Individual Details

Cornelius Lambertse Cool

( - Bef Dec 1643)

Cornelius was in New Amsterdam as early as 24 Jun 1638, residing in Brooklyn. He died between May 1642 and December 1643.

From "New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch", by Arnold J.F. VanLaer, 1974:
Vol I, Register of the Provincial Secretary 1638-1642 
p. 107 Testimony of Cornelis Lambertsen Cool regarding misbehavior of Grietje Reyniers at Amsterdam
Before me ... at the request of Wybrandt Pietersen, (Cornelis Lamberse Cool) and declared ... that he, the deponent, being with Claes Cornelissen Swits lodged at Amsterdam, in the house of Pieter deWinter, tavern keeper there, at whose house Griet Reyniers was a servant, who served him, the deponent, and other guests with liquor,there were among others at the aforesaid house in another chamber someHigh Dutch soldiers, whom Griet Reyniers aforesaid also attended with drink, and as said Griet Reyniers did not come quickly enough from said room, her mistress went away and saw through a hole in the door that Grietje above named had her petticoat upon her knees. The mistress of the house not being well pleased with this, said to me,the deponent, and Claes Swits: 'I thought I had an honest woman in the house, but she is a nasty whore and must quit her even tomorrow morning.' Thus done the 21st of March ao. 1639, in Fort Amsterdam.

5 Apr 1642. Patent granted to Cornelis Lambersen (Cool) for lands lying on Long Island from the wagon road and Jan Pietersen's land, lying alongside the rive, to a certain swamp, next to land of William Adrianse (Bennet), land formerly occupied by Jans Van Rotterdam and Thomas Beets (Bescher) with the condition that the roads as they now run over the above-described land shall remain as they now are. Also a portion of a hay-marsh lying by the hay-marsh of Anthony Van Salee.

May 1642
Lambert Cornelissen acknowledged at the request of his father, Cornelis Lambersen that he was fully paid for his deceased mother's estate which until now has been in the custody of my father my stepmother, Altien Bracongne. Signed ___May 1642 i Fort Amsterdam in New Netherlands.


Marriage23 Jan 1605Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Annetge Michgielsdr
DeathBef Dec 1643


SpouseAnnetge Michgielsdr ( - )
ChildAeltje Cornelis Cool (1620 - 1683)
SpouseAeltje Braconie ( - )