Individual Details

William Daniel

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William Daniel said to be the son of James Daniel, born 1680, a vestryman of Middlesex Parish in 1724. James succeeded William Daniel who had taken up land in Middlesex in 1669 and mentioned a son James in his will. James married Mary or Margaret Vivian, daughter of John Vivian, constable of Middlesex Co in 1681.

N THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I William Daniel of Cumberland county in the Coloney of Virginia, being in good health of body and of perfect and sound mind and memory (praise be to God,therefore) calling to mind the uncertainty of this life, and certainty of death, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. This is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gate it hoping through his mercies to obtain a joyfull Resurrection at the last day and my body to be buried as the discretion of my executors here after named and as for the wordly goods which it hath pleased God to bless me with after my just debts duly paid I give and dispose of in manner and form following: This I give and bequeath to my son William two hundred acres of land which I purchased of my brother, James Daniel, lying in this county on Soke Ass Creek joining the land of W. Alexander Tremt,(Trent?) Bradley and Thomas Holland, whereon my said son now lives to him and his main assigns forever. ITEM I likewise give and bequeath to my said son William one negro boy named Abraham. ITEM I give and bequeath unto my dau Judith one negro girl named Silvia for and during her natural life, and after death my desire is that the said negro with all her increase shall be equally divided among such children as she shall leave behind to them and their Heirs forever ITEM I give and bequeath to my dau Elizabeth one negro boy named------- now in the possession of her and her husband John Fuqua, for and during the natural life of my said dau, and my desire is that after her death the said negro be equally divided among her surviving children and their Heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my dau Sarah one negro girl named Ivy now in the possession of my said dau and her husband Jesse Womack for and during the natural life of my said dau. and my desire is that after her death this negro with all her increase be equally divided among such children as she shall leave behind to them and their heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my dau Mary and her husband John Nelson for and during the natural life of my said daughter, one negro girl named Judah now in the possession of my said dau, and my desire is that after her death the said negro will all her increase shall be equall(y) divided among such as she shall leave to them and their heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son William Pride one negro boy named Cupid to him and his heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Hezekiah one negro boy named Joe to him and his heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son John one negro boy named Brandam and one negro girl named Cloe to be delivered to him so soon as he shall be the age of twenty-one. And to his issue if he have any but if he die either under age or without issue then my desire is that the said slaves shall be equally divided among his surviving brothers or their issue if they be dead and left any such lawfully begotten and their heirs forever. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my dau Rhoda, one negro boy named Robin and one negro wench named Add to be delivered to her so soon as she comes of age, the said wench and boy with all their future increase to her and her issue if she die either under age or without issue then my desire is that the said negroes and issue if the wench have any and all whatever she shall be equally divided among her surviving brothers, and their issue if they be dead and left any such lawfully begotten and their heirs forever. ITEM I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth three negroes named Matt, Hanna and Toby, during her natural life, my will and desire is that my said wife be wholly possessed of the land and plantation whereon I now live during her natural life without any interruption also all the stock and household stuff and furniture of what kind and quality soever, during her natural life, without any appraisement or admistration thereon. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin one negro boy named Toby after the death of said wife, to whom he is lent during her natural life but after her death to my said son Benjamin and his heirs forever. ITEM My will and desire that after the death of my said wife the two said wenches and Hannah (which is lent to her during life) with all their future increase be equally divided among my three sons Benjamin, Williams Pride and Hezekiah,to them and their heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son John all the tract of land and plantation whereon I now live after the death of my said wife, to him and his issue, if he leave any, but if he die under age or without issue my desire is that it be equally divided among his three brothers namely Benjamin, Williams Pride and Hezekiah, or the survivors of them if either be dead and issue of the deceased, and their Heirs forever. ITEM I give and bequeath to my said son John one rifle barrel gun likewise all my working tools and utensils of every kind, on and belonging to the said plantation after the death of my wife, and if he die under age to be given as the land to his three brothers aforesaid, my wife, and if he die under age to be given as the land to is three brothers aforesaid. ITEM I give and bequeath to my said son John one horse, saddle and bridle. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Hezekiah one smooth barl (barrel) gun. ITEM My will and desire is that after the death of my said wife all the rest of the houehold furniture of every kind be equally divided between my son John and my dau Rhoda and in case either of them die without lawful issue their part to be equally divided as befor (viz.)between Benjamin, Williams Pride, and Hezekiah and their Heirs forever. ITEM My will and desire is that my wife aforesaid shall dispose of all the rem. Of stock on the said plantation of every kind and quality among my children as she shall see cause of think most proper and convenient either in her lifetime or at her death. LASTLY I nominate and appoint my beloved sons William, Benjamin,Williams Pride, Hezekiah and John my whole and sole executors of this last will and testament, hereby utterly revoking and disannulling all and every former will by me heretofore made, and declaring ---- hand and affixed my seal this eighth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one.
Signed, Sealed and Published in presence of Joseph Starkey Guthry Williams Daniel, L.S


SpouseElizabeth Watkins (1712 - )