Individual Details

Sarah Gist

( - )

Sarah Gist was half-blood Cherokee, the daughter of Henry D. Gist.

She is often seen as a daughter of "Sequoyah", Henry Gist, but something is wrong with that, as the Cherokee called Sequoyah who developed the Cherokee alphabet was named George Gist. I don't know that he had a wife or children. He never lived in an area where a daughter would be likely to cross paths with Micajah Poindexter.

Sequoyah was the son of Nathaniel Gist, brother of Christopher Gist, who was aide to George Washington. He was also known by his English name, George Gist. Sequoyah's mother was Utwut-tes of the Paint clan called. Sequoyah and his wife had three daughters, no sons.

Fri, 6 Jul 2007
