Individual Details


(Abt 1601 - 8 Jul 1681)

Emigrant ancestor. Found in Newbury MA 1640, possibly before. Moved to Watertown about 1652. In 1665 he sold his estate in Watertown and bought sixty acres near the Concord boundary in Watertown Farms, which became the town of Weston. In 1669 he purchased 200 acres more in Watertown Farms. About 1673 in moved to Charlestown where he died. His occupation listed variously as farmer, planter, haberdasher, shopkeeper. Inventory of estate was 312£.
[Charlestown is now part of Boston. Probably Middlesex County at that time.]

His first three children probably born in England. Took oath in 1677 that he was 76, so probably born in 1601.

History of Newbury, Mass. 1635-1902; John J. Currier, Damrell & Upham, Boston, 1902
12 Mar 1641/2 The freemen's commission appointed to provide for the allotment of the pastures of the Town Commons. The same number of cows & oxen allotted was to be also allowed in the heifer common and in the common for young cattle - Walter Allen was allowed one "stint" for cows & oxen.
STINT, Eng. law. The proportionable part of a man's cattle, which he may keep upon the common
The first known list of settlers of Newbury is in the Proprietor's book of records, dated Dec 1642, and does include Walter Allen. p.84
Dec 7, 1642 List of free holders of the Towne of Newbury
Walter Allen listed

plan of the new Towne shall be layd out by the lotts layrs as the house lotts were determined by their choice beginning from the farthermost on the south street, etc. Walter Allen listed, but no house lot number was given. [1645]
Mar 1, 1651 These persons are freeholders and have an interest in all commons as having lawfully purchased their priviledges from such:
Henry Jaques from Walter Allens.

Historic Homes & Places & Genealogical and Personal Memoirs; Relating to the Families of Middlesex Co, MA, William Richard Cutter, A. M., Vol. 1, Lewis Historical Publishing Co, NY, 1908, p.217-221
The 60 acres purchased in Watertown Farms in 1665 was bought from John Knapp [Moses Allen married Hannah Knapp, likely a descendant of this family].
1 Oct 1673, Walter conveyed by deed of his lands at Watertown to sons Daniel and Joseph and moved to Charlestown.
In 1677, Walter Allen deposed that he was age seventy-six. At the time of his death he owned land in Watertown, Charlestown, Sudbury & Haverhill [he had acquired this farm in 1673. His occupation is given in the old records as farmer, planter, haberdasher [one as haberdasher of hats] and shopkeeper.
His first three children were likely born in England.

Genealogies of the Families & Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, Henry Bond, MD. 2nd Edition, Two Volumes in One. NEHGS, Boston, 1860
Walter Allen was of Newbury, 1640. He moved to Watertown prior to Apr 1662 at which time he was a proprietor, and was one of a coroner's jury, 19 Jul 1663. 20 Apr 1665, Walter and wife Rebecca sold a house and land in Watertown to Silmon Coolidge, bounded partly by Walter's own land. 7 Jun 1665, Walter Allen bought of John Knapp, 60 acres in Watertown Farms, lying towards Concord bounds.
19 Sep 1666, Thomas Mayhew, sometime of Watertown, now of Martha's Vineyard, sold 200 acres of land in Watertown Farms, granted to him by the town to Joseph Crosby of Braintree and the said Crosby sold the same to Walter Allen, a farmer of Watertown, on 21 Jun 1669. Cosby made 10£ on the sale.
1 Oct 1673, by deed of gift, Walter Allen conveyed lands to his sons Daniel & Joseph and moved to Charlestown. In Charlestown he married his second wife, Abigail Rogers, on 29 Nov 1678. His occupation in Charlestown was "haberdasher of hats". He died there 8 Jul 1681. Walter Allen's will dated 19 Feb 1679/80 was proved Aug 1682 and names wife Abigail, sons John of Sudbury, Daniel and Joseph.
Walter Allen's inventory included the 200 acre "Mayhew Farm" near Sudbury, another farm of 75 acres, 6 acres of meadow, 2 acres dividend land, a mansion-house, land, and orchard in Charlestown, and a 100 acres farm in Haverhill.
A son Benjamin was born in Newbury, 1647 and a Benjamin Allen did settle in Watertown about the same time as Walter and the other sons. No Benjamin was mentioned in the will.

Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1629-1818; by Thomas Bellows Wyman, Volume A-J; David Clapp & Son, Boston, 1879
Buys of Anthony Dicks, the house formerly of Mr. Wm. Phillips that now keeps the Ship Tavern in Boston; at the cross lane up to Dea. Lynde's house; strett way going to Cambridge. Wit: Harman Garrett, James Brown. 1652, recorded 1655.
Walter Allen & wife Rebecca of Watertown sold to E. Boulton, land 60x24 from north corner of Boulton's shop standing on ground to north corner of H. Balcom's shop, bounded on NW and Sw by Allen's orchard. 1665/6
To H. Balcom, lot, front 16, rear 24, northeast of Walter Allen and other ground where shop is that Balcom bought of Mr. Stevens; northwest of E. Boulton; sounth, the land to Malt lane or Pentecost; SE & Nw by Lynde's field. 1669
To B. Sweetser, 15 1/2 acres near Spot pond, bounded next to pond by John Smith, other side by John Pentecost, 1673.
Walter Allen and sons, John of Sedbury, Joseph & Daniel of Watertown, to H. Balcom and Isaac Johnson, house, etc. Bounded N & W by H. Balcom, East by Johnson. and the highway to ferry, south by the highway to Pentecost. 1681.

Newbury Vital Records: To the end of the Year 1849
Vol. 1 - Births
Essex Institute; Salem, MA 1911
Abigael, d. Walter, Oct 1, 1641
Benjamin, s. Walter, Apr 15, 1647
No Allen/Allin Marriages in Newbury.
No pertinent Allen/Allin Deaths

Charlestown Vital Records
To the Year 1850
Roger D. Joslyn
NEHGS, Boston, 1984
There was a Capt. John Allen, who also married a Sarah, whose records are found in Charlestown - not the son of Walter. John of Charlestown died in 1675 - perhaps more of an age to be a contemporary of Walter Allen.
Oct 25, 1677 Walter Allen & Abigail Rogers, m. by Maj. Daniel Gookin, Magist. Dec 19, 1678
Rebecca Allen, wife of Walter Allen of Charlstowne, d. Aug. 7, 1678
Benjamin Allen, son of Walter Allen, d. in Charlstowne, Sept 20, 1678
Walter Allen of Charlstowne, haberdasher, d. & was bur. July 8, 1681.

Walter Allen died testate. His will dated 19 February 1679/80; proved in August 1681. His son Benjamin had predeceased Walter and no mention was made of daughter Abigail.
Middlesex County, MA Probate Records, vol. 5, p. 163-164
LDS Microfilm #0521762
This 19th . 12. 1679. I Walter Allen of Charlestowne in the Countie of Middlesex: being aged and crazie of body as yet in my perfect understanding & memory doe make this my last will & testament.
Imps: I doe give unto my well beloved wife Abigail Allen according to what we agreed upon before we marryed that shee should have three pound a year so long as shee did live my widdow in manner as followeth, the one halfe in money, the other in country pay as shall be suit her occasion & this shall be pd out of my house at Charlestown by my three sons which I make my executors joyntly; moreover I give unto my wife for her labour & pains shee hath taken wch was in my sickness fourty shillings to be pd in money six months after my decease.
I give unto my son Jno Allen, one parcel lying in Watertowne called Mr Mayhew's farme contayning two hundred acres more or less with all ye timber & wood to it belonging to him and to his heirs forever. Also I give unto my three sons one hundred acres of land lying in Haverill, which I had of Thomas Davis of Haverhill mason: to sell this land and to divide it equally between them: Also I give to my sons my dwelling house in Charlestown & all my moveable goods & debts to be equally divided between them: Moreover I give unto my son Daniell allen & Joseph Allen, one farm called Knops farme and five acres of meaddows lying in the great meadow of Watertowne which I bought of John Ballson.
As for my bedding my will is that my son John shall the bed with the canvass ticking with the feather bolster & pillow & blankets and hamock, to my son Daniel the oldest feather bed & feather bolster, one pillow, one blankett, & the colored rug; to my son Joseph that feather bed, bolster, one pillow, two blanketts & green rugg; I give unto my son John the twenty acres of Divident land lying in Watertowne near the bridges I bought it of Garrett Church. Also I give unto my son Daniel Allen one acre of meddow lying in Watertown wch I bought of Mr. Norcross. As for ye bed with the canvass ticking on it my mind is yt Elnathan the son of Daniel shall have yt bed & John Allen shall have that I had of John Cool.
Signed: Walter Allen
Charlstown this 6 May 1681: My desire is that my sons would live peacably & not to contend & quarell but act contented with what I have done. Butt if any of them be not & will be quarrelsome, then yt are to shall have but ten pounds & their brothers yt live peacably shall have my estate as written my hand
Signed: Walter Allen
Nathaniel Kettle
Jonathan Kettle
The inventory of the estate of Walter Allen was taken on 12, 5th month, 1681 by Lawrence Dowse, Henry Balcom and Jonathan Kettel. Total was 315 #'s. The real estate included:
1) One farm in Watertowne lying near Sudbury containing two hundred acres (60 pounds)
2) One farm contayning 105 acres & six acres of meadow (17 pounds)
3) Another farm lying in Haverhill (20 pounds)
4) 20 acres of Divident land in Watertown (8 pounds)
5) The dwelling house & orchard in Charlstowne (105 pounds)
He had four pounds ten shillings in money, and had 57 pounds in debts owed to him.
Recorded by Thomas Danforth, Clerk, Middlesex County Court, Sep 1681.

Thought to be buried Phipps Street Burying Ground, Charlestown, Suffolk, MA


BirthAbt 1601England
MarriageAbt 1630REBECCA Ward
ImmigrationBef 1640
Marriage29 Nov 1678Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts - Abigail Rogers
Death8 Jul 1681Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts


SpouseREBECCA Ward ( - 1678)
ChildJOHN ALLEN (1631 - 1711)
ChildDaniel Allen ( - 1705)
ChildJoseph Allen (1638 - 1721)
ChildAbigail Allen (1641 - )
ChildBenjamin Allen (1647 - 1678)
SpouseAbigail Rogers ( - )
