Individual Details

John Lawson

(Abt 1792 - )

This relationship is probable but not yet proved beyond a doubt.

1816 is the first time John appears listed responsible for his own personal property tax, 1 white male over the age of 16 with 1 horse, at Thomas Baskin's.
In 1815 James Lawson reported 3 males over the age of 16, and in 1816 he only reports 2 white males over 16, meaning a son either moved away or died. No other Lawson household, in which we know there were children, had a John for a son and looses a male over the age of 16 in this year.

John may have been the only child of James and Isabella. However, The 1810 census indicates as many as 5 young males and a female under 10 for James, yet only John appears as age appropriate in Rockbridge. By 1820, James was listed as over age 45, with a female of the same age, and no one younger in the household. Other Lawsons found later in Rockbridge are much younger than John and more likely his children. It must be noted that the possibility remains some could have been children of James & his 2nd wife Mary Taylor, depending on her age.

The children I list here, except for Lucinda & Isabelle whose marriage records state John was their father, are probable, not proved, children for John and Margaret. They were all born circa 1819 or later and do not belong to other Lawson families that have been identified.

Chancery Court Case
John Jordan v. Heirs of Edward Brown
This case proves that this is the John Lawson was married to Margaret "Margery" Brown, widow of Edward Brown and that she had four children by Edward Brown. They were Jane, Mary, Edward, and Margery, all underage. Margaret is thought to have been nee Margaret Bodkin. Two of the defendants in the case - Peter Bodkin & Henry Peters were not living in Virginia when the case was filed. Apparently the case was dismissed as there are only a few documents - no answer by any of the defendants, no testimony, no court decrees.

The 1820 census in is very bad condition - almost impossible to read. Lawson appears to have been spelled Lauson by this enumerator. James, David & Isaac Lawson all appear to have enumerated on p.288. There should have two Davids - Jr and Sr but I didn't find both. John Lawson seems to be on the previous page.
1 male under 5, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. [John would have been about 28 and he did have a young stepson]. 3 girls age 10-16, 2 girls 16-26, and a female age 26-45 [Margaret had three daughters] There are obviously young people in the household whose names are unknown.

The personal property tax film for Rockbridge [LDS #1905710], years 1822-1835, show John Lawson with only a single horse to declare - he was present each year.

Chancery Court Case, Rockbridge Co VA
Robert Haslett v. Cyrus Hyde, etc.
Robert Haslett filed a bill of complaint requesting an injunction to stop Cyrus Hyde from selling horses Hyde had taken from him as security for a debt of Job Bennington's. In the course of the case, we discover that Robert Haslett was living with James Lawson at the time he secured Bennington's debt. Robert won his case in this court and was advised he could file to recover his damages and he did file for $1000 in damages. Among the witnesses called were James and John Lawson. No final disposition of this case is in the file.

1830 Census. Jon Lawson was the only Lawson listed. He was age 30-40. He had a male child under 5; one female 5-10, 2 females 10-15, and a female age 20-30.
It is known that Margaret died, but not when. She married Edward Brown in December of 1806 - she could not be the female listed as age 20-30; but that female could be one of her daughters by Brown.

1840 Census. Rockbridge. John was the only Lawson listed. In his household was a male child under age 5, a male 15-20, and presumably himself age 40-50 [he was estimated to be about 48]. Three females age 15-20 and one age 20-30. Since he did not appear to have a spouse in 1830, it was likely the 5-year-old is a grandson.

The following marriages are recorded in Rockbridge:
James Lawson married Ann Forsythe, 24 Feb 1841
William A. Lawson married Jane Peters, 23 Nov 1843
Lucinda Lawson married Madison Z. Dale, 6 Mary 1844; daughter of John Lawson
Isabelle Lawson married Samuel Johnson 23 Jun 1845; daughter of John Lawson
Robert Lawson married Martha Forsythe, 23 Apr 1846

These marriages group together nicely as though the Lawsons were all siblings. However, the 1840 census doesn't support three unmarried males in John Lawson's family and they weren't listed under their own names.

Chancery Court Case
Admr. of Cyrus Hyde v. Admr of John Morris & Morris's heirs
Case 1844-027
This case revolved around debts owed by Morris to Cyrus Hyde and covered approximately a twenty year time span. The paper trail was very complicated but at some point in time John Lawson had been involved. This case in County Court was included pairing James & John Lawson together - there are more details in James Lawson's notes.
Rockbridge County Court:
William Taylor for the benefit of Joseph Blair, in Debt against:
John Morris, James Lawson & John Lawson, defendants
1824, April Judgment on delivery Bond for $80.20. to be discharged by payment $40.10. Balance with interest from 29 Sep 1823 until paid and $5.94 costs. No security to be taken.
Copy of sheriffs return:
Rec'd Apr 10 1824. Executed on some household furniture of John Lawson, afterwards satisfied by order of Pltfs attorney, herewith filed. Signed: Jacob G. Sheltman, Deputy Sheriff for Joseph Gilmore, SRC
The sheriff of Rockbridge will return an execution in the name of William Taylor for benefit of Jos. Blair v. Jno Morris, James Lawson etc. satisfied. 12 Jun 1824
Signed: C. P. Dorman, Atty for pltf

Chancery Court Case, Rockbridge Co VA
Matthew White & William White v. John Lawson, etc.
Case 1848-021
The case was dismissed but includes some interesting data about John Lawson's family.
22 Apr 1848 Rockbridge Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery
Matthew White and William White, merchants and partners trading under the style and firm of M.& W. White - Plaintiff
John Lawson, William Wallace, Sarah Wallace, Eli Wallace, John Wallace, Elizabeth Wallace, and Mary Ann Wallace [the last five being infant children of the said William Wallace and Margery his wife, late Margery Brown deceased - Defendants
By direction of the Plaintiffs attorney it is ordered that this suit be dismissed.

The complaint of Matthew & William White was in 1847. They had obtained two judgments against John Lawson, one for $190.27 with interest from 2 Sep 1840 and costs of $6.55. The other judgment was for $285.02 with interest from 9 Nov 1846 and costs of $6.55. The judgments were entered on 1 May 1847 in the Judgment Lien book. Lawson has a title in fee simple to two thirds of a tract of land on which he now resides, containing about 26 acres, on the Main road leading from Lexington and adjoining the lands owned by John Bowyer and others. He also has a title in fee simple to two thirds of a lot lying on the Main Street in the town of Lexington, bounded by the lots formerly owned by William Willson dec'd and the heirs of ____ Smith. The plaintiffs now hold a lien for the amount of the judgments against the real estate of Lawson.
The real estate described was owned by Edward Brown who died many years since leaving a widow and four children. The said Lawson intermarried with the widow and she is now dead. The children of Brown who inherited the said property were, Margery Brown, Mary Brown, Jane A. Brown and _____ Brown [Edward Jr], the last named was a son and he died many years since under age, his interest in the property descending to his three sisters. Mary Brown married John Kiger, both of whom sold and conveyed all their interest in the property to said Lawson. Jane A. Brown married James B. Holt and on the 7th of Dec 1825, they executed a deed conveying in trust to Z. J. White all their interest in said property for the purpose of securing payment of a debt due said Lawson; and on the 12th of Aug 1829 said White, executed a deed to Lawson. Many years since the said James B. Holt absconded from the county of Rockbridge having abandoned his wife and he has not been heard of for a much longer period than seven years and is presumed dead. Jane A. Holt conveyed to said John Lawson all her remaining interest in the property she had as one of the heirs of her brother who died underage. Margery Brown married William Wallace and many years since, they removed to the state of Ohio and Margery Wallace, formerly Brown, has died leaving five children: Sarah, Eli, John, Elizabeth, and Mary Ann, who are still infants under age 21. They are owners of one third of the real estate previously described, as their mother never sold in interest. The property owned by the heirs of Margery Wallace would probably be worth about $300. They are not at this time receiving any benefit from the said property - the town lost is vacant and yielding no rent and the tract of land is occupied by Lawson. We desire a decree for the division of the property or a decree for the sale of the whole property and a distribution of the proceeds, the latter would be most advisable as we do not believe that the property could be divided in a reasonable manner.

A note in the file which listed the children of Edward Brown and their marriages, probably written about 1848, stated that it had been sixteen years since the Kigers and Wallaces had moved from Rockbridge Co.

Copies of the deeds involved were all in the file.

7 Dec 1825. Indenture James B. Holt and Jane his wife to Zechariah J. White. In order to secure the payment of $435 to John Lawson by note bearing this date for schooling, boarding and clothing of the said Jane from December to 1813 until this present time, and whereas said John Lawson has become security for said Holt in a note to Robert White for $31.92 with interest from 19 Jun 1825. John B. Holt and his wife to sell unto the said Zechariah J. White their one 5th of a tract of land where Edward died possessed of. 25 acres bounded by lands of John M. Greenlee, John Bowyer and the great road. Also their undivided interest in a house & lot in the town of Lexington, bounded by lots of Jno Kerr and ____Smith on the main street. If the said Lawson or his legal representative shall order, or the said James B. Holt & wife shall request, the above may be exposed to sale to the highest bidder. Signed: James B. Holt, Jane A. Holt, Zech. J. White.
James Moore & James Caruthers, JP's personally examined Jane and she released her dower rights, 7 Dec 1825. On the same day James B. Holt acknowledged the deed and it was recorded.

17 Aug 1829. Indenture. Between Zechariah J. White and John Lawson. Zechariah White became Trustee for James B. Holt and wife in a deed of Trust dated 7 Dec 1825 to secure John Lawson in a certain sum of money. James B. Holt having failed to pay the debt, the said Zechariah J. White exposed the interest of James B. Holt & wife in said land & house to public sale and John Lawson became the purchaser at $60 for the interest in the land and $30 for the interest in the house & lot. The land bounded by the lands of John Bowyer, John M. Greelee and the great road and the house & lot lying on the main street in the town of Lexington bounded by lots of John Kerr & ____ Smith. Signed: Zechariah J. White. Acknowledged by him 17 Aug 1829.

14 Sep 1831 Indenture. John Kiger and Mary his wife to John Lawson for $150, all their title and interest in a tract of land on the waters of Woods creek and bounded by the great road, the lands of John M. Greenlee and John Bowyer containing about 26 acres. And all interest in house and lot in the town of Lexington on Main street and bounded by lots of William Willson's heirs and ____ Smith which right title & interest arises from the said Mary Kiger being one of the heirs of Edward Brown deceased and one of the heirs of her brother Edward Brown Jr deceased. Signed: John Kiger, Mary (x) Kiger
Dower release of Mary Kiger dated 14 Sep 1831
Acknowledged by John Kiger on 24 Sep 1831 and recorded.

2 Apr 1845. Indenture. Jane A. Holt to John Lawson for $33. One undivided interest or share being about one third of a fourth part of a certain lot in the town of Lexington on Main Street adjoining a lot lately owned by Alexr. T. Barclay on the SW and on the NW by Back street and N. by the lot of the heirs of Thomas Campbell dec'd. Also all interest in the lot of land on which the said Lawson now resides containing about 25 or 26 acres being one third of one fourth of both lot owned by Edward Brown, dec'd and said Jane A. Holt being a daughter and one of his heirs. Signed: Jane A. Holt.
Acknowledged by Jane 2 Apr 1845 and admitted to record.

1850 Census. Rockbridge. South West District. Hh 934/937.
John Lawson, age 60, carpenter, born VA
Sarah J. Lawson, age 25, b. VA
Samuel Johnson, age 26, Stone Cutter, b. Ireland
Isabella Johnson, age 26, b. VA
Caroline Johnson, age 15, b. VA [name is difficult to read, she certainly cannot be a child of Samuel & Isabella, perhaps Samuel's younger sister]
Mary E. Johnson, age 5, b. VA.

I believe John appears in the household of Madison & Lucinda Dale in 1860. If he was born about 1792/1793 as estimated, he would have been about age 67 in 1860, and although hard to read, I believe that was his age as given in 1860.


BirthAbt 1792Rockbridge County, Virginia
Marriage15 Oct 1816Rockbridge County, Virginia - Margaret Bodkin


SpouseMargaret Bodkin ( - )
ChildJames Lawson (1819 - )
ChildLucinda Lawson (1820 - 1893)
ChildRobert Lawson (1820 - )
ChildWilliam Lawson ( - )
ChildIsabelle Lawson (1823 - )
ChildSarah J. Lawson (1824 - )
FatherJames Lawson (1765 - )
MotherIsabella Dale ( - 1810)