Individual Details

George Harmon (Maryland-Rowan,NC)

(Ca 1722 - 1787)

George may have married Mary Margaret Wiley [this marriage is also credited to his supposed brother Mathias]. He apparently moved to North Carolina, perhaps as early as 1748. His will is in Randolph Co, NC is dated 20 Aug 1786. He left half of his land to Mary, the other half to his children. Probate was Dec 1788.

Researchers state that George moved from Pennsylvania to Maryland. That his Naturalization is recorded in Book 7, p.199, Frederick Co, MD. He appeared in Court 14 Sep 1763 and produced a certificate of having received communion in Maryland within the past three months and had been in his Majesties plantations seven years and not absent therefrom for longer than two months.
This would seem to indicate he had lived in Maryland at least since 1756, but quite possibly the seven years was a requirement and he had been there longer. This same researcher states that he married Ms. Wiley in Frederick Co MD, Dec 1744. They moved to Rowan Co NC - a part which became Randolph Co.
Has a more contemporary and different version of the parentage of George. This article states the following:
The George who wrote his will in the 1780's in Randolph Co., NC, though often, professed to be one of the 7 brothers that migrated south from PA, is more likely to be the following instead. According to John Scott Davenport, Ph.D. doing research in 1981, he is likely the Joahnn George Hermann, of Gruenwettersbach, Wuerttemberg, Germany who had a baptismal certificate copied on May 14, 1751 to qualify him for membership in his new church in America. On it, it stated that he was born on May 30, 1718, the son of Philipp Jacob and Elsabetha Catharina Hermann. His wife's maiden name was Christina Haug. Their children were Elsabetha, b. 18 Jan 1745 and Philipp Jacob, b. 6 Sep 1747. Johanne George Herman arrived on the "Phoenix", on Au 28, 1750. If this is one and the same person as above, he would have had time to send for the baptismal record above to enable him to become a member of a new church here in the colonies.
In any case, George, emigrated to Maryland. He was naturalized in Maryland on Sep. 14, 1763 which enabled him to have the benefits of English citizenship. He was listed as a member of the Lutheran Church at Silver Run of Pipe Creek, Frederick Co., MD in that record. He had to swear when he became a citizen that he had been in this country for at least 7 years.
He settled in what is now Randolph Co., NC sometime likely in the 1760's. He is often confused with a George Harmon who is seen as one of the seven brothers who moved into Moravian lands in what is now Davidson Co., NC in the 1750's. The story of the seven brothers is doubtful as is their often seen parents.
His neighbors became his children's future spouses. He was bounded by Michael Fouts (a Mennonite) on the North and West. On the west, he was bounded by Jacob Stutzman, a Dunkard Minister. He, himself, was a strong Lutheran. Said to have disowned his first born son for becoming a Dunkard. After his death, all of his children basically became Dunkards, Baptists or Mennonites.

In his will, (Book 1, page 45), in Randolph Co., NC August 20, 1786, George gave his wife Mary Margaret 1/2 of his plantation and named his sons George (who received the home plantation after his mother's death), Cutliffe, Mathias, and Philp. He also named his daughter Eliz and Katharine, and his son-in-law Daniel Waggoner. The executors were John Maste and Adam Bower, and the witnesses were Godfrey Crum, George Bower, and William Milliken. The will was probated in Randolph Co., NC in December 1788.

A transcription of the will online and made from a poor copy follows:
(45?) In the name of God (amen) (Whereas) I George Harman of Randolph County, North Carolina am weak of body but of Sound mind and memory do make this my Last Will and Testament in (manner) (and) (form) following (To wit) First I give to my loving wife Mary one third parte of the Plantation I now live in (during) this life Including the house Barn and Orchard with the (affictures and Servants) Belonging to (As) (Laid) off if the ( ss) (Cass) in Order to (Divide?) (part) or Otherwise and also the third parte of my (Still) and also the Stove (or Store) in my house as ( ) where (as) ( ) (came) (during) her life and also one Good Feather bed and (furniture) with the good one third part of my personal Estate with my (Passing) and What may be therein for Ever. I also give to my son George the Plantation whereon I now live Everything as before & at his death to him and his heirs for ever and ( ) for Ever. Also to Cutliffe and George I give the wood Work of ( ) and the (Tin) of an Old One (Stove or Store?) and (Sk ) alike. Also to my son (Phillip) I give Twenty Shillings (Apiece) and the (remainder) of my Personal Estate in Goods and (Chattels) I (give) to my (five or fine) Children (To Wite) Mathias Cutliffe (Catrin?) (Ulie) & George after my wife's third parte is (divided) to be equally Divided Between Them. Also my Son in Law Daniel Waggoner I give the (team) of (five) (ponies) And I Do hereby Nominate & appoint my (trusty or family) friends, John Maste and Adam (Bowers) Executors to this my Laste Will and Testamente To ( ) the ( ) (transferred) according to the (true) intent & meaning thereoff in Witness whereof I have (herewith) set my hand & Seal this twentieth Day of August on the year one Thousand Seven hundred & Eighty (five or six) Signed Sealed & (Acknowledged) in the presence of us who (..........) (Witnesses) (Godfrey) ( ) George (Bowers) William (Motholm) Signed in Death George Harmon (Seal)

There are some problems created by the Will - the wife is not the same as professed in the request for his baptismal certificate. Of course George could have married more than once. Sons named include George, Philip, Mathias, and Cutliffe, daughter Catherine and a name transcribed as "Eli" in one place "Ulie" in another and I don't see that this person was specified as a daughter. He seemed to have listed five children in one place and the "Ulie" might be some sort of abbreviation, or transcription error, for Philip since he wasn't named as one of the five. Then again supposedly Philip is the son "disowned".

Son Philip is said to have married Anna Stutzman, some claim he was the eldest.
Others state that son George was the elder because he received the home place in the will [I find often the youngest received the home place.] His wife said to have been Catherine Sears.
A daughter Barbara is said to have married John Mast - possibly one of the executors of George's will.
There is a bond for Elizabeth Harmon to marry Daniel Waggoner, 28 Mar 1767. Sureties were John Kimbrough & Will Draper.
Cutliff Harmon married Susan Fouts [Phautz]. He is reputed to have traveled with Daniel Boone and moved his family to Cove Creek, not far from Elizabethton, TN.
Mathias said to have married 25 Dec 1775, to Mary Magdalena Fouts, sister of Susan.

Interestingly one of the brothers of Susan and Mary Magdalena, Andrew Fouts, married Rachel Merril, daughter of William Merrill and niece of Capt. Benjamin Merrill who was drawn & quartered by Gov. Tryon after the Regulator Affair. My husband's collateral relative, Sarah "Sally" Haden, was married to the William Merrill who was a son of Capt. Benjamin Merrill.
The Fouts children were the children of Michael Fouts & Catherine Varner.

Said to be buried Bethany Reform Church Cemetery, Davidson Co NC, but not listed in the cemetery on FindAGrave.


BirthCa 1722Germany
MarriageDec 1744Frederick County, Maryland - Living
Death1787Rowan County, North Carolina


ChildPhilip Harmon (1745 - 1811)
ChildMathias Harmon (1749 - )
ChildElizabeth Harmon (1751 - )
ChildCutliff Harmon (1753 - 1838)
ChildCatherine Harmon (1755 - )
ChildGeorge Harmon (1758 - )