Individual Details

Daniel Hoffe/Huff

( - 1793)

If the correct Daniel Hoffe/Hough has been identified, he has an interesting history. I descend from a Hough/Huff/Hoff family that originally came from The Netherlands according to Y-DNA results and my own FamilyFinder results. The same tests show that there was also a Hough family from England, many of whom were Quakers.

John Hough of Cheshire, England arrived with Hannah Rossell his wife, and son John in September 1683. [in one place this date was given as 9th month which in Quaker dating would not have been September] They sailed on the "Friendship" out of Liverpool. They brought five indentured servants - Thomas Hough [perhaps a kinsman], Nathaniel Watmough, George & Isabella Gleave and their son George Jr. The indenture was four years as payment of their passage, except for George Jr. who was indentured until he reached 21. The family settled in Bucks County, PA. They were members of the Falls Monthly Meeting in Bucks and four of their children's births were recorded. Daniel was born 14 Apr 1693, Isaac 28 Dec 1694 or 1695, Sarah 31 Apr 1701 [obvious error since April has 30 days], Joseph 14 Jan 1703. The dates would have been recorded as Quaker dates and have been altered - I have not seen the original.

Daniel, son of John & Hannah Hough, born 1693, is thought to have married Elizabeth Dudley. He may have married second to Margaret, widow of John Beverly Sr. This second Daniel died about 1771 in North Carolina. Some databases show that he lived for a time in Burlington Co, NJ, across the Delaware River from Bucks Co, PA. Children identified are another Daniel born about 1720 and a daughter Tamar, who married William Norcross. Some databases list as many as twelve children but without documentation.

The second Daniel, son of Daniel & Elizabeth Dudley Hough, said born in Burlington NJ. His year of birth varies from 1716 or so, up to 1726. He was apparently married more than one time. The first wife, and in many online databases the only wife, was Mary Worley. Some believe he is the same Daniel that married Ann Pike. A year of death is cited as 1793 in Randolph, now Stokes Co, NC [this is wrong and not the same place - Randolph was formed out of Guilford Co in 1779 and Stokes was formed out of Surry Co in 1789 - which had formerly been Rowan. Both were counties before 1793 when Daniel Hough is reported to have died. Both Guilford and Rowan had once been part of a huge Orange Co NC.]

Ann Pike was born in 1735, her birth recorded in Quaker records. She could have been a generation younger than the Daniel she's reported to have married depending on which birth year of his is correct. It wasn't unusual for an older man to take a much younger bride, particularly if there were children to raise; however, I believe there is at least some reason for doubt that Ann's husband has been correctly identified. That his wife was Ann at his death is proved by his will.

Stokes Co NC Will Book 1, p.46-7
To all the Christian people whom this may concern Know ye that
Daniel Huff of the County of Stockes & State of North Carolina
calling to mind the mortality of my Body Knowing it is appointed
for all men once to die and being desirous to settle my outward
affairs do rattify & confim this to be my last Will & Testament
in manner and form following
First of all I desire that my funeral expenses be discharged
together with my Just Debts
Item I give & bequeath to son John Huff all my land whereon
I now dwell being in the whole one hundred acres to him &
his heirs forever.
Item I give to my eldest son Daniel Huff the Sum of five Shillings
Item I give to my Daughters Jemima, Keziah, Mary, Elizabeth
and Rebecah each the sum of five Shillings
Item I give to my son Jesse Huff the sum of five Shillings
Item I give to my Daughter Ann one chass & furniture also
a large Chest Spinning wheel & one large Iron pot
also one Cow & Calf
And further my will and desire is that my loving wife
Ann shall have the house wherein I now Dwell and her
maintenance out of the place as long as she shall
live And also the rest of my moveable property of
what kind soever I give to my above named
son John
Also my will & Desire is that if my son John should
die without issue that the above tract of land be sold
and equally divided between my son Jesse & my three
Daughters Elizabeth, Rebecah & Ann
Lastly I make and ordain Constitute & appoint my loving
son John Huff and Joseph Mendinghall executors
to this my will hereby Ratifying and confirming
this and no other to be my last will & testament in
manner and form aforesaid. In witness whereof I have herewith
set my Hand and seal this 31 Day of the 8th month
1791. Daniel (His mark Huff
Joseph Mendenhall
Thomas Wells
Thomas Marshall

Stokes County December term 1793
The execution of the last Will & testament of Daniel
Huff Dec'd of which the foregoing is a true Copy
was proven in open Court by the oath of Joseph
Mendenhall a Subscribing Witness thereto & ordered to
be recorded which is accordingly done by
Thos Armstrong, DC
for Rob Williams CC


MarriageCa 1760Ann Pike
Death1793Stokes County, North Carolina


SpouseAnn Pike (1735 - )
ChildJohn Huff (1773 - 1842)