Individual Details

Love Brewster

(1611 - 31 Jan 1651)

The Brewster Genealogy : 1566-1907 : A record of the descendants of William Brewster of the "Mayflower"; American Family Histories,

Love Brewster is one of the six proved children of Elder William Brewster. William Brewster was master of the ship that transported a group of Pilgrims to Holland in 1607 where they resided for about twelve years when he decided to emigrate to Virginia. Elder Brewster, his wife Mary and two of their sons were passengers on the Mayflower, landing 16 Dec 1620. His wife Mary, surname undiscovered, died at Plymouth, 17 Apr 1627. Elder Brewster died there 10 Apr 1644. His estate was divided, 20 Aug 1645, between Jonathan and Love his only children living.

He came to Plymouth, MA from England aboard "The Mayflower". Love became a freeman (able to vote & hold land) and was a volunteer to fight in the Pequot War of 1637, but at that time, volunteers from his county were not needed. He raised his family in Duxbury, MA, volunteered for the milita under Captain Myles Standish and lived out his life in that town.

Will of Love Brewster, Oct. 6, 1650:
"The last will and Testament of Love Brewster Deseassed exhibited at the general Court holden at New Plym: the 4th of March 1650 upon th e oath of Captaine Miles Standish
Witnesseth these psents that I Love Brewster of Duxburrow in New England and in the goverment of New Plym: being in pfect memory doe ordeaine & appoint this to bee my last will and Testamente And first my will is that if the lord shall please to take mee out of this life that my body bee buried in a decent mannor and that my funerall expences bee taken out of my whole estate; Next my will is; That all my Just and lawfull debts bee paied out of the Remainder of my said estate allso I give unto my Children that is to say Nathaniell, William, Wrasteling and Sara each of them a kettle and further my will is that my three sonns shall have each of them a peece that is to say a gun; allso I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sara Brewster all the Residue of my whole estate both goods and Chattles and land at Duxburrow for her bringing up of her and my Children the time of her life and after her decease I doe give the aforsaid lands to my eldest sonn and heire apparent Nathaniell Brewster and in Case god should take him away out of this life without Issew I give and bequeath the said lands to Duxburrow to my second sonn William Brewster and in like case to my youngest sonn Wresteling Brewster; And for those books I have that my wife would destribute them to herselfe and Children at her discresion allso my will is and I doe by the same give unto my three sonns equally to be devided amongst them all such land as of Right due to mee by Purchase and first coming into the land Which was in the yeare 1620 allso I doe make Constitute and appoint my beloved wife Sara Brewster sole executrix of this my last will and Testament in Witnes Whereof I have put to my hand and Seale this sixt of october 1650
Witness heerunto
Love Brewster
Myles Standish"


Birth1611Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Marriage25 May 1634Plymouth County, Massachusetts - Sarah Collier
Death31 Jan 1651Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts


SpouseSarah Collier ( - 1691)