Individual Details

William Fortescue Lord of Whympston

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William de Fortescu [sic] was succeeded by William, his son by Alice Strechleigh, and he, in his mother's right, received in the year 1375 from William Coffin, a grant in reversion after the death of his grandfather Walter de Strechleigh, of all William Coffin's lands in Stechleigh, Forsan, Cokesland, Brooke, Brinton, Tamerton, and Donstan, &c. &c.
In the next year (1376), he, with Thomas Champernoun and Walter Strechleigh, grant to William Yurle Vicar of Yalkhampton a yearly rent of £40 ., to be paid out of their lands. To this deed the seal of the Fortescue family is annexed.
In January, 1378, the first year of Richard II, William Fortescu grants to Sir Philip Courtenay and Sir Peter Courtenay all his lands and tenements in Old Port and Paynston, and in the next year, he, jointly with the two knights just named, had a grant from Richard Mauldit, or Somaister, oflands in Smytheston, Wimpell, and Thurveton.
This William was alive in the end of the year 1394."
--- Thomas (Fortescue) Lord Clermont, *A History of the Family ofFortescue in
All Its Branches*, Second Edition, London (Ellis and White( 1880, p 5
