Individual Details

Nathan Cargill

(16 Mar 1768 - 2 Oct 1852)

The Rhode Island Vital Records collection online at NEHGS has Nathan Cargill as born 16 Mar 1768, Cumberland, Providence, RI. He married first Mercy Angell who was a descendant of Roger Williams. He married (2) Sybil Poppleton. He is said to have had eight children by each wife. I have seen no marriage dates and do not know why the children have been divided as they have.

Nathan Cargill is found in the 1820 census in Richmond, Ontario Co, NY on the same page as David, Orra & Uriel Akin - who were likely kinfolks of Almira Akin that married Nathaniel Allen.
Nathan had 3 males under 10, 2 males age 10-16, probably himself over age 45; 2 females under 10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 26-45, and probably his spouse also over age 45.

Vigo County, Indiana Deed Records: Book 1, 1816-1821; Immogne B. Hannan Brown, 197?
[deeds are from assorted deed books, arranged by date of deed, not recording date]
28 Nov 1820. Bk 1, p.287 Nathan Cargill & wife Sibbel of Ontario Co NY to Hartford Cargill of Vigo Co IN. Part of land granted to James Harrison for Military service. Sec 5, Twp 13, R 9
27 Nov 1820. Bk 1, p. 290 Nathan Cargill & wife Sibbel of Ontario Co NY to Lemuel C. Curtis of Vigo Co IN. Part of grant to James Harmon for military service. (Harrison & Harmon are underlined in these two abstracts so apparently they are written that way in the deeds - it's likely the same man) Sec 5 Twp 13, R 9.
In 1822, daughter Lydia Allen, sold the residue of this tract, said to be 60 acres and that deed states the grant was to James Harmon. Government Land Office records show that James Harmon did receive 320 acres in this section for his service as a Canadian Volunteer.

Vigo County, IN Deed Book 1
p. 374
This Indenture made the twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two between Lydia Allen wife of Ira Allen of Harrison Township Vigo County and State of Indiana of the first part and Henry Frink of the same place aforesaid of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty five dollars to her in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt....
....all that certain tract or parcel of land being the residue of the southwest quarter of Section Five of Township Thirteen North in Range Nine west in the District of Vincennes in the State of Indiana, after taking therefrom One Hundred acress off the north side thereof which was conveyed by Nathan Cargill of Richmond County of Ontario and State of New York to Lemuel C. Curtis by deed bearing date the twenty seventh day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty which said residue is supposed to contain sixty acres be the same more or less, being part of the land granted by the United States of America to James Harmon late a private in the Corps of Canadian Volunteers by letters patent dated the fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

Canandaigua, Ontario Co, NY
11 Jan 1827. Friends Nathan Cargill and Uriah T. James were named as the executors of the will of Jonathan James. The will proved 21 Apr 1827.

Ontario DB 48, p.192
2 Feb 1829 Nathaniel Allen sold to Robert L. Rose what was apparently all his remaining tracts of land for $10,000. In the description he mentions that one of the tracts has the boundary, "north line of land on Nathan Cargill and thence east on Cargill's to the center of the public highway".

In the 1850 census of Lima, Livingston Co, NY, Household 173, there is a Nathan Cargill, age 64, b. Rhode Island and in his household is Sybil age 65, b. Vermont, and Samuel, age 27, a bookseller, b. New York. Online databases suggest that Nathan died 2 Oct 1852 in either Livingston or Ontario counties. However, a birth year of 1786, simply does not agree with the Rhode Island records, and the ages of Lydia & Zelota Cargill as proved by censuses in Indiana. I believe the explanation for the census is possibly that Nathan was a great deal older than was wife - perhaps his age was misunderstood. Or this is the son Nathan, with his stepmother and a half-brother in his household.


Birth16 Mar 1768Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island
Death2 Oct 1852Ontario County, New York
MarriageSybil Poppleton
MarriageMercy Angell


SpouseMercy Angell ( - )
ChildNathan Cargill (1809 - )
ChildHartford Cargill ( - )
ChildWilliam Cargill ( - )
ChildAbigail Cargill ( - )
ChildAlmira Cargill ( - )
ChildLydia Cargill (1797 - 1876)
ChildZelota Cargill (1800 - )
ChildDaniel Cargill (1808 - )
SpouseSybil Poppleton (1783 - )
ChildCaroline Cargill ( - )
ChildOscar H. Fitzgerald Cargill ( - )
ChildJames A. Cargill ( - )
ChildDorcas Jane Cargill ( - )
ChildEliza Cargill ( - )
ChildGeorge Cargill ( - )
ChildMarietta Cargill (1817 - )
ChildSamuel P. Cargill (1823 - )
FatherJames Cargill (1728 - 1804)
MotherDorcas Arnold (1732 - )