family appears in Amelia County - further South and West following the typical migration of the times. It's hard to believe the Robert mentioned is the same man as the earlier Robert Holderness - by 1750 he would be possibly as old as 80. But he could have sons by the wife Michal - we know Abigail died 1729. He could also have had a son or sons born before he married Abigail in 1719.

Amelia Co VA Court Order Book 2 (1746-1751) 21 May 1750. Road to be cleared from James Atwood's road to Roanoak road. Tithes of Atwood, Flournoy, Abraham Estis, John Popham, and ROBERT and SAMUEL HOLDERNESS are to assist Estis, surveyor.
[This seems to be the only ocurrence of the given name Samuel for a Holderness in Virginia or North Carolina.]
Amelia Co Will Book 1, p.87 Estate settlement of Thomas Lewelling who died 23 Jun 1752. Settled by Samuel Tarry. Names mentioned: Jessey Lewelling, Charles Burke, ROBERT HOLDERNESS, John Nash, Col Cobbs, William Cradock, Richard Burke, and Mr. Ligon (for coffin & digging grave. From THE VIRGINIA GENEALOGIST, Vol 16, #4, p.296: Amelia Co VA Will Book 1 with Inventories & Accounts: 1734-1761, p.87a Thomas Lewelling. Estates Account. Payments made to Wm. Craddock, Robt. Holderness, Charles Burke, Jessey Luelling, John Nash, Richard Burke, Mr. Ligon (for coffin and digging the grave), Colo. Cobbs. Signed by Saml. Tarry [not dated but between entries dated 25 Jun 1752 and 26 Sep 1751.
[The name Nash will appear often in connection with James Holderness of Halifax & Rockingham Counties in NC.
Amelia Co Deed Book 5, p.38 26 Dec 1752 James Atwood to Thomas Scott of Gloucester Co VA, 600 acres on Little Bryer River part of 1765 acres patented to Atwood 20 Jul 1748. Bounded by river, lines of Martin & Estis. Witnesses: Alexander Kean, Ambros Estes, Richard Atwood, ROBERT HOLDERNESS
[This is the last record for a Robert Holderness in Virginia.]

Deed Book 5, p.381 26 Nov 1755 James Presniel to William Purnell both of Nottoway Parish. Both sides Deep Creek, part of tract where Presniel now lives & part of patent to William Hudson 2 Jan 1737 for 1000 acres. Witness: JAMES HOLDERNESS, James Atwood, and John (x) Grant.
[James Atwood was obviously a neighbor of the Holdernesses - here are two of Atwood's deeds witnessed by them and the road that the Holderness family helped maintain was Atwood's road.]

Aug 1, 1757 there is a Prince Edward Co VA Deed from Deed book 1, p.166b that was witnessed by James Holderness, William Atwood, Frances Forest, George Forrest. James Atwood of Amelia Co to William Purnal of same 343 acres on Little Briery River. Recorded 10 Oct 1757.
[Prince Edward Co formed from Amelia Co in 1753. The mention of James Atwood again as well as the location on Little Briery may not mean they moved - there was just a new county name. This is the last record of James Holderness in Virginia.]

Other early Virginia records:

Other Virginia Holderness records include a John Holderness on the tax roll of Norfolk Co VA in 1765 with 1 tithe. This was in the area from Portsmouth to New Mill Creek, taken by George Veale.
The following marriages in Norfolk Co from the HUNTING FOR BEARS series by Nicholas Russell Murray, may be in fact Holderness marriages: Elizabeth Holdness married Corbin Bracket and Thomas Holdness married Mary Hughes on the same day, 9 Aug 1791. A Catherine Holdness married William Wakefield on 7 Jun 1814, twenty-three years later.
A deed in Norfolk Co dated 10 Aug 1809 mentions land on north side of Deep Creek adjacent Thomas Culpepper and Elizabeth Holderness where James Martin lives.

Then there is also a will in Orange Co NC which may refer back to this family of Holderness in Norfolk. The tithables of 1730-1734 of Norfolk Co VA list one Thomas Holden. In ABSTRACTS OF WILLS, ORANGE CO NC, Ruth Herndon Shields; p.14 A-57 - there is a will in Orange Co NC dated 13 Jan 1767 written by Isaac Holding [sic - Holden] in which he gives bequests to his "brothers", John Douglas, John Kelly, & Thomas Holding, as well as his father Thomas. [Douglas & Kelly are likely brothers-in-law] His wife Sarah and son Isaac are named. If the son dies, his share is to be given to Margaret Douglas, dau of John Douglas, Ann Holderness, dau of John Holderness, Fanny Wood, dau of John Wood, John Holderness son of Thomas Holderness, Junr, and Thomas Kelly son of John Kelly. [Presumably nephews & nieces.] Executor, John Douglas and Executrix, Sarah Holderness. [I have examined the copy of the original and this is how the name is written here - was his wife Sarah Holderness Holden?] The will was proved in Feb of 1767. Orange Co Will Book A, p. 57-8. Francis Nash, Court Clerk. John Douglas, John Kelly & John Wood all appear to be residents of Orange Co NC as evidenced by other records; there is no other mention of Holderness in Orange Co NC except for William Holderness' militia service.

There was the deed in Prince Edward Co VA that James witnessed in 1757 - right between the next two deeds following. Northampton was just over the North Carolina border. Perhaps he was traveling back and forth.

5 Nov 1756 Northampton Co NC Deed Book 2. Deed from John Baldwin of Amelia Co VA to James Holderness of Northampton Co. 428 acres on Poticasa swamp for 24.12.6. On 4 Jul 1758, James Holderness witnessed deed from William Hurst of Granville Co NC to Benjamin Sherard of Edgcombe Co for 51 acres on the north side of Roanoak River.
[Not until 1765 will James Holderness sell the above 428 acres. His records appear both in Northampton and in Halifax Co NC in the interim. James married the widow of Benjamin Sherard as his first wife not long after the above deed in July of 1758.]

From "Colonial Granville" p.238
....James Daniel, who had been Sheriff of Goochland, moved with JOHN WILLIAMS down into AMELIA which was later .... PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY. Col. WILLIAMS [John] moved to North Carolina and settled in what was then Orange County (now CASWELL) sometime between 1768 and 1772.
[This John Williams above was a 1st cousin to HENRY WILLIAMS, maternal grandfather of Robert Holderness' wife Elizabeth Brooks. Robert being son of William Holderness. There appears to be some indication that other families did indeed moved from Prince Edward Co VA to Orange Co NC]

4 Jun 1768 Rowan Co NC Deed Book 7: John & Bethunia Chadwell & Peter Perkins all of Pittsylvania Co VA sold to James Holderness of Halifax - 697 acres on Linville's Creek. WILLIAM HOLDERNESS was a witness.
[To date this is the only document linking these two men. Not only did William witness the deed, but he took it to the courthouse in Rowan Co and swore on his oath that he had done so. This property became Guilford Co and then Rockingham and was the residence of James Holderness until he left for Georgia in the early 1790's.].

I have found this marriage record: James Holderriss (sic) to Francis Harris 10 Mar 1778 in Guilford Co NC. Bondsman: John Seales (sic - Scales]. This was James' second marriage.

In 1784, a James Holderness and wife Frances were living on the land in Rockingham Co NC which had been Rowan and then Guilford. In 1802 an affidavit on behalf of John Pratt Jr. (Rockingham Co) includes testimony that the James Holderness family had moved to GA. Mr. Pratt who gave me this information also believes it possible James was a brother to William and both were sons of the Robert Holderness of Orange Co VA.
[Pratt lived next to James Holderness in Rockingham Co. Coincidence?]

Have also been contacted by a descendant of a Reuben Holderness of Montgomery Co NC; he was probably born about 1784 and had moved to IN by 1826 - I've seen no indication that Reuben is any relation to William or James.

The first record found for this William Holderness: On Mar 24 1763, William Holderness was paid 1 pound, 16 shillings, 12 pence for his service as a Corporal in "protecting the publick peace at Hillsborough Sept. last." He served under Robert Harris, Col. of the Granville Regiment of Militia. [Hillsborough is the county seat of Orange Co NC] In 1771, William Holderness was listed as a soldier in Capt. James Yancey's Company of Foot Belonging to the Regt Commanded by Col. Richard Henderson.

The State Records of North Carolina, Collected & Edited by Walter Clark, Vol. XXII; 1907
p.160f "List of Granville County Militia, 1771"
Capt James Yancey's Company of Foot Belonging to the Regiment Commanded by Colo. Rich'd. Henderson, 1771
William Holderness listed as a Soldier.

Pay Roll records of Capt. Turners Co under the command of Col. McDowell from 15 Mar to 30 Jul, 1779, includes both William "Holiness" and Charles Brooks of Caswell Co.

And I found the following Pension Application for Revolutionary Service - W1017, Joseph Willis, whose wife was Jemima. Willis first applied on 31 Oct 1832, Lincoln Co, NC when he was age 77. He stated he was drafted in Caswell County, NC on 1 Sep 1780. He was ordered to Caswell Court House and placed under the command of Capt Adam Saunders, Lt. Tate, and Ensign William Holiness. Superior officers were Col. William Moore and Maj. Elijah Moore. They guarded prisoners at Salibury. He was taken sick and recovered. He was drafted again for three months under Capt. Saunders, Lt. Jeffries & Ensign Robert Wilson. Willis was born in Goochland Co, VA - 23 Nov 1753, written in a bible said to be in possession of his sister Joicy Mashburn. He has lived in Caswell and then Lincoln Counties since the revolution.
9 Mar 1853, Cleveland Co, NC, Mrs. Jemima Willis, age 65, a resident of Lincoln Co, filed for widow's pension - she had married Joseph Willis in 1833 or 1834. Willis died 18 Feb 1848.
Note: Given that there was no Holiness family living in Caswell at the time, and the many times, I've seen the name Holderness, recorded as Holiness - I feel sure the above is William Holderness.

Caswell Co was formed 1777 from Orange County.
1777 Tax List shows both Thomas Brooks and William Holderness in St. David's District, Caswell County (SW part of county). Thomas Brookes assessed on value of 625-8-0 and Holderness on 104-0-6. 1803 List of Taxables shows Jonathan and Thomas Brooks and William Holderness in St. David's District. William was assessed for 311 acres in 1803.

Caswell Co NC Court Minutes 1777-1877 by Katherine Kerr Kendall c1976
Oct 1785. William Holderness to keep ordinary (tavern/inn) at Col. Wm. Moore's
Oct 1787. William Holderness to keep ordinary at his house.
Caswell WB B, p.200; Oct Court. State fines returned to Treasurer for 1787 included the name of William Holderness.
A bill presented by William Holderness to the Estate of Thomas Brookes Junior dated from 1 Apr 1789 through 10 Dec 1794 revealed sales to Thomas for grog, rum & cider and also for making suits of Clothing, coats, drawers, etc. Apparently William not only kept ordinary [a tavern] but was also a tailor.

Caswell WB C, p.40
July Court 1793. Payments from the estate of Freeman Leath in acct. with George Barker, exec. William Holderness paid for tax.
Jan Court 1794 William Holderness was a buyer at the estate sale of Waddy Tate, 15 & 16 of Nov 1793.

Earliest Caswell Co Deed Book shows William already living there:
Deed Book A, p.421. 17 Dec 1779. State of NC #233 to William Lea, 630a both sides County Line Cr....crossing the Main Road by William Holderness.
p.254 3 Mar 1779. William Holderness was a chaincarrier for Thomas Brooks survey - State of NC #30 570a both sides Moon's Cr and McCorkles Cr of Moon. This grant to Thomas Brookes dated 10 Jun 1778

Land Grants to Wm Holderness - Entry #753, 23 Apr 1779, both sides Hart's Rd on Country Line and Rattlesnake Crks, 105 1/2 acres. Grant #339 issued 29 Oct 1782. [Deed Book B, p.33]. This tract sold to Thomas Donoho 22 Jul 1784 for 100 pounds [Deed Book B, p.395];
13 Mar 1779, Moon's Creek, 266 acres (Deed Book B, p.40). This 266 acre tract sold to William Page 13 Jul 1785 (Deed Book C p.105) Adjacent Robert Embry, Thos. Brooks, Henry Cobb, William Atkins. Wit: Thos Brooks, Sen., Charles Brooks

NOTE: The Granville Land Office closed in Mar of 1763 after the death of Lord Granville and remained closed until the Revolution. There was no way to obtain title to vacant lands within the Granville District until the NC General Assembly passed the Land Confiscation Act of 1777 and the state opened a land office. Men settled on Granville's land, built structures and other improvements between 1763 and 1777. Their names do not appear in the land records until 1778 or later, when they proved their claims or made entry with the state.

Tennessee Lands [Many North Carolina land owners speculated in the cheap lands made available following the Revolution when even a private received 640 acres in Tennessee for his military service. William Holderness & his father-in-law Thomas Brookes apparently also were interested in the Tennessee land.

Founding of the Cumberland Settlements. The First Atlas 1779-1804, Data Supplement 1
By Doug Drake, Jack Masters & Bill Puryear, 2009,
William appears to have actually gone to Tennessee at some point. On 18 Feb 1785, James Sanders surveyed 3840 acres for Tillman Dixon, who had served as a Captain in the Continental Line. It was located in Davidson Co, NC on Dixon Creek beginning at William Sanders corner, the rest of the markers were trees and the Creek. Martin Armstrong, SCL. Matthew Kincannon and William Holderness were the sworn chain carriers.
Perhaps William had gone to oversee his own surveys because a survey located 5 Nov 1784, but likely done some months later, for land granted James Glasgow Esq, assignee of Martin Armstrong, 1428 acres, mentions that the land was situate on Goose Creek (see William's grant as assignee of Ambrose Bryant), North side of Cumberland River, beginning at William Holderness NE Corner.
The survey for William's 640 acres was done 23 Feb 1785. 640 acres on waters of Goose Creek, beginning at Major Donohoes NE corner, crossing the Branche, etc. Surveyed by James Sanders. Martin Armstrong, SCL. Chain Carriers, Matthew Kincannon and Thomas Kilgore
His 640 acres as assignee of John Emory was surveyed 20 Dec 1786. This tract was on the head of Nelsons & Kerrs Creek nearly joining Col. Armstrong's survey. Martin Armstrong, Surv. James Nicholas & Jobb Routh, chain carriers.
Data Supplement 2
17 Feb 1785. Davidson Co, NC. Surveyed for Lt. William Sanders, 2560 acres on North side of Cumberland River and at mouth of Dixon's Creek... Suv'd by James Sanders. Martin Armstrong, SCL. Thomas Killgore and William Holderness, Sworn Chain Carriers
6 Oct 1787. Sumner Co, NC. Surveyed for William Sanders as Assignee of Nathan Hall who was the heir of Nathan Hall, 1000 acres on north bank of Cumberland, corner to his own Service rite of 2560 acres. Surv'd by James Sanders D. S. Martin Armstrong, Surv. Thomas Kilgore and William Holderness, Sworn Chain Men
The presence of William Holderness for a period of at least two years, seems to suggest he was in Tennessee for some time.

Caswell Co NC Deed Book F, p.252 #192, State of NC. For relief of officers & soldiers in the Continental line to Ambrose Bryant a private, grant to William Holderness assignee of James Bryant heir of Ambrose Bryant, 640 acres in Davidson Co on Goose Creek adj Major Donoho. 17 Mar 1786.
p.254 #717 ....John Emery a private, grant to William Holderness assignee of John Emory, 640 acres in Davidson Co on Nelson & Kern Creeks adj Col. Armstrong. 11 Feb 1788.
[This land is now in Tennessee, though it was consider NC at the time.]

NC Land Grants in Tennessee [Listed by Grant Number, different from Warrant Number]
p.85 Grant 192 to William Holderness. 640 acres. on the waters of Goose Creek
p.96 Grant 717 to William Holderness. 640 acres. on Head of Nelson's & Kerr's Creeks
p.137 [Appendix A] HOLDERNESS, William. Military Grant 192. Assigned by James Bryant, heir of Ambrose Bryant, Pvt. Military Grant 717. Assigned by heirs of John Emery, Pvt.
Earliest Tennessee Land Records, Griffey:
William Holderness, File 206. Bryant Ambrose heirs. Davidson Co. 640 acres. Grant 192 dated 7 Mar 1786. Entry 308, Book 63, p.71. Waters of Goose Creek. Military
William Holderness, File 744. John Emory. Davidson Co. 640 acres. Grant 717 dated 11 Jul 1788. Entry 309, Book 63, p.252. Head of Nelson Creek, Kerr Creek. Military

TN Land Entries
#1794 Warrant 973 9 Jan 1795 William Holderness, 274 acres; border on North side of David & John Hamilton's tract on Red River; intersects with Mr. Stewart's line.
Made void by attorney of William Holderness, 24 Dec 1803. Signed: Geo. Oldham [Vol. 2, p.148] [This Warrant was apparently also issued under a different number as the next one seems to be the same property. George Oldham was also from Caswell Co NC and had Power of Attorney for William Holderness. See later.]
#4650 21 May 1784 Warrant 973 to Pvt Samuel Chappell. 274 acres delivered to Capt. Lytle. Assigned in Oct of 1784 to Jonathan Brooks. A name lined out. Jonathan Brooks assigned 27 Jul 1785 to Williams Holdernes [ Thos. Brooks Sr. witnessed] Holderness assigned 10 Dec 1806 to James Walker with Miles Kirby as witness.
[no date] William Christmas [land agent in Nashville] says he has this warrant but believes assignments are forgeries. Located to William Holderness, 274 acres on North side of David & John Hamilton's tract where they live on Red River. Begins Hamilton's old corner, runs West to where it intersects Mr. Stewart's & with Stewart's line. Warrant taken to Tennessee in 1801 by William Christmas. [Vol.3, p.407]

#3985 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 308 to James Bryant heir of Ambrose Bryant deceased. 640 acres delivered to Henry Williams; 84 months; file #3; grant to Wm Holderness [Vol. 3, p.336] [for grant see file #206, Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]
#3986 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 309 to John Emery. 640 acres delived to Henry Williams; 84 months; file #17. Grant to Wm Holderness [Vol. 3, p.336] [for grant see file #744 in Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]
#3987 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 310 to Sgt James Summers, 857 acres delivered to Henry Williams; 72 months; file #3. Grant to James Summers. [for grant see file #207in Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud] [Summers sold this grant to William Holderness; see disposition later.] [Vol. 3, p.336]
#10882 14 Feb 1785 Warrant 611, Location 638. Jas. McNees assignee of Wm Holderness & Jas Perkins, 640 acres on N side of Cumberland River; border; begins about 1.5 miles above mouth of Stone R, up and down the river; W as the law direct includes a spring and tree marked BMN. Transferred to William Whitsell [Whitsett] by me 7 Dec 1792. Signed: Jas. McNees. [Vol. 6, p.1090]
[I don't know how this warrant could have been in the hands of William Holderness but this is no doubt the land settled by William Whitsitt near Nashville. James McNees was Whitsitt's brother-in-law.]
#10912 Warrant 309; Location 668 4 Mar 1785 Wm Holderness, assigne of Jno Amis [Emory] 640 acres on West fork of Goose Crk; border; begin at Maj. Thomas Donohoo's NW corner and up and down the creek. Wm Holderness. [Vol. 6, p.1092]
[Goose Creek is in Sumner or Smith Co today.]
#11362 Warrant 309; location 1137 18 Jul 1785 Wm Holderness of Jno Amey [Emory]. 640 acres; border; joins Col. Martin Armstrong's 320 acres entry on Nelsons Crk of Richland Cr of Red River. begins at Armstrong's upper line and runs up the crrk. R. Nelson. Surveyed
[Red River is in Montgomery & Robertson Co. Creeks named not found.]
#12790 Warrant 1876; location 2548; 4 Apr 1786 William Hoderness [sic] of John Pendergrass. 640 acres; border; joins William Henley and runs up the creek; John Eliott.

1784 William Holderness was on a Caswell Co Tax List. NC TAXPAYERS 1679-1790; Ratcliff, 1987

1790 Census - Head of Families in St. David's District includes Thomas Brooks and William Holderness.

Sumner County TN Tax Book, 25 Aug 1789. [Sumner formed from Davidson Co in 1786] There appears to be a William Holderness on the list with 1280 acres of land.
Montgomery Co TN Deed Book A,
p.229 Territory of the US, Tennessee County, Registry 4 Feb 1793
Indenture made 29 Mar 1793. George Oldham of the Western Territory of the US south of the River Ohio & Tennessee County to Moses Oldham of the same. George Oldham by virtue of power of attorney granted by William Holderness dated 17 Sep 1792, to Moses Oldham for 30£. Parcel on North side Red Riger Bank of Red River near Charles Brantley's ferry. 235 acres, part of a tract granted James Summers by NC for his service in the Continental Line and sold by deed of conveyance by James Summers to William Holderness. Signed Geo. Oldham for William Holderness. Acknowledged in open court by George Oldham for Wm Holderness to Moses Oldham Jul Term 1793. Test. Hugh Lewis, Regr.
p. 244 Deed from James Summers to William Holderness, Mero District, Tennessee Co., March 1st. 1794
Indenture made this 3rd. day of March 1791 between James Summers and William Holderness, both of Caswell County and State of North Carolina, for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred pounds to him in hand paid, for a tract of land in Davidson County, now Tennessee, on Red River in the ceded Territory South of the River Ohio, containing Eight hundred and fifty-seven acres. Granted to Summers for his services in the NC Continental line dated the 7th of March 1786. Signed James Summers. Proved on the oath of Moses Oldham April Term 1793. Test. Hugh Lewis, Regr.
p.393 Territory of U. States & Tenessee Co. Registry Augt 29th 1795
Indenture made 11th Feb 1794. William Holderness of Caswell Co NC to Robert Nelson of TN County. $100. Tract on South side Red River. Sd Holderness & Nelson corner on the river bank near the upper end Dunbar's Island, called Sumers Corner; Brownlees line; Sumers other corner. 156 acres. Signed Wm Holderness by Geo Oldham, atty in fact, in presence of R. Searcy. Recorded in Court April Term 1795. Test: Hugh Lewis Regr.
p.526 8 Jul 1796. William Holderness of the Co of Caswell, state of NC to George Oldham of County of Montgomery in the ceded territory South of the River Ohio. 20£. Tract in Montgomery Co and on Red River. Bank of Red River opposite Dunbars Island; Moses Oldhams corner; crossing Red River. 53 acres. Part of a tract Holderness purchased a Soldiers Right by virtue of a grant dated 7 Mar 1786. Signed by William Holderness in presence of David Johnson. Proved in open Court January term 1797 by David Johnston subscribing Witness. Test: Francis Prince, Regr. 10 Feb 1797.

"Tenn. Co., NC Early Deeds 1784-1793" by Laura Wills
Davidson Co TN WB Vol 2, p.5 Power of Attorney. 23 Aug 1794. William Holderness of Caswell Co NC appointed trusty friend George Oldham of County of TN in ceded Territory South of the River Ohio, my Attorney to recover & Receive of any persons laying claim against my lands in the sd. territory. I grant my Attorney foll power to sell all my land I myself might do. Signed 17 Sep 1793. William Holderness. Test: Elisha Rice. Proved by oath of Elisha Rice July Session 1794, Davidson Co TN.

Montgomery Co TN, DB B, p.387 20 Nov 1799. William Holderness of Caswell Co & State of North Carolina to Peter O'Neal of Montgomery Co TN. Sum of 100£. Tract in Montgomery Co. Begin at a gum Pattersons Corner, South side Red River, thence West with sd Patterson's line....thence South with Patterson's line. ....middle of Red River, up the different courses of the River until in intersects George Oldham's line. 376 1/4 acre. Signed in presence of George Oldham. Proved in Court by oath of George Oldham July Term 1800. Reg. 4 Apr 1801, Francis Prince, PR
Montgomery Co TN, DB B, p.608. 7 Feb 1804 George Oldham of Williamson Co to Richard Powell of Montgomery Co for $200. 49 acres on the Red River, part of a tract formerly that of William Holderness by virtue of a grant dated 17 Mar 1786. . Signed: George Oldham. Witness: Robert Nelson, Joel Oldham. Proved by Joel Oldham Mar Term 1804. Registered 4 Jun 1804, Francis Prince, PR
[William Holderness bought 857 acres from James Summers. He sold 235 acres to Moses Oldham, 156 acres to Robert Nelson, 53 acres to George Oldham, 376 acres to Peter O'Neal, and 49 acres to Richard Powell for a total of 869 acres.]

Caswell Co NC
Deed Book H, p. 395-396 Thomas Brooks to Wm Holderness for 300 pounds, 300 Acres on Moon's Crk being tract Brooks purchased of Thos. Wilson & Wilson purch of Wm. Morris which said Morris purchase of the Earl of Granville 7 Jun 1761. 10 Feb 1794.
Deed Book L, p. 220-221 Wm Holderness sold 200 acres of this same land back to Thomas Brookes for 500 pounds. 4 Mar 1798. Witnesses: Jonathan Brookes, Ann Brookes. [All indications are that Thomas Brooks and William Holderness were next door neighbors.]

Caswell Co April Court 1798, p.308
Settlement of estate of Thomas Brooks, Jr. Payments to numerous men to include William Holderness, Jonathan Brookes, John Lea, Paul Watlington
Expenses to and from Raleigh, 5 #'s
By Jane Brooks and Armstead Flippin, Adm.
Examined by John Yancey, Jesse Carter, James Burton

Deed Book M. p.160: William Holderness to Thomas Holderness 189a on Moon's Cr adjacent Hall, Jethro Brown for 100 lbs. Witness: Armistead Watlington, Robert Holderness
p.200: Edward Watlington to William "Holdiness". Details unknown - found reference online.
p.249: William Holderness sold to Robert Holderness for 200 lbs, 390a on Moon's Creek adjacent Brooks. 10 Apr 1802. Wit: Armistead Watlington, Thomas Holderness. [probably the 390a bought from Lancelot Johnston 13 Nov 1795; Deed Book J. p.188]
p.302 27 Oct 1802. William Holderness sold Robert Holderness 4 negroes and all livestock and household furniture. Witnesses: Sarah Holderness (her mark), Thomas Holderness [Sarah may be the daughter Sally; a spouse relinquishing dower is not found in any of William's deeds, but North Carolina did not really require or enforce dower laws. It appears in these deeds William is disposing of all his property. The Brooks family also seemed to follow this method of deeding everything to their children as they aged so there would be no estate to settle. William Holderness not mentioned again in deeds.]
From ; Found Caswell Co NC Jan. Court 1804, p.75. Estate of Jeremiah Poston paid cash to ....William Holderness.
[This would appear to be the last mention of William Holderness in Caswell.]

1810 Census; p.20 Holdness, Sarah. Only female in household is age 45+. 1m 10-16; 2m 18-26. [This census could indeed be Sarah and three Holderness sons - Robert, Thomas & James. The daughter Sally is known to be already married. It also supports the theory that William Holderness died after distributing his property.]

1820 Census Supplemented by Tax Lists has Christopher, Jonathan, Sarah, and Thomas Brooks, Jr. and Robert "Holiness": 1m -10 [William Henry] 2m 26-45 [Robert was about 37]; 1m +45; 1f 16-26 [Elizabeth was 26]; 1f over 45. Total of 13 slaves. Robert & Elizabeth married in February of 1819 - they had son William Henry. There are two extra males and an older female. Elizabeth's mother has her own household. [ Conjecture: the older female is Robert's mother still living in 1820 - his mother was in the 1810 census as a widow; the other adult males are his two brothers. There was a male 10-16 in the mother's household in 1810 - he should appear as 16-26 but does not unless the ages of the males is wrong.


BirthAbt 1740
Military1771Granville County Militia, NC, 1771, Pre-Revolution
Military1779Capt. Turners Co, Caswell, NC, Revolutionary War
MarriageAbt 1780Yanceyville, Caswell County, North Carolina - SARAH B. "SALLIE" BROOKES
DeathAft Dec 1806Caswell County, North Carolina


ChildROBERT HOLDERNESS (1783 - 1833)
ChildSalley Holderness ( - 1812)
ChildThomas Holderness ( - 1833)
ChildJames Holderness (1798 - 1852)
FatherRobert HOLDERNESS ( - )
SiblingJames Holderness ( - 1795)
SiblingElizabeth HOLDERNESS (1747 - 1827)
