Individual Details

Richard Belt

( - 1789)

",,, Whereas Richard Belt, son of John Belt of Gunpowder in the County of Baltimore and Province of Maryland, and Keturah Price, daughter of John Price ... having declared their intentions of taking each other in marriage before several monthly meetings of the Christians called Quakers of Gunpowder in the county and province aforesaid... and having consent of parents and relations ...this 24 of first month called January 1760...[signed by about forty people, some names illegible]. This is also in Henry C. Peden's Quaker Records of Northern Maryland.,,,"

"Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759", P 37. [presumably Maryland]
Richard Belt, par. unk. but may have been s. of John (3) and Lucy, d. by 19 Mar 1789; m. 24 day, 1 mo, 1760 to Keturah Price, b. 21 day, 2 mo, 1739, dau of John and Keturah Price. Belt's will, 18 Mar1788 - 19 Mar 1789 named Keturah and four sons. Had issue: John, Charlton, Aqula, Benedict, Milcah, b. 12 d, 1, 1765 who married Jesse Matthews; Isabel married William McGaw.

"I Richard Belt, Baltimore Co., MD, being unwell but of sound and perfect mind and memory and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
Imprimis: I give and bequeath to my eldest son John Belt one shilling sterling and no more. I give and bequeath to my loving wife Keturah Belt all my lands with personal estate for life, but after her death my dwelling sons Charlton, Aquilla and Benedict. Lastly, I do appoint John Price, son of John, and Joseph Belt, son of John, my whole and sole executors...In witness whereof I have to this instrument of writing set my hand and seal this
eighteenth day of the third month 1788. Signed Richard Belt In the presence of John, Leo., & Jo Belt."
Baltimore County. On the 19 day of March 1789, Carl Leonard and Joseph Belt, two of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last will and testament of Richard Belt, late of said county deceased, and being of the people called Quakers did solemnly affirm that they did see the testator sign and seal this will, that they heard him publish, pronounce, and declare
the same to be his last will and testament."

"The following quoted from "1798 History of Licking County, O. Its Past and Present," compiled by N. H. Hill, Jr., A. A. Graham and Co., Publishers, Newark, OH, 1881:" p. 603, Rev. Benedict Belt was born in Baltimore county, in the State of Maryland, January 30, 1785. His father died when he was a small child. When he was seventeen years old, he, with his mother, two sisters and brother-in-law, James Petticord, moved to Licking Valley in the spring of 1802, and Benedict, with his mother and Petticord, stopped on the banks of the North Fork of Licking, where Newark now is. Benedict, having been raised in a mill, he and his brother-in-law erected a hand mill on which they ground corn for toll. This proving rather a hard way to make a living they, by the aid of his mother's money, in the fall of 1802, erected a small log mill about one hundred feet from where the Van Buskirk Montgomery mill now stands. This and a similar mill erected by Phineas Ford on Auter Creek [Note:prob. means Otter Creek] in the summer of 1803, were doubtless the first two mills run by water within the bounds of Licking county; and probably the Belt mill preceded the Ford mill some six months. Soon after Benedict left his mill, perhaps in the spring of 1804, it was swept away by a flood, and the site was bought by John Van Buskirk, who built a better mill, and there has been a mill on that site ever since. The Ford mill, in a few years, shared the fate of the Belt mill, and was never rebuilt. Benedict Belt subsequently, with the family of his youngest son, moved into Union township, where he died , in July 1863, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. He was a man of energy and activity, but was a little given to impatience and despondency when troubles assailed him. The evil consequences of this, however, were greatly overcome by the stability and sound judgment of his noble wife. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty-five years, and held a license as exhorter or preacher for more than fifty years. He was not a man of much preaching talent, but possessed a great amount of religious fire and zeal. He was a fluent talker, and in some places quite popular and successful in calling sinners to repentance, and in building up the cause of Christianity in the wilderness. He was raised in the faith of the Friend Quakers; consequently he spoke as the spirit moved him, and was most eloquent when most excited. Few men have lived and died more respected for their uniform piety and Christian integrity than Rev. Benedict Belt. He gave up his business matters to his son, but was active in his religious duties to the end of his life.The following from "Licking Co. History," by E. M. P. Brister; p. 299: "In October of this year (1802) quite a little colony came fron Washington County, PA, and settled in Newark and Cherry Valley. These were Abraham Johnson, Abraham Wright, Wm. B. Gaw, James Petticord, Edward Nash, Carlton Belt, Benedict Belt, Little John Belt, Black John Belt. These Belts were also joined in a few years by Long John Belt."


Marriage24 Jan 1760Gunpowder MM, Baltimore County, Maryland - Keturah Price
Death1789Baltimore County, Maryland


SpouseKeturah Price ( - )
ChildCarlton Belt (1772 - 1816)