Individual Details

Sarah Hubbard Tamer

( - )

Given other records and connections to the Hubbard family, I suspect Sarah may have been a young widow when see married Abraham Echols.

Benjamin Hubbard [HU.1.1.1] was made a justice of King William County in 1737. Three Hubbard brothers and one sister were later in Southside Virginia. The 1749-will of Abraham Echols that remembered his wife, Sarah, made bequests also to her brothers, Benjamin and Edward Hubbard.


SpouseAbraham Echols (1700 - 1749)
ChildIsaac Echols (1733 - 1761)
ChildJoseph Echols (1734 - 1789)
ChildSarah Echols (1735 - )
ChildRebekah Echols (1741 - )
ChildElizabeth Echols (1743 - )
ChildJoshua Echols ( - 1800)