Individual Details


(Bet 1700 and 1710 - Dec 1785)

Griffith's parents are propsed as a Nathaniel Dickerson and wife Elizabeth, perhaps Elizabeth Garland. However at the time of his death, Nathaniel's will states his wife as Mary. The will of John Garland doesn't name a daughter.
John Garland of St. Paul's Parish (will dated 24 Feb., 1731) wife Ann Garland; 2 sons, Peter & Robert, land on Little River; sons John, James, and Nathan Garland. Witness Cor. Dabney and Peter Garland. 1734.-Thos. Wingfield & James Garland bond (secu~y Nathan Davis, Griffith Dickerson) to admtor on Est.of John Garland

The will of Nathaniel Dickenson, proved 1753, "son Griffith, manor plantation after death of my wife, Mary". In 1778, Grittith Dickenson made a deed, "Land on which said Griffith Dickenson now lives, which was devised him by the last will and testament of Nathaniel Dickenson, father of Griffith Dickenson". The will also names nine children - Nathaniel, Griffith, William, John, Sarah Snelson, Elizabeth Dickenson, Rachel Dickenson, _____(torn) Barksdale, and Agnes Dickenson. [Genealogies of Virginia Families, Vol V, 1982]

Louisa Co VA Order Books:
9 Apr 1744: Petition of John England, John Carr Jr, Poindexter & others for a road on the North River Road by the plantation that was James Overton's Quarter, etc. Griffith Dickenson appointed overseer of said road.
8 Oct 1744: road out of the North River to Mills Path under Griffith Dickeson overseer with the following hands: John Carr, John Poindexter [married Christian Gissage], Joseph Terrell, David Cosby, William Saxon, James Overton, Armistead Quarter under Robert Ellis, John McDowel, Thomas Gresham, Moses Estis, Robert Estis, James Johnson, William Hendrick, John Snelson's Quarter, Edward Stringer, James Hower's quarter, Wm White, Maj. Marr's quarter & John Say.

1782 Tax List for Griffith Dickinson on E. Creek. 1 white tithe, 21 slaves, 6 horses, 40 heads of cattle

Will of Griffith Dickerson.
Louisa Co VA WB 3, p.123
1 Nov 1785. Trinity Parish, Louisa Co VA. Son, Robert Dickeson where he now lives, tract of 466 acres. Son, James, tract where testator now lives, 560 acres. Slaves to Grandson John Anderson, Granddau Elizabeth Dabney, gson Nathaniel Anderson, gdau Ann Anderson, gdau Mary. Sons Robert & James - several slaves. Son Hickerson Cosby Dickerson, slaves. Daughter-in-law Rachel Dickerson, slaves to be divided amongst her grandchildren at her death. Dau Ann Tompkins, a slave. Sons Charles & Hickerson Cosby - man James. Livestock, household furniture, plantation utensils, crops. to be divided equally between 4 sons & dau-in-law Rachel Dickenson. Any money to be divided between 4 sons. Executors: Robert, James & Hickerson Cosby Dickerson. Wit: W. O. Callis, James Overton, David Bullock, Thos. Poindexter
[Rachel was married to Griffith Dickerson Jr who disappears from the tax list about 1784]

Another transcript:
Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 123, Griffith Dickerson, Type: , Date: 12-Dec-1785
I Griffith Dickerson of Trinity Par, debts to be paid. To my son Robert Dickerson tract whereon he now lives containing 466 acres. to my son James Dickerson tract whereon I now live containing 560 acres. To grandson John Anderson Negro Hannah now in his possession. To granddaughter Elizabeth Dabney Negro David. To grandson Nathaniel Anderson Negro Levi. To granddaughter Ann Anderson Negro Bobly. To granddaughter Mary Anderson Negro Judith. To son Robert Dickerson Negroes Marshall and Hannah and those he now has viz. Dick, Melly, Lucy, Anna and Rose. To son James Dickerson Negroes Melly, Silvy, Solemon, Martin and those in his possession viz. Peter, Phillis. To son Charles Dickerson Negroes Henry, Bethena, Tenah, Lewis, Isbell, Roda and Nancy. If son Charles dies without an heir then Negroes to surviving sons. To son Hickerson Cosby Dickerson Negroes viz. Jasper, Minor, Violet, Joshu, Silah, John and Judith the elder. If son Hickerson Cosby dies with no heir then to surviving sons. To dau. in law Rachael Dickerson Negroes Nell and children Fanny and Mary, Georgi, Sarah, and Dick and after her death to be divided amongst all her grandchildren. To dau. Ann Tompkins Negro Cicily. To sons Charles and Hickerson Cosby Dickerson Negro James. Crops, cattle, etc. to be divided amongst 4 sons and dau in law Rachael Dickason and money amongst 4 sons. Appt. Robert, James and Hickerson Cosby Dickerson exors. 1 Nov 1785. Sig. Griffith Dickerson. wit. W. O. Callis, James Overton, David Bullock, Thos. Poindexter. Rec. 12 Dec 1785. Robert, James and Hickerson on exors bond $5,000.

A Griffith Dickerson Sr. is listed on a tax list, Botetourt Co VA, 1785 in Capt. Goodson's Company. And a Griffith Dickerson served in the Rev War from Virginia. I doubt if this is the all the same man. A Griffith Dickinson served in Wall's 8th Regt VA militia in the War of 1812 - obviously a much younger man.

List of children from online database.
1. Ann Dickenson b. 1735 - married Tompkins
2. Son Dickenson b. abt. 1736 (he is the only one who could have married Rachel ?) [my note: Griffith Jr.]
3. Robert Dickenson b. abt. 1737
4. James Dickinson b. 1742 (from bible records you can see these at VA Library online.
5. Charles Dickenson b. abt. 1746 (mentioned in John Cosby's will as a grandson)
6. Higgason Cosby Dickenson b. abt. 1747 (mentioned in John Cosby's will as grandson)
7. Frances Dickerson b. 1754. She married Bartlett Anderson Jr. April 10, 1770.


BirthBet 1700 and 1710King William/New Kent County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1734Virginia - Ann Cosby
DeathDec 1785Louisa County, Virginia


SpouseAnn Cosby ( - )
