Individual Details

LEMUEL Sargent

(1745 - 19 Sep 1820)

Lemuel Sargent's father may have been Daniel Sargent, but there is inadequate proof.

Lemuel married Sarah Hall who was a daughter of Pelatiah Hall.
This is Peletiah Hall's grave:
Gravestone in the Old Cemetery, Walpole, Cheshire, NH.
There is also an SAR marker on the grave.
In Memory of Mr. Palatiah Hall Who departed this Life Janry 11th 1784, in the 82d year of his age.
To Life he points and lives again
And gives this lezson from the tomb
The Good are happy in the World to come

A History of Walpole, New Hampshire, Volumes 1 and 2, by Martha McDonalds Frizzell gives the following:
Sargents, Lemuel Capt., son of Daniel Sargents of Boston, Mass; m. Dec 12, 1765 Sarah; dau of Pelatiah and Sarah Paul Hall of Milton, Mass.; in W [Walpole] 1776; by 1789 had removed to Jaffray; Rev Soldier [247, 266]
11 Lemuel b c 1769; m Tamar Bates of Conn
12 Pelatiah b 1771; m 1792 Deborah
13 Betsey (Elizabeth) m a Clinton
14 Polly m a Mack
15 Mary bap July 6 1777
16 Sally Avery

Note: Explanation of the Genealogies: These genealogies (1749-1963) are based on Town and Church records supplemented by material from newspaper reports, records of deeds, census records, Aldrich's "Walpole As It Was and Was It Is", histories of adjacent towns, and gravestones. We believe we have copied data from every legible gravestone in the town. We have had additional data furnished by families in response to a direct mailing to all residents and notices in the newspaper requesting genealogical information.

Lemuel Sargent of Milton and Sarah Hall of Dorchester were married 12 Dec 1765 by the Rev. Mr. Jonathan Bowman. A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston containing Dorchester births, marriages, and deaths, Rockwell & Churchill, City Printers, Boston, 1891. The record from Dorchester, 1765: "Lemuel Sargeant of Milton & Sarah Hall of Dorchester, Decr 12th 1765."

History of Rockingham, Vermont. by L. S. Hayes, Page 751
CAPT. LEMUEL, 1 was of Scotch ancestry, supposed to have been son of a well known Boston Scotchman named Daniel, who with his brother, Joseph, emigrated from Scotland to that city in 1730. Daniel lived on Franklin street, and Joseph resided on Oliver Street. Capt. Lemuel came to Bellows Falls during the Revolution, probably about 1778, and soon came into possession of nearly all the land now covered by the village of Bellows Falls.
The history of Winchendon, Massachusetts, shows his family to have been newcomers in that town in 1769. In 1776 he bought of Benjamin Bellows, 51 acres of land “on the road to Keene,” and in frequent transfers of land is always recorded as “Lemuel Sargeant, Gentleman.” His father-in-law, Pelatiah Hall, also came into the vicinity of Westmoreland at about this time, possibly the two families residing together. During his residence there, and while in Rockingham, he was in the service of his country the most of the time; 1st lieut. in Capt. Jason Wait’s company in Col. Bedell’s Regt. In 1776; adjutant in Col. Bellows’ Regt. of militia, and a member of his staff with the N.H. forces that reinforced the garrison at Ticonderoga in June, 1777; first referred to as “Capt. Lemuel Sargeant of Rockingham” in 1779, although he was named among the privates of Capt. William Simonds’ company of this town in 1782; sometimes referred to as “Major Lemuel Sargeant” in the town records, and it is a tradition in that family that he was at one time a drum-major in some of the military organizations.
He was a shrewd, frugal and determined representative of the Scotch settlers of his day, and accumulated wealth whirch his will divided between his wife and children.
March 10, 1789, he deeded to David Sanderson the most of the land covered by the present village and mills of Bellows Falls, and during the same year removed to Jaffray, New Hampshire.
The records of Rockingham show the following deed:
“I, Lemuel Sargents of Jaffrey, Gentleman, for the sum of 12 pounds paid by Enoch Hale, Esq., and Adam Brown, Gentlemen, both of Rockingham, do give (etc) a Certain pew in the meeting-house in Rockingham that I purchased of the town committee in Rockingham adjoining the Broad Alleyway at the left hand from the front door, to have during the standing of this meetinghouse, --in witness hereof of (etc.) have set my hand and seal this 24th day of February 1790. (Signed) Lem’l Sargents. Witness: Pelatiah Sargents, D. Sanderson”
After living in Jaffrey for some years, Capt. Sargeant removed to Edson’s Corners, N.Y., where he purchased large tracts of land in 1804, and again in 1813. He died there in September 1823, at an advanced age, and was buried on the hill west of that village, no stone marking his grave.
He m. December 12, 1765, Sarah, daughter of Pelatiah and Sarah (Paul) Hall of Milton, Massachusetts
i. Betsey2 (or Elizabeth), Baptized in Rockingham, August 14, 1783; married _____ Clinton. [this may be an error]
ii. Lemuel, born about 1769; married Tamer Bates of Connecticut. Children both born Milford, New York: 1. Joseph.2 2. Job, born December 9, 1894; died Milford, September 8, 1877. Child: Solomon.4
1. iii. Pelatiah, born 1771: married 1792, Deborah.
iv. Polly, m. _______ Mack.
v. Sally Avery.

1. Pelatiah2 (Capt. Lemuel1). Born 1771; was prominent in town and village affairs from 1790 until his death in 1824; lived in a small house just north of Frost’s stable on the west side of Rockingham street; owned oxen and drew freight around the falls; an expert swimmer and diver and did much work on the first dam built across the Connecticut river at Bellows Falls commenced in 1792.
He married May 9, 1792, Deborah _______; he died October 26, 1824 and is interred in Immanuel cemetery.

Lemuel's Revolution service is proved by the following publications:

The State of New Hampshire. Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 1775 to May 1777, Isaac W. Hammond, Concord NH, Coswell, State Printer, 1885
p.256 The Assembly voted to raise two thousand men for the service. Col. Benjamin Bellow, Regt 15, Walpole. No. of men 16-50 - 674; proportion for Army - 84.
p.261 20 Jan 1776. Pay Roll of Capt Jason Waits Co in Col. Bedel's Regt, mustered & paid by John Bellows, Esq. Lemuel Sergants, Lt. paid, Febr 1776. £10.16.

Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of New Hampshire, for the Year Ending Jun 1, 1866, Vol. II; George E. Jenks, State Printer, Concord, 1866
Troops were called to Ticonderoga in May of 1777 to protect the fort again Gen. Burgoyne, but the report was false and they returned home about three weeks later. The alarm was again sounded in July.
p.307 "But the fortress being evacuated July 6, these troops were of no great use, save to swell our army upon its retreat.
The officers of these regiments were as follows:
Col. Bellows Regiment.
Benjamin Bellows, Colonel
Samuel Kent, Lt. Colonel
William Hayward, 1st Major
John Bellows, 2nd Major
Augustus Hibbard, Chaplain
Martin Ashley, Surgeon
Lemuel Sargent, Adjutant

The State of Vermont. Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 1775 to 1783; published by authority of the legislature; compiled and edited by John E. Goodrich; The Tuttle Company, Rutland, VT, 1904
p.23 A Pay Roll of Capt. William Simond's Company, Col. Bradley's Regiment raised to assist the Sheriff to go to Guilford.
Names include Lemuel Sargeant for 4 days, 3s per day, 40 miles traveled, 4d per mile; due for travel $13.4. Sum total 1.5.4
Westminster, Windham County, Oct 26, 1782. Then Capt. William Simonds, signer to the within pay roll personally appeared and made solemn oath that the same is just and true.
Digital copies of this service found on

The Records of the First Church of Rockingham, Vermont: from its organization, Oct 27, 1773 to Sep 25, 1839, copied by Thomas Bellows Peck, published Boston, Massachusetts, Press of D. Clapp and Sons. 1902. Page 48: “Deaths. 1781 Feb 7. Lem’l Sargeants child.” In another place it gives this information: “1780. Feb. 13. Receiv’d Reuben & Eunic Jones into the Chh & baptiz’d John son of Reuben & Eunice Jones also Betsi Lane daughter of Lemuel & [illegible name] Sargeants.” Still another place listed: “1783 August 3. Baptiz’d Elisabeth daughter of Lemuel & [illegible name] Sargents”.
Note: Lemuel named four children in his Will, there was no Betsy or Elizabeth - yet I have seen a daughter Betsy who supposedly was married to a Clinton, also in other places said to have married Benjamin Bates. It would appear that the first, Betsi Lane, died before her first birthday and a subsequent daughter was given the same name.

Cheshire Co, NH, Deed Book 2 LDS Microfilm 0015624
2 Jul 1776 Benjamin Bellows of Walpole sold to Lemuel Sergants of Walpole for £40, 51 acres, 146 rods - a tract on the road to Kenne, bounded on the East by Aaron Allen, South by Bellows' own land, West by Obediah King, where Isaac Johnson Junr was living. Wit: Elisah Harding, Theodore Bellows. Acknowledge & recorded 7 Oct 1776.
7 Apr 1777 Amos Babcock of Walpole sold to Lemuel Serjeants of Walpole for £25, 20 acres in Walpole, North side of Nathan Delano, deceased. Delano while living sold it to John Marey, who had sold it to Babcock. Wit: Eber. Swan, Benjn. Flood.

3 Mar 1778 Town Meeting at Rockingham, Cumberland Co, Vermont (Windham County not yet created). Voters took the oath to approve the Constitution included Lemuel Sargent.

5 May 1779 Capt. Lemuel Sargeant of Rockingham while engaged in enforcing one of the laws of Vermont, was threatened and insulted by Issac Reed, Enos Lovell, Ashur Evans, and others They were arrainged in Westminster. History of Rockingham states he commanded a company of militia from Rockingham in 1779

1779 Served as one of the Rockingham selectmen.

Mar 1781, First Monday. Annual Town Meeting at Rockingham, Windom Co, Vermont. Lemuel Sargent chosen to serve on the Grand Jury for the next year.

Roll of Freemen of Rockingham, undated but begun in 1781, p. 70 of Town Minutes. Includes Lem’ll Sargent.
24 Mar 1788 Annual Town Meeting at Rockingham. Lemuel “Serjant” chosen as one of the surveyors of highways for the year insuing. [Town Minutes, p. 96]

13 Feb 1780 Baptized Betsi Lane, daughter of Lemuel & ___ Sargeants
[Records of First Church of Rockingham, Vermont]
7 Feb 1781 Lem’l Sargeants child died. [Records of First Church of Rockingham, Vermont, p.48]
3 Aug 1783 Baptized, Elisabeth, daughter of Lemuel & ___ Sargents. These records suggest a daughter Betsy, or Elizabeth, died and a second daughter was given the same name.

Rockingham, Windham County, VT, Land Records:
Note: most of these entries have just book and page, date, and a short description. I have located the actual deeds, as well as others, and included additional information. They are arranged here according to date of the sale, not the date recorded.
7 Jul 1781 Deed. Sold for 20 pounds to Colburn Preston, one acre, part of Lot 12 in the Seventh Range. Rockingham Deed Book 1, p.120.
15 Apr 1783 Deed. John Fuller, Constable and collector of the land tax, sold at public vendue to Lemuel Sargent, three acres of land in Lot 3, First range of Rockingham, for 12 shillings in back taxes plus costs of sale. Rockingham Deed Book, 1, p.220
12 Nov 1783 Deed. Sale of 10 acres to Enoch Hale. One of boundaries is the bank of the
Connecticut River, the Great Island Rock in Bellows Falls, showing that he did own property likely to be within the bounds of the village of Bellows Falls. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.143
9 Mar 1787 Deed. Sale of three acres to Timothy Lovell – bought at Tax Sale from John Fuller.
Land Tax Collector, 15 Apr 1783. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.505
23 Jul 1787 Deed dated 19 Jan 1790, Jonathan Fuller, collector of land tax, sold to Lemuel Sargent at public Vendue on 23 Jul 1787, 229 acres, for the payment of back taxes. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.14
23 Jun 1788 Deed. Sale of two acres to John Lovell. Located next to Hale’s Bridge which crossed the Connecticut River. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.201
10 Mar 1789 Deed. Sargent sold to John William Blake for ten pounds, four acres in Rockingham which bounded Blake’s blacksmith shop. The land had previously been deeded to David Sanderson of Petersham. Dorcester Co, Massachusetts, but that deed was mislaid and Sanderson made application that Sargent make the deed out to Blake. Rockingham Deed Book 1, p. 379
17 Jun 1789 Deed. Sold to Moses Sever of Alsted, Cheshire Co, New Hampshire, for 50 pounds, 50 acres in Andover, Windsor Co, Vermont. Deed proved in Cheshire Co on the same day but recorded in Rockingham. Rockingham Deed Book 1, p.329
13 Aug 1789 Deed. Sale of land, 100 acres, called “Wintworth Farm” to Benjamin Gould.
Proved in Cheshire Co, New Hampshire, across the Connecticut River, on the same day, yet recorded in Rockingham. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.50
7 Oct 1789 Deed. Sale of a tract of land, acreage not stated, to Salmon Jennings, located just
below the Great Bridge (Hale’s Bridge) on the Connecticut River. Adjoins Lowell, Hale, and Blake. Mentions that his son Pelatiah Sargent had been working this land. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.13
26 Dec 1789 Deed. Sale of 230 acres to Adam Brown for 400 pounds. Mentions the “great River”, i.e. Connecticut River, as one of the bounds. [Possibly tract bought for back taxes from John Fuller, tax collector, 23 Jul 1787] Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.19
24 Feb 1790 Lemuel Sargents sold to Enoch Hale, Esquire, and Adam Brown, gentleman both of Rockingham, Windham County, Vermont, for the sum of 16#'s a certain pew in the meetinghouse being the one Lemuel Sargent purchased of the Town Committee in Rockingham adjoining the Broad Alleyway at the left hand from the front door, to have during the standing of this meetinghouse. Witnessed by Peltiah Sargents and David Sanderson on 25 Feb 1790. Book 2, p.43
16 Nov 1790 Writ to Sheriff regarding sum of money owed by Lemuel Sargent to the estate of Stephen R/K Bradley, deceased. The Sheriff or his Deputy to seize goods, chattles, or land, to pay the sums, or to “safely keep him” until the debt is paid. Rockingham Deed Book 2, p.23

The History of Otsego County, by DH Hurd, Published by Everts and Fariss, 714-16 Tilbert Street Philadelphia, 1878 lists this: "Milford Village was located at the place where the Susquehannah River and Cherry Valley Creek meet. There were two churches initially, Presbyterian and Methodist. The first Town meeting in Suffrage, now Milford, was held at the house of Isaac Collier on Tuesday, 5 April 1796 when the following persons were elected: . . . Fence Viewers: Lemuel Sargeants, Samuel Doolittle, Aaron Brink, and Daniel French."

From 1773 to 1903
Pages 108 through 146 Chapter 17
Revolutionary War Soldiers
I will now proceed to give a general history of the Revolutionary soldiers who formerly lived in the town of Milford for the benefit of the rising generation. By a careful investigation in regard to these old veteran soldiers who spent the greater part of their days in Milford and the most of whom are buried in different cemeteries of the town. I have carefully compiled the names of such for the benefit of those who are desirous of knowing who they were.
In my boyhood days I knew a large percentage of those old veterans and was personally acquainted with them. I have frequently seen these old soldiers congregate on public days such as general training, town meeting, and election days. I have listened to their war stories, their sufferings, their tragic scenes, and heard them fight over their old battles, which I thought were terrible. They were very friendly and happy. Sometimes they would take a little rum together, but it was all pleasant.
I will give the names and generals whom they served under and those who were officers in the army.
The following served in the Northern Division under Arnold, Gates, and Stark: Col. Abel Baker, major Gidean Marlette, Privates George Baker, Daniel Baker, Charles Baker, Artemas Ward, James Frasier, James Westcott, Lemuel Lilly.
The following were under General Washington: Captains Abel Wright, William Russell, Judah Waters, Drum Major Lemuel Sargent, Lieutenant Jacob Wellman, Privates John Campbell, John Browning, William Barnard, Elezar Cross, William Hardy, Steukley Whitford, Ayres, Baranabas Bates, Benoni Wellman, Daniel French, Roger Lake, Ezekel Seegar, Daniel Lee.

1790 Census. Jaffrey, Cheshire Co, NH
Lemuel Serjeant: 2m +16, 2m -16, 5f
David Avery: 2m +16, 2m -16, 4f

16 Apr 1792 Town Records of Jaffrey, p.328-9. Majr. Sargents to set off the school district from the Middle to the NW District.

5 Mar 1793 Town Records of Jaffrey, p.355 Surveyors of highways included Mjr. L. Sergents.

1800 Census. Milford, Otsego, NY
Lemuel Sargeants:
1m -10, 1m 26-45 [but may have tried to smudge out], 1m +45. 1f +45
Lemuel Sargeants Jr followed:
1m -10, 1m 26-45. 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45
two names down was
Daniel Avery: 2m -10, 1m 26-45, 1f -10, 1f 26-45

1810 Census. Milford Otsego, NY
L. "Surgeant: 1m 26-45, 1m over 45. 2f under 10, 1f 26-45, 1f over 45
apparently one of the married children is living with them

Otsego DB Q, p.337
26 Jul 1813 Goldsboro Banyer of Albany, Esquire by Isaac Cooper, Esquire, his attorney, to Lemuel Sargeants of Milford, county of Otsego. For $327, parcel of land in Milford in a patent granted to Charles Reed and others, begin North Corner Barnabas Bates farm, (markers are all stakes and stones) 36 acres, one rood & five perches, off the South parts of Lots 14 & 18 in said patent. Signed Goldsboro Banyar by his Attorney, Isaac Cooper. Witnessed by J. H. Starr and Barnabas Bates.
29 Jul 1813. Barnabas Bates proved the deed. Recorded 31 Jul 1813.

1820 Census. Milford, Otsego, NY
Lemuel Sarjeant. 1m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-18, 1m over 45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26, 1f over 45.

Although an online database gives the name of Sarah Hall for wife of Lemuel Sargent, his wife's name was given as Delia in 1820 when he wrote his will. Online databases have given the second wife's name variously as Sophia or Sophronia Bowen - there is no proof for suxh a marriage.

Deaths Taken from the Otsego Herald, Western Advertiser, and Freeman's Journal, Otsego County, New York (newspapers), by Gertrude A. Barber, 1932
Published 25 Sep 1820, Otsego Herald: "September 19, at Milford, NY, Maj. Lemuel Sargeant in 78th year. Rev. Officer."

Otsego County, New York
Will Book F, p.103-105
I Lemuel Sarjeant of Milford in the county of
Otsego in the State of New York do make and
ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following viz. I give and bequeath to
my dear beloved wife Delia Sarjeant one
cow & all my house hold furniture, and the
interest annually of all money that is due
to me by Bond Mortgage or otherwise or that
is held in trust for me in money or any secur-
ities therefor by any person or persons what-
soever for and during the time that she shall
remain my Widow -- I give and bequeath
to my daughter Polly Mack fifty dollars to
be paid at the death of the said Delia
or whenever she may cease to be my widow
and all the rest & residue of my estate
and property I give and bequeath to my
children viz. Lemuel Sarjeant Jun.
Pelatiah Sarjeant, Sally Avery, and
Polly Mack to be Equally divided and apporti-
oned amongst them after the aforementioned
legacies are paid & discharged and I do now
create constitute and appoint William Bonnard
Esquire and Lemuel Sarjeant Jun. Ex-
ecutors of this my last Will and Testament hereby
revoking all other and former wills by
me at any time heretofore made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal at Milford the Sixth
day of July in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and
Signed: Lemuel Sarjeant

Signed sealed published and
declared by the said testator Lemuel
Sarjeant as & for his last Will &
testament in the presence of us
who have subscribed our names
or witnesses thereto in the presence
of the said testator.
--Jacob Edson
--Michael Chaplin
--Rebecca Chaplin

A codicil to the last Will & testament of Lemuel Sarjeant made
and published the Sixth day of July in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty -- I give to my beloved
wife Delia Sarjeant in addition to what I have given
her before one morning gown, one handkerchief, a pair of
gloves and one yard of crepe -- this addition I make for
her kindness to me in my sickness & I direct my Executors to
fulfil this as part of my last Will & Testament. Given
under my hand & seal at Milford the ___ day of August
in the year of our Lord one thousand & twenty in
presence of
Roswell Grover
Aaron P. Grover
Signed: Lemuel Sarjeant

State of New York
Otsego County
BE IT REMEMBERED,That on the Seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thou-
sand eight hundred and twenty three personally appeared before me, William G. Angel Esquire, Surrogate of the said county of Otsego. Jacob Edson one of the subscribing Witnesses to the Will of Leamuel Sarjeant, late of the town of Milford in the said county, deceased; who being duly Sworn declared, that he did see the said lemuel Sarjeant seal and execute the written Instrument, (of which the annexed is a copy,) purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said Lemuel Sarjeant bearing date the Sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
twenty and heard him publish and declare the as, and for, his last Will and Testament; that at the time thereof, he the said Lemuel Sarjeant was of sound disposing mind and memory, to the best of
the knowledge and belief of the said Jacob Edson who together with Michael Chaplin and Rebecca Chaplin the other Witnesses to the said Will, severally subscribed their hands and names to the said Will, as Witnesses thereto, in presence of the Testator and of each other.
Otsego County, ss.
And be it also remembered, That on the Seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three William Bonnard and Lemuel Sarjeant the Executors named in the last Will and Testament of the said Lemuel Sarjeant late of the town of Milford in said
county, deceased, likewise appeared before me the said Surrogate, and were duly sworn to the true execution and performance of the said Will by their taking th Oath of an Executor, as by law appointed.
Signed: W. G. Angel, Surrogate

Otsego County ss: And Be it also remembered that on the Seventeenth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & twenty three personally before me William G. Angel Esquire Surrogate of the Said county Roswel Grover one of the subscribing witnesses to the Codicil annexed to the last Will & Testament of Lemuel Sarjeant late of the town of Milford in Said County deceased who being duly Sworn testified that he saw the said Lemuel Sarjeant Seal and Execute the Said Codicil a copy whereof is hereunto annexed and heard him publish & declare the same as & for a codicil to the last Will and Testament - that at the time he the said Lemuel Sarjeant was of sound disposing mind & memory to the best of the knowledge & belief of the said Roswel Grover who together with Aaron P. Grover the witness to the said Codicil severally Subscribed their hands & names to the said codicil as witnesses thereto in the presence of the testator and of each other.
Signed: W. G. Angel, Surrogate


Birth1745Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts
Marriage12 Dec 1765Dorchester, Suffolk County, Massachusetts - SARAH Hall
Death19 Sep 1820Milford, Otsego County, New York


SpouseSARAH Hall (1749 - )
ChildPelatiah Sargent (1767 - 1824)
ChildLemuel Sargent Jr. (1769 - 1829)
ChildSARAH "Sally" Sargent (1772 - 1840)
ChildMary "Polly" Sargent ( - )
ChildBetsey Lane Sargent ( - 1781)
ChildElizabeth Sargent ( - )
FatherDANIEL Sargent (1720 - )
