Individual Details

Joseph Anthony

(2 May 1713 - 25 Nov 1785)

28 Aug 1746. Joseph Anthony, 2042 acres in Goochland Co both sides of Bisket Run. Adj Charles Hudson, Daniel Jones, Patrick Noland. PB 25, p.204

Several of the children in this family moved to Wilkes Co GA. Found in the tax records there circa 1790 are Joseph, James, Micajah, and Bolling, and well as the daughters Agnes and Winifred and their Blakey husbands. There are also Tate families found in Wilkes Co - possibly relatives of the wives of James and Micajah.

In 1796, the tax return of the estate of Joseph Anthony was filed by James Anthony, Executor. This seems rather late since he had been dead some years. Can't be the son Joseph as he lived until 1810. However, the younger children were minors at the time of his death.

Found in a database at Ancestry Family Trees:

Joseph Anthony was born at his father's trading post in Albermarle County, Virginia, on the Upper James River, about seventy-five miles from Richmond, Virginia. They later lived near the Staunton river in Franklin County, Virginia.
His will is of record at Martinsville, Henry County, Virginia and is indicative if a very comfortable fortune for those days, He was a planter and merchant. The records show many instances where he furnished the Revolutionary army supplies for which it is said the Tories cut off his silver knee buckles.
It is believed that Joseph Anthony served several terms of militia duty during the revolution but there is no record of it because he had to serve secretly with the troops of other counties, else his church would disown him.
Joseph Anthony and son, James, are listed as citizens of Henry County, Virginia, who took the oath of allegiance in 1777.
Joseph was a Quaker who from 1722 to 1739 patented 4926 acres in his own name in Hanover County, Virginia.

Joseph's will, inventory, and the administration of his estate are recorded in the clerk's office of Henry County, Virginia in Will Book No. 1, beginning on Page 120.
I Joseph Anthony being in my perfect Senses and Calling to mind the Mortality of My Body do make and Constitute this my last will and testament.
First to my loving Wife Elizabeth Anthony during her widowhood, I lend Nine 9 Negroes namely, Cooper, Charcole, Matt, David, Ben, Inde, Sam, old Jeane, and young Jeane with the Plantation I now live on, also my Stock, Household Goods & furniture. If after my Decease my wife should marry again my Desire and will is that, my Executors whom I shall appoint Shall take possession of the above mentioned Negroes, Said Stock household goods and furniture and Dispose of the same together with the increase and income Dischrestonaly (sic discretionally) for the use of my wife and Children for and During her natural Life.

Item, I give and bequeath to those of my Children, that I shall now mention. NB Sarah Cooper, Christopher Anthony, Elizabeth Candler, Penelope Johnson, Joseph Anthony, James Anthony, Mary Carter and Agnes Blaky only one Shilling, Sterling each out of my Estate, I having gaven Each of them as much of my Estate at the time of their marrying as I thought proper.

Item, I give and bequeath to my Son Micajah Anthony, to him and his Heirs forever, that part of the Land Purchased of James Young that lies on the South side of the Lawyers Rode alowing the the Lawyers Rode to be the line, between him and my son Joseph Anthony and Two negroes Namely Milly and her youngest Child.

Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Rachel Anthony to her and her Heirs for Ever Two negroes namely Henry & Lucy, Item, I give & bequeath to my Daughter Wineford Anthony to her and her Heirs for ever, two Negroes, Namely Charles & Sarah.

Item, I give and bequeath to my Son Mark Anthony to him and his Heirs for ever half of the land whereon I now live, after his Mothers Decease together with two Negroes, namely Matt & Tom.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Boling Anthony to him and his Heirs for ever one half of the Land Whereon I now live, after his Mothers Decease, being Equally Divided, Between my Two Sons Mark & Boling Anthony also two Negroes Namely, James & the Eldest Child of A negroe woman name, Milly Which I formily lent to James Johnson, Which I now give to my Son Micajah Anthony.

Item, I give to my Daughter Judith Anthony to her and her Heirs for Ever, Three Negroes, namely Nan and her Son David also the Second Child, Which the S. Milly had which I lent the S. James Johnson, I also give unto those my last mentioned Children, each of them one Horse & Saddle, Two Cows and Calves, one feather, bed and furniture or as much money as will purchase them as they marry or Come of Age and further this is my will that if any of my Children Decease, Without Heir Lawfully Begotten of their Body, that their part of my Estate Bequeathed, be Equally Divided Amongst my then Surviving Children or their Heirs and at the Decease of my wife my Estate to be Equally Divided amongst all my Children or their Heirs, Except my Daughter, Elizabeth Candler, I only give unto her at the Decease of my Wife five Pounds Sterling, only and further is my Will that the Negroe Name Harry, Which I lent to Penelope Johnson if She Refuse to Keep as a Slave, that the S. Negroe be returned to my Estate and be Equally Divided amoungst the rest of my Children and further is my will that if any of my Children should Refuse to Keep the Negroes which I will to them, that they be Returned to my Estate & Equally Divided Amoungst the Rest of my Children.

I Appoint my Wife Elizabeth Anthony and my Three Sons Joseph Anthony, James Anthony & Micajah Anthony and Thomas Cooper, Executors to the within Will and making all former Wills Void. I Declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal this 24th day of September, one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty five. Test Joseph Anthony (seal) John Stokes Ambrose Jones William Jones John Jones

At a Court held for Henry County on the 22nd day of December 1785 the within last Will and Testament of Joseph Anthony deceased was proved by
the witnesses thereto whereupon it was ordered to be recorded by the Court.

Henry County, January ye 25, 1786
We John Stokes, Jacob Ferris, Ambrose Jones & William Whitssells In Obedience to an Order of Court have aprais.d the Estate of Joseph Anthony Deceased and so Return the following Inventory VIZ. - - -
One Bond of one hundred & Twenty Pounds due Oct. 1st 85 120.00.00
One Bond of one Hundred & thirty pounds due Oct. 1st 86 130.00.00
One Bond of one Hundred & Ten Pounds due Dec. 25th 87 110.00.00
One Bond of one Hundred Pounds Due Dec. 25th 68 100.00.00
Assmt. in the County Court for last General Court Suit 42.00.00
1 Bond of 24 Pounds 18 Shillings due Dec. 25th 1770 24.18.00
1 Bond of four pounds Seven Shillings due Oct. 1st 1785 4. 7.00
1 Bond of Three Pounds due Oct. 1st 1785 3.00.00
1 Bond of one Pound fifteen shillings due 1st 1785 1.15.00
One certificate of one Pound Thirteen and four Pence 1.13. 4
An Accompt of Eight Pounds Twelve Shillings and 1 3/4 pence 8.12. 1 3/4
One Negro fellow Praisd to Ninety five Pounds 95.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Eighty Pounds 80.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Sixty Pounds 60.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Seventy five Pounds 75.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to forty five Pounds 45.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Twenty Pounds 20.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Ten Pounds 10.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Fifty Pounds 50.00.00
Two Ditto Praisd to twenty Pounds each 40.00.00
One Negro Wench and Child Praisd to Eighty Pounds 80.00.00
One Negro Wench and Three Children Praisd to 120.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Sixty Pounds 60.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to fifty Pounds 50.00.00
One Ditto and Child Praisd to Eighty Pounds 80.00.00
One Negro fellow Praisd to Eighty Pounds 80.00.00
One Still Praisd to fifteen Pounds 15.00.00
Ten Head of Sheep Praisd to 3 Pounds 3.00.00
One Mare Praisd to Fifteen Pounds 15.00.00
Two Colts Praisd to five Pounds each 10.00.00
Two Horses Praisd to Six Pounds each 12.00.00
Eight Goose Praisd to Sixteen shillings 00.16.00
Nine 9 Axes Praisd to one pound Sixteen Shillings 1.16.00
Two Iron Wedges Praisd to Six Shillings 00.06.00
Four Plow Hoes Praisd to Ten Shillings 00.10.00
a Parcell of Hoes Praisd to Three Pounds 03.00.00
One Bed, bedstead and furniture Praisd to Eight 08.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Ten Pounds 10.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to four Pounds 04.00.00
One Ditto Praisd to Ten Pounds 10.00.00
Two Ditto Praisd to Ten Pounds Each 20.00.00
One Chest Praisd to one Pound 1.00.00
Nine Chairs Praisd to Two Pounds 16/6 2.16.06
One Table Praisd to three Shillings & Six Pence 00.03.06
A parcell of pewter Praisd to two Pounds 10 shillings 02.10.00
A parcell of Crockley Ware Praisd to one Pound 01.00.00
Two Silver Spoons & Sugar Box thirteen shillings 00.13.00
A parcell of lumber Praisd to one Pound 01.00.00
A parcell of knives and forks Praisd to 10 shillings 00.10.00
A parcell of kitchen furniture Praisd to 3 pounds 15 s. 03.15.00
Three wheels Praisd to one Pound Ten Shillings 01.10.00
One Loom worpping Bars and Set of Spoons Praisd to 01.05.00
A parcell of Tools Praisd to Two Pounds 02.00.00
2 Pair of Dog Irons 1 pair of flatt irons 1 pair of tongs & Pan handle 01.13.00
Two Bibles Praisd to Eight Shillings 00.08.00
A parcell of Lumber and Loom Gares Praisd to 01.10.00
One Whipsaw and Looking Glass Praisd to 01.01.00
One Waggon and Gares Praisd to Eighteen Pounds 18.00.00
One pair of Chards Praisd to Two shillings & 6 pence 00.02.06
Two Guns Praisd to five shillings Each 00.10.00
A parcell of Lumber Praisd to two shillings 00.02.00
One Saddle Praisd to Two Pounds 02.00.00
22 Head of Cattle Praisd to thirty Pounds 30.00.00
17 Head of hogs Praisd to five Pounds two Shillings 05.02.00
Three slaughter Hides Praisd to 1 Pound five Shillings 01.05.00
2 Sides of Leather 28# of Iron and a piece of Steel 01.12.08
Three Candlesticks 1 pair of Snuffers Praisd to 00.04.04
7000# Tobacco Praised to 58.06.08
Three Side Saddles Praised to 08.05.00
Too Mens Saddles Praised to 02.15.00
One Slate & Branding Iron 00.02.06

John Stocks
Jacob Farriss
Ambrose Jones

At a Court held for Henry County, Virginia on the 26th Day of January 1785 The Within Inventory was returned & ordered to be recorded. [NOTE: At some time, the digits 1786 were added parenthetically below 1785]

The DAR Patriot Index lists Joseph Anthony, Sr. as having been in the "Patriotic Service" of Virginia during the Revolutionary War. Joseph Anthony, Jr. (Christopher's brother) is also listed as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Virginia service.

The Lineage Book, National Society of Daughters of American Colonists, Vol. 5, p. 252 says Joseph Anthony (1713-1785) of Hanover County, Virginia served in the French and Indian Wars.

Woods, Edgar Rev. History of Albemarle County, Virginia: The Michie Company, Printers, 1901, says Joseph Anthony, Sr. entered 2040 acres of land in Biscuit Valley and moved to Bedford Co. Joseph lived on "Lawyers Road" in what is now Franklin Co. near the Staunton River. In his lifetime it was Henry Co.

Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. X, No. 2 "From Records in the Clerk's Office", by C.B. Bryant, Martinsville, VA:
pg. 140 Joseph Anthony L4-5-0 for 425 lb. Beef to Jesse Head Com'y Prov.
pg. 141 Joseph Anthony 28/ - 2bbls & 4 bus. corn to Gen. Hospital at Col. Perkins.
pg. 142 Joseph Anthony 11/ for 1 bush. corn & 9 diets to Capt. Erwin.
pg. 143 Joseph Anthony L2-9-2 for 3 bushels corn, 32 bundles of fodder, 24 lbs Bacon & 4-
1/2 gallons Whiskey to Q.M. of Lt. Col. Lee's Legion.
pg. 359 Joseph Anthony L200 for a pair of Stillards impressed for Militia when ordered to
join Gen. Greene, March 1781
pg. 360 Joseph Anthony 15 bushels corn & 500 lbs Fodder for use of Col. Crockett's Light
Horse March 7,1781

History of Bedford County, VA by Lulu E. J. Parker, p. 42-43
Campbell Chronicles & Family Sketches by Ruth Hairston Early, p. 347-348
Over the Mountain Men, Their Early Court Records in Southwest VA, Compiled by Anne Lowry Worrell.
The Lineage Book, National Society of the Daughter of American Colonists, Vol. 5, p.252.
William Candler's Ancestry and Progeny by Allen D. Candler.
William & Mary Quarterly Vol 9, p.328 - 330.
The Hills of Wilkes County, Georgia & Allied Family by Lodowick Johnson Hill p. 174-178.
Anthony Roots & Branches by Nancy Vashti Anthony Jacob, p.3-5.
History of Albemarle County, VA by Edgar Woods.
Henry County Will Book 1 Henry County, VA p.120-124.
The Parish Register of St. Peters, New Kent Co., VA 1680-1787.
Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy by William W. Hinshaw, Vol VI.
Biographical Souvenir Of The States of Georgia and Florida; F. A. Battey & Co.,1890 p.498-499.
C. B. Bryant - "Genealogies of Virginia Families" from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography V. 1.


Birth2 May 1713Henrico County, Virginia
Marriage27 Apr 1741Elizabeth Clark
Death25 Nov 1785Henry County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Clark (1720 - 1820)
ChildSarah Anthony (1742 - 1796)
ChildChristopher Anthony (1744 - 1815)
ChildElizabeth Anthony (1746 - 1784)
ChildPenelope Anthony (1748 - 1822)
ChildJoseph Anthony (1750 - 1810)
ChildJames Anthony (1752 - 1827)
ChildMary Anthony (1754 - )
ChildCharles Anthony (1757 - 1757)
ChildMicajah Anthony (1759 - 1793)
ChildAgnes Anthony (1761 - )
ChildRachel Anthony (1763 - )
ChildWinifred Anthony (1765 - )
ChildMark Anthony (1767 - )
ChildBolling Anthony (1769 - 1827)
ChildJudith Anthony (1771 - 1810)
FatherMark Anthony ( - 1739)
MotherIsabella Hart (1680 - )
SiblingJohn Anthony (1715 - 1760)
