Individual Details

Nathan Hack

(26 Jul 1733 - 27 Aug 1809)

Ancestor #A048853, NSDAR - accepted through children, Mary/Molly, Lydia, Daniel, Rebecca.
From SAR Application:
Nathan Hack appears among a list of officers of the Massachusetts Militia chosen by the Company and accepted by Council, April 13th, 1776 as 1st Lieutenant in Capt. Edward Balke's 9th (Taunton) Co of the 13th Bristoal Ca. Regiment.
Dec 1776. served in Capt. Dean's Company as Lieutenant
Jan 1777. 1st Lieutenant in Capt Dean's Co., Col. John Daggatt's Regt from Brig Gen. George Godfreys Brigade for the defense of Rhode Island
Jul 1778. Lieutenant in Capt. Matthew Randall's Co.
Jul 1780. Lieutenant in Capt. Edward Blake's Co, Col. Carpenter's Regt. Marched to Tiverton by order of Council
Aug 1780. Lieutenant of Capt. Jacob Haskins Co, Col. Dean's Regt.

1800 Census. Taunton, Bristol, MA
Nathan Hack: 1m 10-16; 1m over 45. 2f over 45
Nathan Hack, Junior: 2m under 10, 1m 26-45. 2f under 10, 1f 26-45

Newspaper Extractions - Columbian Centinel, 6 Sep 1809
Nathan Hack, died in Taunton, aged 76.

Bristol MA Probate records
Will of Nathan Hackof Taunton, dated 1 Apr 1793. One third part of all personal estate after paying debts to beloved wife Rebeckah, improvement of all lands and buildings if she continues unmarried. If married to have one third part of real estate reserving a privilege in my dwelling house.
Two two sons, Nathan & Daniel, equally, all lands & buildings after improvements of wife
To daughter Molly, wife of Joseph Richmond and to Katy, wife of Calven Fillabrown, and to Rebeckah wife of Edward Thayer, and to Lydia wife of Enos Pratt over what they already had - 5 #'s to be paid by my sons Nathan & Daniel within one year of wife's decease or remarriage.
To daughter Melandy Hack, 20 #'s - 15 #'s to be paid at time of her marriage and the other five as for her sisters. If she shall not marry until after the death or remarriage of wife, to have whole 20 #'s paid within one year - to be paid equally between Nathan & Daniel. Also the use of a suitable room in my dwelling house for her to iimprove and live as long as she shall be unmarried.
If my son Daniel dies before he is 21, leaving no child, then the said Nathan and his heirs to have the whole of the estate given to Nathan & Daniel, Nathan paying all legacies.
Any remainder not disposed of to be equally divided between Nathan & Daniel.
Executors: wife Rebeckah and son Nathan.
Signed: Nathan Hack
Witnesses: Lydia Williams 2, Lydia Williams, James Williams

7 Oct 1809. Rebekah Hack refused to serve as Executor. Signed her own name.
On the same day Nathan Hack, Yoeman (Jr) was appointed as executor of the estate - securities were Daniel Yack, Yeoman, and Seth Crossman, Yeoman, all of Taunton. Bond was $5000.
Will presented for Probate by his son Nathan Hack (the other executor, Rebeckah refusing to accept the trust). Lydia Williams & James Williams, witnesses, proved the will.

Inventory of estate was returned to court, 2 Jan 1810. Ordered to be taken by Greenfield Blake, Eliab Robinson & Seth Crossman.


Birth26 Jul 1733Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts
MarriageDec 1760Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts - Katherine Lincoln
Marriage1765Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts - Rebecca Hoskins
Death27 Aug 1809Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts


SpouseRebecca Hoskins (1744 - 1828)
ChildRebecca Hack (1766 - 1803)
ChildDaniel Hack (1787 - 1847)
SpouseKatherine Lincoln (1743 - 1767)