Individual Details

Francis Wyatt

( - Bef Apr 1824)

All research on this family has been done through online searches, relying heavily on the work of others, except for the census, marriage and census records I found that do confirm much of the data. The names found among the children of Francis Wyatt and Ann, or Nancy, Haden seem to indicate there is definite reason to believe this marriage is correct and was quite possibly the only marriage for this particular Francis Wyatt. Some seem to believe he was also, or only, married to an Elizabeth Haden.

There were several Francis Wyatts in Virginia/North Carolina, some of similar age. These have been confused with this man. He is sometimes seen as the Francis Wyatt who was in the Revolution from Caroline Co VA but that man died in 1803 and his widow, Frances "Fanny" Austin applied for his pension. They had two children but one died as a child, another died without ever marrying as testified in the application. I believe this Francis Wyatt who was married to Fanny Austin was the son of John Wyatt who had married Elizabeth Ballard Smith as his first wife and lived in Caroline Co VA. But this man who married Ann Haden is often placed in that family.

I did find a single database online that suggested this Francis was the son of a John Wyatt and Nancy Marshall but there was no additional information offered. The name Marshall as a given name does occur in descendants. I found other possible relatives for Francis in the places where his children lived.
A John Wyatt, often designated as "Senr" was in Charette, Montgomery Co MO and later in the same area when it became Warren Co [5 Jan 1833] This man was listed as a Revolutionary soldier, age 81, in 1840. I did find a Pension for him - he was born 16 Jul 1759 in Halifax Co NC and entered the service in Chatham Co NC, moving to Kentucky in 1788 and on to Missouri in 1817 where he remained. He served under Capt Gholson and others as a Ranger in the North Carolina line. He also applied for bounty land in 1855 when he was age 96. No data concerning wife or children was in the file but earlier censuses in Missouri indicate he had both - a Polly Wyatt, age 40, was the only other member of his household in 1850 in Warren Co Missouri - that year John was listed as born in North Carolina, Polly was born in Kentucky and probably a daughter. John Wyatt lived in close proximity to the several of the children of Francis & Ann Wyatt.

The fact that the above John Wyatt entered service in Chatham Co NC may explain why Francis is sometimes shown as having been born in Chatham Co NC - I've nothing else to explain this. It does remove him from the Wyatts in Caroline Co VA.

Inquiry to The Virginia Genealogist, p.155, Vol. 22, 1978
2238 WYATT-HADEN-HAYDEN Want verification of parentage of Francis Wyatt, born ca. 1755, Va. and wife Elizabeth Haden. Married in Virginia ca. 1774 (where?). Was he son of John Wyatt (born 1731, Caroline Co Va., died 1784, Spotsylvania Co, Va.) and Elizabeth Ballard Smith, dau. of Thomas Ballard Smith of Louisa Co, Va.? Served in Revolution from North Carolina; settled in Montgomery Co, KY.; died 3 March 1824. Dr. Dixon A Barr, 104 Bob-O-Link Dr., Richmond, Ky. 40475

I also found this linking linking Frances to a Henry Wyatt:
Wyatt Family Research Notes
by Donald M. Ricks
The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 1, Vol. 10, No. 4 (July 1903), p. 261:
Henry4 Wyatt, who was probably a son of Anthony3 Wyatt (son of Capt. Nicholas2 Wyatt), married Mary ---, and had issue Francis Wyatt, born about 1760, who lived in North Carolina and had three sons, Capt. John Wyatt [Perquimans Co.], a soldier of the war of 1812. Anthony and Douglas Wyatt, was a descendant of this Wyatt family. These brothers removed first to Montgomery County, Ky., and afterwards, about 1816, to Missouri. (See Virginia Magazine of History and Biography.)

A note in the Virginia Magazine of History & Biography, Volum 14, No. 3, January 1907, p.308, says that "Captain Nicholas Wyatt was a well known citizen of Charles City County". Capt. Wyatt was named as one of the overseers of the Will of Henry Gerrard, dated 20 Jul 1689, Charles City County.

Also living in Montgomery Co in 1840, Bath Co KY in 1850 and in Montgomery Co KY from 1860-1880 was a Vincent H. Wyatt who was born about 1797 in Virginia - the 1880 census indicates his parents were born in Maryland which may place him as a member of the "other" Wyatts in Virginia or some other Wyatt family. He was in Montgomery Co but not living near sons of Haden Wyatt who were still in the area.

There has also been confusion about which Haden girl Francis married. Some have linked him to Elizabeth Haden, daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Hundley Haden, but I believe that child who was baptized in Goochland Co VA most likely died young. Joseph Haden's will does name a daughter as Ann Wyatt in 1802. He did not mention an Elizabeth. A daughter named Elizabeth Ann Haden could also be a possibility, although her siblings did not have middle names.

Many databases suggest a marriage as early as 1774 for Francis Wyatt - either to Ann Haden or Elizabeth Haden but I believe this is also an error. None of the census records I have found on the family indicate children born before 1780. A marriage later in the 1770's would be more realistic compared to the likely age of Ann Haden. Researchers also suggest Ann Haden Wyatt lived until about 1820, making her the mother of all the children attributed to this family.

Francis is said to have a will written in Montgomery Co KY in 1824. He may be in the 1820 Montgomery Co census:
Frank Wyatt: 1m 16-18, 1m 16-26 [probably same young man - son Haden would have been about age 17], 1m over age 45 [himself]; 1f age 16-26 [perhaps the youngest daughter]. There does not appear to be a spouse.

LDS #252360
Montgomery Co KY Wills - Books A-C
BookC, p. 6
Francis Wyatt of Montgomery Co KY weak of body but sound of mind.
First all debts to be paid
2nd to daughter Polly Clyse negro girl Becky until Becky is 45 at which time she is to be free.
To my grandson Franklin Clyce, negro boy Frederick
4th to my daughter Elizabeth, negro boy named Robert provided said daughter will relinquish the deed I made her to boy named Washington which is on record in Montgomery Co Clerks office
5th to youngest son Haden Wyatt, negro woman Phillis and her child Delila; also to son Haden boy named Washington provided my daughter Elizabeth Means should relinq the aforesaid deed of gift. If not, I will to Haden boy Robert
6th my two daughters Sally Fort and Malinda Helms have no more of my estate having heretofore given them their full share
7th to my daughter Nancy Hanks $5 in addition to what I heretofore let her husband Samuel Hanks have.
Also to my son Haden Wyatt, 150 acres of land off my 300a survey whereon I now live including the plantation and premises, being centre of South boundary line and running North to north boundary line. Also to son Haden, two horses one named Robin [Gray] and the other named Jim. Two cows his choice out of my stock. Two beanshare plows and two pair of gear, one bureau and one chest, two tables and sideboard, three kittles - two 10gal and one 16 gal kittle. Six ewes his choice. One bed & furniture, one beadstead and cord.
8th to my two sons Francis and William 150 acres the East end of my 300 a survey to be equally divided between them. My will is that the tract whereon William now lives to be sold and the money equally divided between my five sons: Douglass, John, Anthony, Francis & William.
All my stock not here disposed of to be sold and all the corn and grain except for 60 barrels of corn which I reserve for son Haden
My negro man Moses be hired out for six years and the money to go to the use and benefit of sons Douglass and Anthony
10th 300 arpens of land in Missiouri, part of my Spanish grant of 800 arpens to my sons Douglass and Anthony to be equally divided between the tow
My negro woman Melia be free at my decease.
My man Moses be set at liberty after the six years have expired and my son Haden be appointed guardian for said Moses to see that Justice be done
My Clock to be sold.
My son Haden Wyatt and J. C. Grear, Executors.
11 Feb 1824 Signed: F. Wyatt
Wit: Henry Cooper, Cornelius Weaver, J. C. Grear

5 Apr 1824 Will of Francis Wyatt produced in court and proved by oaths of Henry Cooper and Cornelius Weaver, witnesses thereto.
On motion of Haden Wyatt and Jereimal C Grear the Executors named in will who made oath and together with Westly Hensley & Elijah Jinkins their securites, penaly $2000. Certificate granted.

p.30 At the dwelling house of Francis Wyatt dec'd on 7 Apr 1824, appraised the property.
Interesting items from long inventory:
Grey horse called Robin Grey
Sorrel horse 4 years old
Bay colt one year old
Grey horse 14 years old
Bay horse Jim, 12 years old
Bay mare & cold - mare is 20
Cows & calves
27 sheep
39 hogs
One wooden clock in case
Looking glass
Bible, dictionary, arithmetick, life of Washington, 2 small Grammar books
31 Gal of whiskey & barrel
15 gal of whiskey
90 pieces of bacon
Woman Phillis aged 36 - $300
Girl Delila age 6 $182
Boy Robertson age 4 $150
Boy Frederica age 18 months $125
Man Moses age 40 $400
84 #'s of Iron
45 acres of land.
26 Apr 1824 returned and ordered recorded

p.34 Sale of Francis Wyatt, Apr 26, 1824
Purchasers of several item: William Wyatt, Haden Wyatt Rev. John Smith, Daniel Grear, Prestley Wilson, William Clyce, Jeremiah Lewis
[Grear or Orear - impossible to tell…..
Joshua Saunders, James Means
John Miller failing togive security for 45 acres, same was set up the second time and Daniel Orear became the purchases.
Robert Orear purchased part of bacon - William & Haden Wyatt the rest.
Signed: Jer. Orear, Haden Wyatt
Notes were also listed
Accounts in the hands of Executors included:
William Hayden
July Court 1824 - accounts returned to court, examined & ordered recorded.
There was a brother-in-law named William - if his wife was Nancy Haden. No wife was mentioned in his will; obviously deceased at an earlier time.

Other Wyatts who died in Rowan Co during this time period - no relationship known to Francis. Francis had sons named William & John and they are not his sons. Neither named a Francis in their will. Could they have been brothers or uncles?:
Rowan Co NC Will Abstracts, Vol. 1 1753-1805 Books A-F
Jo White Linn, 1970
Vol II 1805-1850 Books G-K
Bound together - separate indexes
Vol. 1, p.72
D:268 William Weyatt Aug 6, 1804; prb 1806. Wife not named. Sons: Cornelius Weyatt. Daug: Lucrecy, Mary, Unity, Ruth. Son Wm Weyatt's son William. Exr: Sons Christopher & William.
Wit: John Stinchcomb,, James Thompson

Vol. 2, p.38
G: 453 John Wiatt, 5 Nov 1815 prob 1816
Wife not named. Sons: Eli, John & James
Grandson, John Wiatt.
William Bean. Allen Wiatt. Silvester Wiatt.
Gradau: Betsey Eston.
Thomas Wiatt, Aazor Parks
Exrs: sons Wm Bean & Thomas Wiatt
Wit: Obed Parrish, David Cox


DeathBef Apr 1824Montgomery County, Kentucky
MarriageAnn "Nancy" Haden


SpouseAnn "Nancy" Haden ( - )
ChildNancy Wyatt (1780 - )
ChildElizabeth "Betsy" Wyatt (1780 - )
ChildCapt John Wyatt (1788 - 1865)
ChildMary "Polly" Wyatt (1792 - )
ChildMalinda Wyatt (1794 - )
ChildAnthony Wyatt (1795 - 1871)
ChildWilliam Wyatt (1795 - )
ChildDouglas Wyatt (1790 - 1843)
ChildFrancis Wyatt ( - 1850)
ChildJoseph Wyatt ( - )
ChildHaden Wyatt (1803 - )
ChildSarah "Sally" Wyatt (1810 - )