Individual Details

ANNA Guild

(16 Mar 1614 - 29 Mar 1673)

Is this Anna?

There is no documentary proof that Richard Guild & Margery Jordan were Anna's parents. It is CONJECTURE -
Ann was probably sister of John and Samuel. Study of English records does not confirm,, could be a younger sister, rather than an older one; or possibly a cousin, dau. of William who was bap. 21 Sep 1595 in Redisham. NOT named in will of Margery (Jordan) Gilde in 1629. Nor was she baptised at the same time and Parish as James, John and Samuel, sons of Richard Guile and Margery Jordan.
However, an Ann Guill is listed as arriving with John and Samuel and as their sister:
Arrival in Dedham, MA about 1636, John Guill, brother, Samuel, age 16; sister, Ann, age 20.
From The Quiet Adventurers in North America,, by Marion G. Turk

Boyd's Index shows marriage 1607 Richard Gild and Margery Jordan married at Wilby, Suffolk Co. England. [They have been assumed by many to be Anna's parents}
Parish Records of Ilketshall St. Margaret, Suffolk, show baptisms of John, Samuel and James.
30 Nov 1609 John, son of Richard Gilde, baptised
26 Dec 1610 James, son of Richard Gilde, baptised
19 Jan 1613 Samewell, son of Richard Gild, baptised [Note that this Samuel's baptism was three years prior to the age of the Samuel on the above ship's passenger list which does raise the question regarding the parents of the three siblings on the passenger list. Perhaps this Samuel died and a second one was born three years later? Possibly but conjecture.]

Margery (Jordan) Guild's will of 1629 did not name a daughter, nor her son James - only two sons, John and Samuel.
Wills From The Archdeaconry of Suffolk: 1629-1636" NEHGS 1986 - p. 40, #85 - R(W) MARGERY GILDE (X) of Ilketshall, widow (N). 24 January 1628/9.
"To my son John Gild all my apparel linen and woolen except such particulars as I have disposed to others, which particulars I have acquainted my friend Mr. GOLDING and ELIZABETH his wife, and it is my will they shall more plainly say which they are. All the rest of my goods unbequeathed after what I name, in my house or without, and money by bonds or ready money I give to my 2 sons JOHN and SAMUEL, equally divided, whom I nominate exors. Witnesses: WILLIAM GOULDING, PETER FASSETT. Unto CHRISTIAN WARNE a cloth petticoat, a waistcoat and a green apron. To SUSAN the wife of HENRY WELTON a russet petticoat and a russet waistcoat. To ELIZABETH wife of WILLIAM GOLDING her best ruff and coif.
Probate at Beccles 18 March 1629/30. Admin. to JOHN GILD with power reserved for SAMUEL GYLD." (Witnesses William Goldinge, Peter Fasset) Will proved at Beccles by John Gilde, with power reserved for Samuel Gilde, the other executor.

John Guild was admitted into the Dedham Church 17th day of the 5th month, 1640.
John Guild and Elizabeth Crooke were married 24 Jun 1645 in Dedham.
The births of several children to John & Elizabeth Guild are recorded in Dedham:
John, baptised 16th day, 6th month 1646
Samuel, born 7th day, 9th month, 1647
unnamed (Samuel?) son, baptised 21st day, 9th month, 1647 (The Society of Colonial Wars Applications note a Samuel Guild, born Dedham 7 Nov 1647, married Mary Woodcock and was the son of John Guild & Elizabeth Crooke.)
another John was born 29th day, 9th month, 1649
Ebenezer, born 30th day, 9th month, 1653 and probably the unnamed son baptised 18th day, 10th month, 1653 - an Ebenezer died the 30th of the 4th month, 1655
Ebenezer, born 21st day, 10th month, 1657
Elizabeth, born 18th day, 11th month, 1660 (married George Robinson)
John Guild's will dated 3 Oct 1682, Norfolk. He gave to his three children Samuel, John & Elizabeth, all his wearing apparel to be divided equally. To Elizabeth, two cows, one of which she has and my bed and belongings, and all that is in my chest suitable for her. Also my land near the Falls, in the dividend called Natick, and one book of Mr. Burroughs, called Gospel Conversation. To son John, all my land in Wretham, and upland mead, and lot near Meadfield in the Meadfield Dividend. Also my loom, etc. and a book called Sound Believer. To son Samuel, my house lot and dwelling house and barn and my land upon Wigwam Plaine, my meadows at Fowle Meadows and 8 acres at Ragged Plain, and all common rights in lands to me not already mentioned. Signed: John Guild. Wit: Nathaniel Sterns, Thomas Metcalf.

Samuel Guile married Judith Davis, 1 Sep 1647, Haverhill, Massachusetts. His will was dated 16 Feb 1683, Haverhill, Essex, MA and named sons John, Sam, Efram, (states "my three sons") daughter Sarah, a grandchild Judith (no surname given). John to be Executor.


Birth16 Mar 1614Suffolk County, England
Marriage16 Mar 1638Dedham, Suffolk County, Massachusetts - JAMES Allen
Death29 Mar 1673Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts


SpouseJAMES Allen ( - 1676)
ChildJohn Allen (1639 - 1696)
ChildMartha Allen (1641 - 1734)
ChildMary Allen (1641 - 1702)
ChildSarah Allen (1644 - 1715)
ChildJames Allen (1646 - 1691)
ChildNathaniel Allen (1648 - 1718)
ChildJOSEPH Allen (1652 - 1703)