Individual Details

Linnie Miriam Shehane

(1903 - )

The Current Local, 27 Jan 1921, Thu, Page 1. Van Buren, (Carter Co) Missouri
Jones-Shehane Nuptials
Otto J. Jones and Miss Miram Shehane, two well known young people of this vicinity, were united in matrimony Thursday evening at the home of Justice W. W. Coleman, who officiated at the ceremony.
The groom is the eldest son of Mrs. Sarah Jones of this place. He is a steady, industrious and reliable young man enjoying the friendship and esteem of all who know him. Of late he has been employed in Iowa with the Western Union Telegraph Co, as a lineman, returning home a couple of weeks ago. His bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Shehane, formerly of the Mill Creek vicinity northwest of town, but more recently residing near Low Wassie. She is a handsome, refined young lady, possessing many qualifications, no doubt, which will fit her for her future role of helpmate and homemaker.
We predict for this worthy young pair a life of happiness together and take pleasure in extending congratulations, in common with their many friends. They left Saturday for a visit at the home of the bride's parents after which they will make their home on the Shehane farm on Mill Creek.


Marriage27 Jan 1921Missouri - Otto Jennings Jones


SpouseOtto Jennings Jones (1897 - 1967)
ChildAnna Maybelle Jones (1926 - 1957)