Individual Details

Elisha Fitch

(30 Jan 1778 - 3 Feb 1848)

The following deeds appear to be an older Elisha Fitch, probably father of the Elisha that married Lydia - Elisha Junr witnessed some of his deeds.

New York Land Records, 1630-1975,
Cayuga (Onondaga, Vol B)
p.363 (img 562) 12 Oct 1795 Albert Crouse of Philadelphia, Gardener, to Elisha Fitch of Scipio, Esquire. For 600£. Lot on the East side of Cayuga Lake, Onondaga County, known by Lot Twenty in the Division of the town of Scipio in the Military Tract. Granted for his services in the late War. 600 acres, except for 112 acres previously sold to Elisha Fitch and 50 acres sold by the Surveyor General to defray the cost of the survey. Signed: Albert (X) Crouse
Crouse acknowledged the same day before Seth Phelps, first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.
p.365 (img 563) 21 March 1795 Albert Crouse, in the town of Scipio, for the sum of 220£, to Elisha Fitch, certain part of Lot Twenty, part of bounty land for service in the Army of the United States and in the county of Onondaga. Begin on East line of the Cayuga Reservation... 112 acres. Signed: Albert (X) Crouse. Wit: Abraham Johnson, William Fitch
Crouse acknowledged on 12 Oct 1795 to Seth Phelps. Both deeds recorded 12 Oct 1795.

Cayuga (Onondaga, Vol E)
p.236 (img 159) 2 Nov 1795 Elisha Fitch of Scipio, Esqr. and Rachael his wife to Samuel Boughton of the same, yoeman. For 70£. Part of lot Twenty in the town of Scipio. 60 acres.
Signed: Elisha Fitch, Rachael Fitch. Wit: Walter Wood, Henry Moore, Asa Bayley, David Clark.
23 Dec 1795 - acknowledged by Elisha Fitch before Seth Phelps, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.

Cayuga, Deed Book C
p.58 (img 561) 10 Jun 1801 Elisha Fitch of Scipio, Esqr and Rachel his wife to John Tarpening of the same, farmer. For $525. Part of Lot Twenty in the town of Scipio. 100 acres. Signed: Elisha Fitch, Rachel Fitch. Witness: Timothy Halstead, Seth Sherwood
11 Jun 1801 Acknowledged by Elisha Fitch, Rachel examined separately, before Seth Sherwood, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. Recorded 17 Jun 1801.
p.62 (img 563) 3 Mar 1797 Elisha Fitch of Scipio, Esqr and Rachel his wife to Timothy Halstead of the same, farmer. For 663£ 4 sh. Part of lot Twenty in the town of Scipio - 203 acres, 3 quarters and 10 rods. Signed: Elisha Fitch, Rachel Fitch. Recorded 17 Jun 1801
10 Jun 1801 Acknowledged by Elisha Fitch, Rachel examined separately, before Seth Sherwood.
p.88 (img 577) 20 Jun 1798 Elisha Fitch of Scipio, Esqr, to Auther Smith and Naby his wife, of the same. For $300 and good will I have toward my son-in-law and daughter. Parcel in township of Scipio. Being at stakes & stones in the Highway that runs east & west on the line of Lot Number Twenty and Twenty-Seven, the SE corner of the farm Avery Tracey owns and lives on. 50 acres or therabouts. Signed: Elisha Fitch. Wit: Reuben Smith, Elisha Fitch, Junr.
1 March 1800 Acknowledged by Elisha before Seth Sherwood. Rec 27 Jun 1801

Cayuga Deed Book E
p.91 (img 316) 14 Mar 1803 Elisha Fitch, Esqr of Scipio and Rachel his wife to and Abner and Aynson Wilcoks, Farmer. For $2400.00. Land in Scipio, begin at stake East side of popler ridge road, South side Timothy Halsted's farm that he lives on, with his line, west side of Lot 21 ...east line of Lot 20. 300 acres. Signed: Elisha Fitch, Rachel Fitch. Wit: Elisha Fitch Junr, Dyer Fitch.
14 Apr 1803. Acknowledged before Seth Phelps, first judge of Court of Common Pleas. Rachel examined separately. Recorded 3 May 1803.

Cayuga Deed Book F
p.451 (img 281) 24 Oct 1804 Elisha Fitch of Scipio, Esqr to Libbeus Lathrop of Bridgewater, county of Somerset, State of New Jersey, Parson. $205. Part of lot Twenty. Begin South corner of farm owned & occupied by Timothy Halstead in town of Scipio, unning on the late reservation line, land occupied by Avery Tracey, Easterly of the Farm of Arthur Smith, farm now owned by Abner Wilcox. 150 acres. Signed: Elisha Fitch. wit: Jno. Bayles, Timothy Bradley
24 Oct 1804 before Daniel D. Tompkins, Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of New York, Elisha Fitch acknowledged. Recorded 3 Jul 1805.

Cayuga Deed Book I
p.260 (img 490) 12 Mar 1807. Walter Wood of Scipio, & Paulina his wife and Elisha Fitch of the same place and Rachel his wife, to Lydia Gurnsey, wife of William Gurnsey of Scipio, for the sum of Five dollars, part of lot twenty one in Scipio. 210 acres, three Quarkes and 33 rods. Signed: Walter Wood, Paulina Wood, Elisha Fitch, Rachel Fitch. Wit: Seth Phelps, E. Burnham.
12 Mar 1807. Acknowledged before Seth Phelps, first Judge of Court of Common Pleas. Wives examined separately. Recorded 1 Jul 1807.

Cayuga Deed Book L
p.412 (img 254) 12 Mar 1807. Elijah Fitch and Rachel his wife of Scipio and William Guernsey and Liddie his wife of the same, to Walter Wood of the same place, for five dollars. Part of lot twenty-one. 100 acres. Signed: Elisha Fitch, Rachel Fitch, William Guernsey, Lydia (X) Guernsey.
Wit: Seth Phelps, E. Burnham.
12 Mar 1807. Acknowledged and wives examined before Seth Phelps. Recorded 21 Aug 1807.

Cayuga Deed Book M
p.66 (img 390) 19 Nov 1807. Elisha Fitch of Scipio, farmer to Hannah H Fitch in the town of Onondaga, county of Onondaga, for $140.00. Lot thirty-seven in Aurelius, Cayuga. Begin at old Genesee Road opposite house of Silas Olmstead, south by the road to land owned by Ashly Goodrich, with his line, to line of Noah Olmsted's land to the highway leading east & west. One acre of land. Signed: Elisha Fitch. Wit: Samuel Grover, John Grover.
19 Nov 1807. Acknowledged before John Grover one of judges of the court of common pleas. Recorded 12 Dec 1811.

Cayuga Deed Book Q
p.408 (img 652) 5 Apr 1815. James Tibbits of Cauyaga County and Lorana his wife to Elisha Fitch of the same place. For the sum of one thousand dollars. Lot No. thirty-six in the township of Aurelius. Begin North east corner of tract lately in possession of Solomon Tibbits. 20 acres. Signed: James Tibbits, Lorana Tibbits, in the presence of David Hyde.
10 Apr 1815. Acknowledged by Tibbits, wife examined, David Hyde, Master in Chancery. Recorded 16 Dec 1815.

Cayuga Deed Book S
p.270 (img 460) 28 Dec 1816 James P. Fitch and Lucy his wife of Scipio to Elisha Fitch of the same for $2,500.00. Parcel in Scipio, part of lot number Twenty. Begin north west corner on land owned by Justus Allen, by the west line of the reservation, middle of the poplar ridge road, angle of the highway. Nine acres, 4 rods. Signed only by James P. Fitch. Witness: Eli Stiton.
31 Dec 1816. James P. Fitch acknowledged before John Grover, one of the judges of the court of common pleas. Recorded 8 Jan 1817.
p.502 (img 591) 15 Apr 1817 Elisha Fitch of Sempronius, Cayuga County, to William Allen of Scipio for $2000.00. Parcel of land in Scipio, part of lot Twenty. Begin north west corner of land owned by Justice Allen, etc. Nine acres, one rod. Subject to a lease from the party of the first part to Mathew Tallman for part of said premises. Signed: Elisha Fitch in presence of Arthur Phelps. Acknowledged the same day to Daniel Shepard, Master in Chancery. Recorded 15 May 1817.


Birth30 Jan 1778Pawlet, Rutland County, Vermont
MarriageAbt 1799Lydia Hoskins
Death3 Feb 1848Crawford County, Illinois


SpouseLydia Hoskins (1780 - 1848)
ChildAbigail Fitch (1808 - )
ChildEdwin Fitch (1809 - )
ChildElizabeth Fitch (1810 - 1854)
ChildLaura Fitch (1812 - 1868)
ChildAdaline Fitch (1814 - )