Individual Details

Mary Taylor

( - )

Mary was the widow of Daniel Taylor.
He was still living in December of 1807:
December Court, 1807. Last will and testament of William Taylor produced in court and proved by two of the witnesses. Ruthy Taylor and John Taylor, the executors were granted probate. Securities Joshua Hicks and Daniel Taylor.

In Rockbridge is the following Chancery Court Case.
James Lawson v. Admr of Cyrus Hyde and Adm of John H. Hyde
Index 1845-002
This case had some 205 pages in the file and is extremely complicated
The case began 24 July 1824 as James Lawson v. Cyrus Hyde, John H. Hyde and David Hopkins. Lawson was pleading for an Injunction to restrain the defendants from selling his land. By the end of the case both Hyde brothers were deceased, David Hopkins had moved from the area, the land had been sold.
This case reveals a number of judgments against James for debt, one seems to have also involved Mary and perhaps her former husband.

Among the documents:
23 Apr 1821
Danl. Taylors excors v. Mary Taylor, etc for the benefits of J. Gold, J.Blair & M.White.

Rockbridge Co Court
John Taylor & William Taylor, Executors of Daniel Taylor, dec'd
For the benefit of J. Gold, J.Blair & M. White, pltf
In Debt
James Lawson & Mary his wife formerly Mary Taylor and Isaac Lawson, deft.
23 Apr 1821. Response returnable to the next June Term
Sheriff made the following return:
Executed on James Lawson & Mary Lawson formerly Mary Taylor. Ro White bail for James Lawson. No bail taken of Mary Lawson by order of Plaintiffs attorney after I execute the same & brought her to town for want of bail. Isaac Lawson is dead.
Signed: Cyrus Hyde, DS for Wm Moore SRC
And at Rockbridge Co Court June term 1821
Robert White became Special bail for the defendant James Lawson
Appearance bond in said case bears date 12 May 1821
Teste: James McD Reid, DC [deputy clerk]

The Sheriff of Rockbridge Co ordered to take Isaac Lawson, James Lawson & Mary his wife formerly Mary Taylor, and have their bodies before the Justices of our court on the Monday before the first Tuesday in Jun next to answer John Taylor & William Taylor, executors of Daniel Taylor dec'd on a plea of debt for 78 #'s, 7sh. Damages of $50. 23 Apr 1821. The within named female defendant is not required by law to give a bail bond for her appearance.
Executed on James Lawson and Mary Lawson formerly Mary Taylor. Ro. White bail for James Lawson. No bail taken of Mary Lawson by order of Plaintiffs attorney after I executed the writ & brought her to Town for want of bail. Isaac Lawson Dead. Signed: Cyrus Hyde DS [deputy sheriff] for Wm Moore SRC [sheriff of Rockingham Co]


SpouseJames Lawson (1765 - )