Individual Details

Edward Lovill

( - Bef Jun 1816)

From the Surry Co NC book of Inventories, Bonds, etc. dated 1809-1818 and digitized on
Inventory of Edward Lovell was returned to the Aug term of Court, 1816, Surry Co. James Lovell and Joseph C. Lovill were administrators. There were 24 negroes, 19 present and 5 given away. 5 horses, 20 head of cattle, 3 cows & calves set apart for the widow's allowance. 50 head of sheep, 20 head of hogs. 9 feather beds & furniture, two belonging to the widow. Desk & bookcase, 5 tables, 4 chests, etc. Set of blacksmith's tools, a still, a wagon and an old wagon, 5 spinning wheels, a loom, books, etc.
It was ordered recorded.
The itemized sale followed, but the buyers were not noted; it was held June 20, 21, 22, 1816.
The items and amounts were fascinating. The blacksmith's tools sold for $51, one wagon for $21.10, another for $70.60. The copper still sold for $155. The cattle sold for $5-10 each. His rifle gun sold for $15 and his shot gun for $7. One of the horses brought $70.50, the others around $10-15. One mare brought $21.20. One buyer bought one-half of a stud horse for $50. The beds were worth than I would have thought but included "furniture"- one sold for $19, one for $24, three sold for $25, two for $27. The desk and bookcase sold for $32.90. One-fourth part of a fist trap in the current of the Yadkin was bought for $26.50. Rent of forge for 3 months was bought for $60. The Negroes were not sold but were hired out for various amounts from the hire of a girl for $5.25 to one that was hired out for $45 and one for $50 - presumably this was for one year. His Baileys Dictionary sold for $3.10. Total received was $1763.66 1/4 cents.
A second sale was held 20 Nov 1816. Mostly sides of leather, fire tongs, several heads of livestock. One horse brought $30. A loom and side saddle were sold. Total realized just over $194. Signed by James & Jo.C. Loveill Returned and recorded Feb Session 1817.
Inventory of his personal Estate (Negroes) 24 Dec 1816. I counted 18 but the were listed as "man" or "girl" or "woman" - one woman & child listed together. The value varied greatly from $5 [ole woman] to $700 for one of the men. The total value was $7060.
Signed by James & Jo. C. Lovill. Returned and recorded Feb Term, 1817.

I found in databases online, suggestions that Edward Lovill may have married three times and perhaps did have minor children. His first wife, Rebecca, surname unknown, and his second wife, Lucy Badgett, who he married 29 Dec 1794 in Surry Co and would have likely been the mother of the minors listed here.
I found this in the Inventory book as listed above.
9 Aug 1817. We agreeable to your order settle with Jiles H. Coe, Guardian of Armstead F. Lovill. Edward Lovill Guardian of Thursa Lovill. William Lovill Guardian of Sarah Lovill. Joseph Lovill Guardian of Thomas J. Lovill. James Lovill Guardian of Jane Lovill. Charles Coe Guardian of Mehala Lovill. William Uptegrove Guardian of Rebecca Lovill. and we find on examination that the above named Guardians have not as yet received any property of other effects of their several wards. Before us: Edward Sweatt, JP. Thomas Douglass, JP John A. McGehe, JP
Report returned and recorded. Aug Term 1817.
Feb Term 1818. The above had still not been resolved. The following separate entries recorded. Charles Coe guardian for Mehale Lovill a minor has not received any part of his ward Estate in his hands. Joseph C. Lovill, guardian for Thomas J. Lovill. James Lovill guardian of Jane Lovill. William uptegrove guardian for Rebecca Lovill. Edward Lovill guardian for Thursday [Thursa?] Lovill. Charles H. Coe, guardian for Armstead T. Lovill.

p.256 20 Mar 1818. Additional sale of estate of Edward Lovill, dec'd. Four heads of cattle, wagon boxes, etc. for $36.71. James & Jo.C. Lovill, Adm. May Term 1818 returned and recorded.


DeathBef Jun 1816Surry County, North Carolina


SpouseMary Carmichael ( - )
ChildJames Lovill (1780 - )
ChildElizabeth Lovill (1779 - 1817)