Individual Details

Ebles Mancer Count of Poitou

(870 - 932)

Ebles Manzer or Manser (c. 870 – 935) was Count of Poitou and Duke of Aquitaine on two occasions: from 890 to 892 and from 902 (Poitou) and 927 (Aquitaine) to his death.
Ebles was an illegitimate son of Ranulf II of Aquitaine. "Manzer" or "Mamzer" is a Jewish word that meant bastard, son of a Christian man and Jewish woman. 'Mamzer." It appears that Ebles did not mind his name, and his "illegitimacy became a part of his style."
Upon the death of his father (who was poisoned), Ebles assumed his father’s mantle and acquired the role of Count of Poitou. But Ebles could not hold onto the title for long. Aymar, a descendant of one of Ramnulf II’s predecessedors, challenged Ebles right to rule, as Ebles was merely a bastard son. In 892, Aymar, who was supported by Eudes of France, overthrew Ebles, and Ebles fled to the safety of his father’s allies, Count Gerald of Aurillac and William the Pious, count of Avergne and Duke of Aquitaine] William the Pious had taken Ebles under his care and assured the boy’s education after the death of Ebles’ father.
In 902, Ebles, with the assistance of William the Pious, a distant relative, conquered Poitiers while Aymar was away, and reestablished himself in his former position. Charles III, who knew Ebles as a childhood companion, then formally invested Ebles with the title, Count of Poitou. Ebles would hold this title until this death


MarriageBef Oct 892Aremburge


SpouseAremburge ( - )
ChildWilliam I of Poitou III of Aquitaine (900 - 963)
FatherRanulf II Count of Poitou (850 - 890)