Individual Details

JOHN GORE Critcher

(1770 - 13 Apr 1851)

Notes from online tree:
5 Aug 1790 - overseer of road, Granville Co NC
4 Feb 1796 - ordered to lay off a road
1798 - served as constable, Granville
1802 - named in bill of sale for the Negro, David.
1815 - Taxed in Granville Co
6 Feb 1835 - sued for debt, Granville.

Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina: 1746-1808, by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1978
p.209 Will Book 4, p.147
Claims against the county - names included Thomas Critcher, John Longmire, Elijah Mitchell, John Critcher. Allowance to patrolers, order to Henry Williams.

Granville Deed Book Q, p.22
9 Feb 1797. John G. Critcher of Granville to John Fussell, for $1,022, sells a tract of land on NW side of Nutbush Creek & north side of the Lick branch. Begin corner in edge of Thomas Craft's old field; bank of the Creek and up the meanders; alove the Lick & below a Spring. 511 acres.
Signed: J. G. Critcher.
Feb Court 1797. Acknowledged by John Critcher.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina; 1746-1820; by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1977.
p.167; Nov 1798 John Critcher appointed constable.
p.176; Aug 1799 John Critcher resigns as constable; John Brame appointed.

Granville Deed Book Q, p.331
9 May 1800. John Critcher to Lewis Reavis, both of Granville. For 40 #'s, tract of land in Granville. Begin South of Nutbush Creek where Reavis's line joins the Creek; Rowland Harris's line; up to the Creek to a for, then up the South branch, west side of Branch, line of marked trees to include two acres on the West side of the branch; up the branch to the first station. 50 acres in all. Signed: Jno Critcher. Witnesses: Thos. Mitchel, P. Bullock.
May Court 1800. Acknowledged by John Critcher in open court.

1800 Census. Hillsboro, Granville, NC
John Crutcher: 3 males under 10 (Mastin, Thomas & ???), 1m 26-45. 1 female under 10 (Rebecca), 1 female 26-26. Reports 8 slaves. Note: he received five slaves from the will of his father, circa 1778.

Abstracts of Land Entries: Granville NC 1778-1877; Dr. R. B. Pruitt, 1988
p.63 #750 18 Oct 1800 Charles R. Eaton enters 50 acres between Thomas Norman and John Fussel, formerly the property of Thomas Critcher, John Critcher & John Eaton purchase of Solomon Green. Warrant issued 26 Jan 1801.
p. 64 #756 30 Jan 1801 James Critcher and John R. Eaton enters 100 acres head of Nutbush Cr. Borders John Critcher, Lewis Reavis, Solomon Green or John R. Eaton & John G Critcher.

Summary of Granville, North Carolina Tax Records
John G. Critcher (sometimes listed as just John Critcher)
1801 – Henderson Dist, 622 Acres, 1 white poll, 5 slaves
1804 – Henderson Dist, 1450 Acres, 1 white poll
1806, 1810-1813 – Tax lists missing, John not present for the lists that exist
Doesn’t appear again until
1814 – Oxford Dist, 1 white poll
1815 – Oxford Dist, 1 white poll
1816 – Oxford Dist, 1 white poll
1817 – Oxford District tax list missing; John not there in 1818
1819-1820 – Tax lists missing.
1823-1824 – Oxford District tax list missing
Doesn’t appear again until
1828 – Oxford Dist, 66 2/3 acres, Mill Creek, no polls Note: usually exempt from poll at age 60 – gave age as 80 in 1850, but perhaps he was a couple of years older.
1829 – Oxford Dist, 66 2/3 acres, Mill River, no polls
1830 – Oxford Dist, 67 acres, no polls
1831 – Oxford Dist, 133 1/3 acres, “H” Crk, no polls
1832 – Oxford District tax list missing
1832 – Tar River Dist, 133 1/3 acres, Tar River, no polls
1833 – Tar River Dist, 133 1/3 acres, “H” River, no polls
1834 – Tar River Dist, 133 acres, Mill Crk, no polls
1835 – Tar River Dist, 133 acres, no polls – land lost for debts – see son William’s tax record
Missing until
1842 – Oxford Dist, no land, no white poll, 1 slave
1843 – Oxford Dist – John G. Critcher’s name written in but crossed out
1844-1849 – All tax lists missing
1850 – not on tax list

The following deeds to be checked - possibly the same, transcribed differently. Or perhaps it was a land swap.
Granville DB Q, p.434
5 May 1801. William Smith to John Critcher, land devised to him by his father, Samuel Smith, dec'd and given to him and his brother, John Smith, by deed.
Granville DB Q, p.424
5 May 1801. John Critcher to William Smith, both of Granville. For $2000, all the tracts of land whereon he now lives, 600 acres in Granville Co. On waters of Nutbush Creek & bounded by lands of John R. Eaton, John Fuzzel, Lewis Revis & Mr. Buel which was devised to him by the last Will & Testament of his father. Signed: Jno. Crutcher
May Court 1801. Acknowledged in open court by John G. Critcher.
DB R, p.347
2 Aug 1803 John G. Critcher to William Smith, land devised to William Smith and his brother John Smith by their father, Samuel Smith, dec'd.

Granville Deed Book R, p.98
1 July 1802 John G. Critcher to John Fussell for $400, Negro Man Slave named Daniel. Signed J. G. Critcher. Wit: Harrison Fussell, Frederick Wiggins.
Nov Court 1802. Proved by oath of Harrison Fussell, witness thereto.

DB R, p. 347
2 Aug 1803 John G. Critcher to William Smith both of Granville. Some time previous, John Critcher purchased of William Smith his portion of lands given by his father Samuel Smith, dec'd to the said William Smtih & his brother John Smith, which said land was to be divided by the said Critcher into two different tracts and choice of the two parcels reserved for John Smith or his assigns, which division being made. Begin at corner of old tract which Saml Smith purchased from Edward Moore; along the old line to include 200 acres of land on the east side of said old Tract, should there be that much between that and where Mrs. Qualls now lives and to the beginning. From first beginning East along the last run line until it crosses the line run by Micajah Bullock, Surveyor, the Confiscated lands, along line made by said Bullock to the most southerly line of lands taken up by said Samuel Smith, dec'd to include all the lands claimed or taken up by the sd Smith within the lines made by said Bullock in Surveying the Confiscated lands below the land first mentioned as the Old Tract. With the 200 acres first mentioned to be 1450 acres mor or less. John G. Critcher, for the sum of $200, paid by William Smith, all the lands purchased of him according to the manner of division mutually made. Signed: J. G. Critcher. Wit: Brereton Jones, L. Bronson.
Aug Court 1804. Deed proved by oath of Brereton Jones, subscribing witness thereto.

NC 1812-1814 Muster Rolls, John Cretcher, Second Regt. Granville County. []
On Fold3 is a General Index Card for
John Critcher, North Regt, Granville County (Smith's) North Carolina Militia, War of 1812
"See also Mastin Critcher"
has the 1814 Muster, 4th Regt, 6th Company, detached from the 2nd Granville Regt, "John Cretcher". William Longmire, Jr. is in this same company.

1820 Census. Oxford, Granville, NC
J. G. Cretcher: 4 males under 10 (James, Anson, William and ???), 1 male 16-18, 2m 16-26 (one probably the same as the boy 16-18; Thomas would be the older, Nathaniel was 17), 1 male over 45
1f under 10 (possibly Frances), 1f 10-16 (???), 1f 26-45. No slaves and none listed hereafter.
Rebecca and Mastin were both married by 1820.

Granville Deed Book 2, p.285
15 Mar 1825 Thomas Taylor in consideration of sum of $1. As I have always given John Critcher to understand never to take away from him, I do hereby give and convey to him two beds & their furniture being the same which mother purchased at the sale of said Critchers property and which she permitted to remain with him and by her will gave to me. Signed: Thomas Taylor.
Wit: L. Hillman, L. Gilliam
May Court 1825. Proved on oath of L. Gilliam

Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina, 1808-1833, Vol. II, Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1976
Book 10, p.106-107
p. 193 20 Dec 1825. Inventory and sale of estate of Joel Hayes, deceased by Howel L. Ridley, admstr. Lists Polly and Alfred Hayes a buyers. Others were Nathaniel & John Critcher, Samuel & James & Simeon Hayes. [Note: Rebecca doesn't appear as the widow]
Book 11, p.10
p.228 7 Aug 1828. Property of Joel Hayes, deceased, by J. G. Critcher, Admstr. Money due estate.

1830 Census. North Regt, Granville, NC
John G. Crutcher 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 1m 50-60. 1f 5-10, 2f 10-15, 1f 20-30, 1f 40-50
Known children at home in 1830: Frances, b. 1815, age 15. William, b. 1813, age 17. Anson, b. 1811, age 19. James, b. 1808, age 22. Nathaniel & Thomas had married. Definitely unidentified children.

His father's estate file reveals serious legal problems for all the heirs of Thomas Critcher - they were sued by a mercantile company to which Thomas owed considerable money. The suit began, I believe, about 1798 and was not settled until 1830 at which time John Gore Critcher was charged with the debt of his father in an amount of over $1,000.00 Thomas Critcher's will had specified that all debts be paid before distribution to the heirs and this apparently never took place.

Granville DB 5, p.36
30 April 1831 James A. Russell to John G. Critcher, both of Granville. Sum of $130, sells that parcel of land in Granville adjoining the lands of Jno. House, George Boswell and others. By Person's line; Badgett's line - 133 1/3 acres. Signed: Jas. A. Russell. Wit: Jas. M. Wiggins, A. H. Higgs.
May Court 1831. Proved by oath of Allen Higgs.

DB 5, p.52
30 Apr 1830 Stephen K. Sneed & James M. Wiggins, to John G. Critcher, all of Granville Co. By deed dated 31 Jul 1829, William Robards conveyed to said Stephen K. Sneed all right & title which Robards purchased at the Sheriff Sale in the Dower which Robert B. Mitchell was entitled in right of his wife Hannah in several tracts of land in Granville. Amongst others a tract described as "adjoining Badgets & others called the Hatches Run tract". Stephen K. Sneed has full right & authority to sell and dispose of in any manner proper for the use, benefit & advancement of the said Hannah Mitchell. In pursuance of the trust reposed in the said Sneed & Wiggins and in consideration of $105 paid by John G. Critcher, sell to him that tract described adjoining Badgets & others called the Hatches Run tract, being the dower right which Robert B. Mitchell held in right of his wife Hannah. That is one third of the same which was purchased at Sheriffs Sale by William Robards and by him conveyed to Sneed & Wiggins. Signed: Step. K. Sneed, Jas. M. Wiggins. Wit: L. Gilliam, Harris Williams.
May Court 1831. Proved by oath in open counrt by Leslie Gilliam, witness thereto.

Granville Deed Book 6, p.112
14 Mar 1834. Mortgage Deed. John G. Critcher to Rober I. Yancey, trustee and Anson Critcher of the 3rd part. John G. is indebted to Anson Critcher in the sum of $40 with interest due 14 Mar 1834. IN consideration of the above and for $1, Critcher sells to Yancey, two bay mares & one colt. After June 1st he may sell said property to the highest bidder to apply to the discharge of the debt to the said Anson Critcher. Signed: J. G. Critcher, Robt I Yancey Jr. Wit: Jas. M. Wiggins
15 Mar 1834. Acknowledged by John G. Critcher.

Abstracts of Land Entries: Granville NC 1778-1877; Dr. R. B. Pruitt, 1988
p.97 #1144 3 Oct 1834 John Wilson enters 600 acres on waters of Hatchers Run. Borders: Charles Harris, James Gooch, John Critcher, John Anderson & the Poor house land.

Granville DB 6, p.549
10 Aug 1835 Leslie Gilliam, the Sheriff of Granville directed by the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for County of Granville to sell lands taken on the property of John G. Critcher to the highest bidder for ready money to pay to Thompson Maddox & Ridley the sum of $141.75 for debt besides the further sum of $10.05 received in said court by Judgment thereof against John G. Critcher. On 6 Aug 1835, the sheriff did sell before the court house door having first advertised for 40 days, to William H. Critcher, the last & highest bidder for $200. 133 acres bounded by lands of George Boswell, Joseph House and others. Signed: L. Gilliam, Shff
Wit: Benj. Kittrell, L. Harris
Nov Court 1835. Acknowledged in open court by Leslie Gilliam

1840 Census. Tarr River Dist, Granville, NC
John G. Critcher. 1m 15-20, 1m 60-70. 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, 1f 60-70.

1850 Census. Oxford, Granville, NC
John Critcher, 80, Farmer, Pauper
Sarah, age 73, Pauper

I have searched the Granville records in vain looking for any sort of death record, division among heirs, etc. but I suspect John and Sarah did indeed die owning little to nothing - their financial problems seemingly began with the difficult settling of his father's debts.

Believed buried Critcher Burying Grounds, Oxford, Granville, NC


Birth1770Granville County, North Carolina
Marriage14 Jan 1794Granville County, North Carolina - SARAH JANE Marshall
Death13 Apr 1851Granville County, North Carolina


SpouseSARAH JANE Marshall (1777 - 1853)
ChildRebecca Critcher (1795 - )
ChildMASTIN Crutcher (1797 - 1847)
ChildThomas Critcher (1800 - 1844)
ChildNathaniel Rochester Critcher (1803 - 1883)
ChildJames Critcher (1808 - 1893)
ChildAnson Critcher (1811 - 1882)
ChildWilliam N. Critcher (1813 - 1897)
ChildFrances T Critcher (1815 - 1904)
FatherTHOMAS Critcher (1734 - 1778)
MotherESTHER Thrift (1726 - 1784)
SiblingThomas Critcher (1757 - 1804)
SiblingSarah "Sally" Critcher (1760 - 1837)
SiblingJames Critcher (1762 - 1814)
SiblingJane Thrift "Jenny" Critcher (1765 - )