Individual Details

Abraham Cassada

(1750 - Bef Aug 1823)

Feb 1, 1835, deed Wayne County KY, Reuben Cassaday, Martin Cassa, and Phoebe Campbol of McMinn County TN; John Cassada of Buncombe County NC; Lear Flin and William Lee of Jackson County TN; Abraham Flinn, Elizabeth Casaday, Delia Casada and Martin Flinn of Wayne County KY; heirs and distributors of Abraham Casada deceased of the one part and Thomas Dodson of Wayne County KY of the other part. For $100. Land in Wayne County KY of Big Sinking Creek, conditional line of Robert Lockhart and Abraham Casada. Witnesses Joel Lynn, Katharine Lynn, Jonson Casada, Abraham Flinn, Elizabeth Casada. Signed John Casada, Reuben Casada, Martin Casada, Pheba Campbell, William Lee, Leanora Flinn, Delila Casada, Martin Flin, Abraham Flin. Multiple statements of proof including statement by JMT Chrisman deputy clerk for Wayne KY, stating on July 20, 1835, that the deed was acknowledged by Martin Flynn and Abraham Flynn and proven by oath of Jonson Casada and Abraham Flynn, two subscribing witnesses. On July 14, 1835, deed proven in Jackson County TN by Joel and Katharine Lynn, who saw William Lee and Leanora Flynn sign and acknowledge the deed. Book G page 105. LDS Microfilm #8151153, img. 88

Bio attached on FamilySearch - now available only on Wayback Machine.
Has more errors than correct facts - wrong name for Abraham, doubful wife, wrong dates, etc.

Cyrus C. Wroughton
Cyrus C. Wroughton, an energetic, enterprising citizen of Savanna, has, during the few years he has resided here, identified himself with its best interests, and shown himself a warm supporter of all movements to forward its further development. He is station agent of the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railway, and is regarded as one of the most efficient and faithful employes in the service of the company. He is a native of Oscaloosa, Iowa, born July 1, 1857. He is of English descent, his great-grandfather, Job Wroughton, having been born in Yorkshire, England. His family consisted of six children, viz.: Cannon, BUrton, Levin, Peter, Elizabeth, and Thomas. He came to the US and settled either in Delaware or Maryland, probably the latter State, as tow of his brothers, Thomas and Nathan, had preceded him and located in Baltimore. He engaged in farming, and spent his last years in that State. His son, Cannon Wroughton, grandfather of our subject, was born in Delaware, or removed there from Maryland when a child, and remained in that State some time; then he removed to Ohio and located in Delaware County. A few years later he again started West, and going to Delaware County, Ind., located near Muncie; becoming a pioneer of that region. He bought some timber land and cleared quite a tract of it, remaining there until 1851, when another westward trip, which he performed with teams, carrying along his family and household goods and camping at night, took him to Mahaska County, Iowa. He settled near Oskaloosa, where he bought a tract of timber land, on which a log cabin had been erected. Into this he removed, and occupied it until he could replace it with a more commodious frame house, the first one built in that place. He continued his residence there until his death, about Dec. 24, 1863. The maiden name of his wife was Mary Victor. She was born in Delaware and died in the East.

Burton Wroughton, father of our subject, was born during the residence of his parents in Delaware County, Ohio, and when a lad removed with them to Indiana. His parents were Cannon adn Mary (Victor) Wroghton. They had eight children, namely; Lavina, Cyrus L., Margaret, Burton, Mary, Levin, Hester A., and Job. There the father of our subject attended the pioneer schools of his district, attaining a fair education. In 1850 he visited Iowa, and made claim to a tract of land, now occupied by the present site of Cedar Rapids. He did not however, prove up his claim, but returned to Indiana, going as far as possible by way of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and then walking from the latter river ot Muncie. In 1851 he accompanied his parents to Iowa, and resided with them for some time. The larger part of the land in Iowa was then unimproved and owned by the Government. Deer and other wild game was abundant, and the larder of the early settlers wsa thus easily furnished with meat. There were no railways in the State at that time, and Burlington and Keokuk were the nearest markets. Mr. Wroughton, who had learned the carpenter's trade in Indiana, followed it some years after settling in Iowa. But at the time of his marriage he settled near his father's farm, and for 14 years was engaged in contracting and building. He subsequently engaged in the sale of pumps and lightning rods, and carried on that business in connection with farming until 1882, when he removed to Nuckolls County, Neb., where he still continues in the pump and lightning rod business, and is also largely interested in breeding and dealing in horses of a fine grade. The maiden name of his wife was Elizabeth Cassady. She was born March 14, 1835, near Athens, Tenn., and was of German descent; her parental grandfather having been a native of Germany. Her father, Martin Cassady, was born in Tennessee, April 8, 1785 and his father was Jacob Cassady [Abraham Casada!], born in Germany in the year 1724 [1750], and came to America in 1742, settling in Eastern Pennsylvania [Wasn't born yet in 1742]. He married Rhoda Johnson [Surname unproved], he being at that time about 40 years of age, and removed from there to McMinn County TN, where he continued to reside until his death, in 1820, he being at that time 96 years old. [His will was written 1819, proved 1823, in Wayne County, Kentucky!] His wife, Rhoda Johnson as born in New Jersey [Doubtful identification] and she was a direct descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers; her grandmother coming to America in the "Mayflower" in the year 1620. Martin Cassady, father of the mother of our subject was married in 1809 to Elizabth A. Earl, and of that union there were twenty-two (22) children born; he was also the father of two children by a subsequent marriage to Miss Margaret Ridinger. The children's names who grew to maturity were; Rhoda, James, Eliza, William, Mary, Thomas, Rufus, Wiley, Jacob, Mahala, Amanda, Elizabeth A., Andrew J., John, Jane, Reuben, Margaret and Samuel. Six children died in infancy. In 1809 he removed to what is now Cincinnati, and bought 320 acres of land where the city now stands. He purchased the land from the father-in-law of President William henry Harrison. He enlisted in the War of 1812, and served throughout the war, receiving an honorable discharge. After the war he removed to Kentucky and thence to Tennessee; and removed from Tennessee in the spring of 1837, and settle din that part of the Territory of Wisconsin now included in Iowa, locating near the present site of Fairfield, Jefferson County; he being the second settler in that county - stopping enroute one year at Quincy IL. The country was then in its primitive condition, and was still the home of the Indians, the Sac and Fox tribes living in that region. Mr. Cassady improved a large farm and resided in Iowa until his death, which occurred in August, 1872. Elizabeth A., (Earl) Cassady, wife of Martin Cassady, was born in Virginia, March 23, 1792 and died Sept. 11, 1853. Her death was caused from the effects of a lightning stroke, which produced partial paralysis. Her father was James Earl, and was born in Scotland, in the year 1760, and died an accidental death in 1844. He came to Virginia at the age of 14 years, coming to America whithout his parents consent. He was the second son of a Scottish earl. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and served during the entire war, and the first year of his service was color-bearer of his regiment, and in the division of the army commanded by Gen. Washington. After his honorable discharge he was married to Mary Neville in 1791. The wedding occurred near Mt. Vernon. He was a frequent visitor at the home of the "Father of His Country" Miss Neville was born in France, Dec. 25, 1772 and came to America with her parents, settling in Virginia. They had one child, Elizabeth, who became grandmother of our subject. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Wroughton was blessd by the birth of four children - our subject, William J., Mary J and James E.

Cyrus, of whom we write, received his early education in the district schools in his native town which was further advanced by attendance at Penn College in Oakaloosa. After leaving College our subject adopted the profession of teacher, and taught for two years in a district school, and one year as Principal of the Rose Hill School. In the m eantime he studied telegraphy and in 1881 accepted a position as telegraph operator at Grinnell, Iowa, remaining there 10 months. The ensuing five months he served as agent at Dillon, then engaged as telegraph operator and bill clerk with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, at Marion Iowa. Three months later Mr. Wroughton went to Delaware, Iowa, for the same company, continuing there a year and a half. Another change took him to Texas, whither he went in the interests of the Texas & Pacific Railway. Six months later he returned to Iowa, and for a short time was employed as station agent at State Centre. In 1884 Mr. Wroughton came to Savanna to engage as clerk in the freight office of the Chiago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, being thus employed until 1887 when he resigned that office to accept his present position as station agent for the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railway. He is an active, wide-awake, intelligent young man, and his pleasing social qualities have gained him a good position in this community. He is a good businessman, possessing considerable shrewdness and forethought, and has wisely invested his money in some real-estate in this city, and has erected a comfortable house. When our subject attained his majority the Greenback party was then in full force, and he identified himself with it, taking a prominent part in political affairs, serving on various commitees, and was a warm supporter of Gen. Weaver. Of late years he has affiliated with the Democratic party. He takes much interest in local matters and is a present serving as a member of the Board of Education of Savanna, and socially is an active member of Mississippi Lodge No 385, A.F. & A.M.

The marriage of Mr. Wroughton with Miss Mary Leggett took place March 31, 1881. She was born in Eddyville, Wapello Iowa being a daughter of John & Mary Leggett. To our subject and his wife have been born two children - Nora I. and Walter H.

From the Portraits & Biographical Carroll County 1885 Pg 912


DeathBef Aug 1823Wayne County, Kentucky


ChildElizabeth Cassada ( - )