Individual Details

David Akin

(Abt 1750 - )

Online databases cite David as the third David in his genealogical line. Said to have been born to David Akin [b. 26 Sep 1731 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co MA] & Deborah Gray in Dutchess Co NY. There are some indications his father may have had difficulty deciding which side to support during the Revolution and he may have had to depart from Dutchess Co. Deborah was not Quaker; therefore he was dismissed.

His father David was the son of David Akin, b. 19 Sep 1689 in Dartmouth, died 7 Apr 1779, Quaker Hill, Dutchess Co NY. He married Sarah Allen of Dartmouth. On 15 Jan 1742, he requested permission to move from the New Bedford [MA] monthly meeting of the Quakers to the Oblong in Dutchess Co. He was probably over 50 at this time and his grown sons moved with him. 16 Apr 1764, he deeded land for the Oblong Meeting House.

This David of the third ancestral generation was the son of John Akin, b. circa 1663 in Portsmouth, Newport Co, RI. John married Mary Briggs of Dartmouth prior to 1686, so he had already moved to that location. He was a town clerk in Dartmouth and a Deputy in 1707. He was arrested and jailed in New Bristol as a Quaker for refusing to collect taxes to support the ministry of the English churches in America. His will is in the Dartmouth records - he died 13 Jun 1746 at age 83 years.

John's father, another David Akin is believed to have born in Scotland. There is a deed in Portsmouth, RI in 1662 that documents he was a landowner there at that time. Another deed in 1671, for 200 acres in Portsmouth was bought by Mary Akin, widow; therefore likely David was deceased. Three sons are known - John, above, James, and David.

In 1790, Roswell Turner was in Bennington Co, VT. Next door was a Moses Allen, whose household fits rather well with my Moses, Revolutionary soldier. The Akins were reputed to have gone to Vermont after the Revolution. I didn't find them there in 1790, but in 1800, Pownal, Bennington is a David Akin. He was over age 45 and had only one female in his household, age 16-26. There were no children in the household. He lived next door to a Solomon Wright [age 26-45] and David Akin's wife was Hannah Wright.

There is no question that the Akins were associated with Nathaniel Allen and family in Ontario Co NY.
David Akin served on a jury in Pittstown as early as 1806, where the Allen family also lived. It appears he bought land a year earlier. Peter and Nathaniel Allen, brothers, also lived in township nine.

Ontario Co DB 10, p.597
12 Aug 1805. Lemuel Chipman and Leni Chipman, of Pittstown, sold to David Aikens, Junr. also of Pittstown for $1200, 182 acres located in township number ___[nine, see later] in the 5th range of the county of Ontario. It was part of lot number eight and bounded Joshua Wood and a tract of a hundred acres of Elisha Pratt.
9 Sep 1805. Lemuel and Lina, his wife, acknowledged the sale. It was recorded that day.

1810 Census. Ontario Co NY, Honeoye [became Rickmond]
David Akin: 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45, 1m over 45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26, 1f +45
next was Tho. Wilson [thought to be married to David's dau Clara]:
1m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 1f 26-45.
then Uriel Akin: 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 1f -10, 1f 26-45.

John Jerome is believe to be a son-in-law. He married David's daughter Sarah in 1811.

Ontario Co DB 50, p.477
27 Jul 1813 David Akin of Honeoy [Pittstown's name had changed] to John Jerome of the same, for $360. Parcel in Twp 9, 5th range. 46 acres. Begins in the center of the highway, adjoins a tract of 100 acres of Elisha Pratt, line of land deeded Uriel Akin. Signed by David & Hannah Akin. Wit: Thomas Willson, Susanna Akin.
25 Feb 1831 Acknowledged by David Akin. Rec. 28 Feb 1831.
Thomas Wilson is said to have married David's daughter Clara. They are buried side by side in Allen's Hill Cemetery. Susanna Akin probably Orra's wife..

Ontario Co DB 42, p.100
18 Sep 1818 David Akin and Hannah his wife to Nathaniel Allen for $1300. Tract in Richmond, No. 9, 5th range. 66 acres of land near the center of the west half of lot 8 and near the centre of the east end of lot 33. Bounded by land deeded by Zachariah Seymour and wife to Orra Akin; lands deeded by David Akin to James & William Sibley; lands owned by Elias Gilbert; aforesaid lands of Orra. Signed: David Akin, Hannah Akin. Wit: Orra Akin.
27 ep 1823 David & Hannah Akin acknowledged. Rec. 5 Feb 1824.

The above deed is about the time I believe Nathaniel Allen married Betsey [Elizabeth] Akin. I believe Nathaniel's first wife Almyra had died circa 1814 and I suspect she may have been an older sister, or perhaps a cousin. Akin researchers seem to know only about Betsey.

Ontario Co DB 50, p.170
24 Aug 1819 David Akin Junior of Richmond [another name change], Ontario Co, NY and Hannah his wife to John Jerome for $1600. Parcel in Twp 9, 5th range, part of lot number 8. Begin at a stump in the highway, on William Bakers south line of lot 7, to Uriel Akins land, John Abbey's land, to the center of the highway, 62 1/2 acres. Signed: David Akin, Hannah Akin.
Wit: Orra Akin, Virtue Bronson
9 Oct 1830, David Akin acknowledged the deed. Rec. 11 Oct 1830.
Hannah was named in this deed and not in the one of 1813, she acknowledged neither - presumably she was deceased prior to 1830.

1820 Census. Ontario Co NY, Richmond - all on the same page
David Akin: 1m over age 45. 1f 16-26, 1f over 45.
Uriel Akin: 1m -10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
Orra Akin: 1m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 3f under 10, 1f 10-16.

Ontario Co DB 41, p.355
7 Feb 1820 Uriel Akins and Rachel his wife of Richmond to David Akin of the same for $1800. Land in Richmond, 132 acres and 80 rods to be taken from the north parts of lots 8 and 33 in Twp 9, 5th range. Bounds lines of land sold by the late Oliver Phelps to David Crooks, and the 100 acres sold by Lemuel Chipman to Roswell Turner, and on the 80 acres part of the lots of Orra Akin. It is the north part of 212 1/2 acres conveyed by Nathanial Allen, Sherriff of county of Ontario to the party of the first part [Uriel] on 28 Dec 1816. Signed: Uriel Akins, Rachel Akins.
Wit: Lem. Chipman
11 Feb 1820 Uriel Akins and Rachel his wife acknowledged the deed in the presence of Lem. Chipman, Commissioner for taking acknowledgment of deeds. Rec. 22 Jul 1823.
Roswell Turner was married to Nathaniel Allen's sister Catherine.

Ontario Co DB 53, p.504
5 May 1823 David Akins of Richmond and Hannah his wife to James Sibley and William Sibley for $1000. 66 acres and 40 rods to be taken off the north part of lots number 8 and 33 in twp 9, 5th range. Bounds on land formerly sold by the late Oliver Phelps to David Crooks, 100 acres sold by Lemuel Chipman to Roswell Turner, land belonging to the parties of the first part [David & Hannah]. Signed by David & Hannah. Wit: Dennis Whitney, J. Mason
12 Feb 1830 David Akin & Hannah his wife acknowledged the deed before Jonathan Mason, commissioner appointed to take acknowledgment of deeds. Rec. 26 Feb 1833.

Ontario Co DB 58, p.291
24 Apr 1828 Nathaniel Allen of Richmond to Orra Akin. For the sum of $1 quit claim parcel bounded by land deeded by N. Allen to William Sibley, lands owned by John Jaromes, lands owned by Orra Akin, Honeoye outlet. 25 acres. Signed: N. Allen Wit: N. O. Allen, Z. Barton Stout
24 Apr 1828 Nathaniel Allen acknowledged deed. Rec. 25 Sep 1835.
Nathaniel seems to be virtually giving this 25 acres to Orra, for the use of his wife's parents, see lease agreement next.

Ontario Co DB 58, p.194
24 Apr 1828 Orra Allen of Richmond and David Akin & Hannah his wife in consideration of the yearly rent and covenant, a parcel in Richmond bounded by lands of Nathaniel & William Sibley, John Jerome, Orrin Akin, and the Honeyoye outlet, 25 acres. Yearly rent of one cent each and every year, during their natural lives. Signed: Orra Akin, David Akin
24 Apr 1828, Orra Akin acknowledged the lease. Rec. 24 Aug 1835.

By the 1830 census, only Orra Akin is left in Ontario Co. It appears his father might still be living [the male age 70-80], but not his mother.
1830 Census. Ontario Co NY, Richmond
Orra Akins. 1m 5-10, 1m 15-10, 1m 40-50, 1m 70-80
2f -5, 2f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40


BirthAbt 1750Pawling, Dutchess County, New York
MarriageHannah Wright


SpouseHannah Wright ( - 1829)
ChildClara Akin (1778 - 1835)
ChildSarah Akin ( - )
ChildElizabeth "Betsey" Akin (1782 - 1826)
ChildUriel Akin (1783 - 1822)
ChildOrra Akin (1787 - 1833)