Individual Details

John Echols

(1698 - Abt 1750)

John's wife is unknown. He was living in Amelia Co in 1737 at the time it was formed out of Prince George Co. 16 Oct 1744, he bought from his brother William 420 acres along the Appomattox River in Raleigh Parish of Amelia Co. He was appointed a surveyor of Amelia in Jun of 1745. He sold this land 16 Jun 1749 to Samuel Overton and the deed aknowledged that John Echols was moving. He settled in North Carolina where a will dated 1750 in Beaufort Co lists his children as John, James, Joses, Cobb [Caleb], Ann, Mary, and Elinor. Children listed in various place online usually have Mary and Elinor combined as Mary Eleanor and include others.

William Echols did patent 400 acres in what was then Prince George Co described as being on the both sides of Stocks Creek on the south side of the Appomattox River - this was 1 Aug 1734 and possibly this is the land that John bought from him.

This will is apparently John's son Joses:
BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC - Wills – Joses Echols, 1797 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ State of N. Carolina Beaufort County In the name of God—Amen—J. Joses Echols of the County and State aforesaid Calling to attend the certainty of death & the uncertainty of this Mortal Life do whilst in a state of Soundness both in Body & Mind intend to settle my Temporal Matters in this for & manner following--- Viz First. I desire to commit my Soul to God, who gave it & my body to the Earth, from where it came. Second. I give unto my three grandchildren, heirs of my son J. Echols, twenty Pounds each & if either die without Lawful Issue, the Survivers (sic) or Surviver (sic) inherit the same. Thirdly. I give unto my well beloved son Abner Echols whose property he hath already received of me. One Shilling Sterling Forth. (sic) I give unto my well beloved son Amasa Echols Mother (?) of my goods & chattels, Lands & Tenements of any nature or kind, whatever that I have not above mentioned, unto him for ever--& In case my son Amasa doth not return to enjoy it, then my wish is for my son Abner to have one Feather Bed & furniture & all the remainder to be Equally Divided amongst my surviving Grandchildren unto (can’t read) forever— I also do nominate & appoint my Trusty Friends James McCabe and Henry Clark whole an sole management of This my Last Will & Testament, & do hereby revoke all others whatever heretofore by me made. In Testamony (sic) thereof I have hereinto set my hand and affix my seal this day of ____ One Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety Seven [Signed] Joses Echols (His Seal) Signed & sealed in Presents (sic) of us John McCabe William Canaday [His mark]


DeathAbt 1750Beaufort County, North Carolina


FatherJohn Echols (1650 - 1712)
MotherMary Cave (1670 - 1712)
SiblingAnn Echols ( - 1746)
SiblingEleanor Echols ( - )
SiblingMary Echols (1696 - )
SiblingAbraham Echols (1700 - 1749)
SiblingWilliam Echols (1702 - 1771)
SiblingJoseph Echols (1704 - 1766)
SiblingRichard Echols (1706 - 1786)