Individual Details

Henry Watkins

(1638 - Abt 1715)

VA Patent Bk 2, p.78 7 Feb 1634 John Cawsey, Planter, of Chas. City to Waster Auston, Gent of Causes Cleare. 200A near Sherley Hundred, South upon Henry Watkins, his Creek; N upon main land, E upon Company land; W upon Robert Brown.
VA Patent Bk 1, p. 794 11 Aug 1642. To John George, 144 acres in Charles City County. boundes lands of Capt. Francis Eppes and Wattkins Creeke
Va Patent Bk 2, p.111 12 Aug 1646. To Walter Aston, Gentleman. 1040 acres in Chalres City Co.. 200 hurdred acres near onto Sherley Hundred, Southerly upon a creeke formerly called by the name of Wattkins Creeke... 590 acres southerly upon a creeke formerly called by the name of Wattkins Creeke... Capt. Epps his land...
[Obviously an earlier Henry Watkins and no connection is known.]

The following patent has been falsely said to state that Richard Cocke transported a Henry Watkins.
21 June 1664. VA Patent Bk 5, p.416-417 To John Beachamp and Richard Cocke, Senior. 2994 acres, 2093 acres - mentions the Chickahominy Swamp, a run called Colo. Owens Quarter, Cowtail Quarter. 901 acres in Henrico, north side of James River, Forks of the Cattail, land formerly surveyed for Mr. Richard Cocke Senior, Mr. Cocke's line, Mr. Green, Green's Corner, Lands due to Cocke & Beachamp for transportation of 60 persons, etc. (persons are unnamed).

Apr 1678, Henry Watkins stated in a deposition in Henrico Co that he was aged 40.

He appears on a list of heads of families in Henrico Co in 1679 and seemed to be living at that time in the vicinity of Turkey Island.....
The southernmost part of Henrico County encompassed the area near Turkey Island Creek, Chickahominy Swamp and Malvern Hills. Turkey Island Creek forms part of the boundary between Henrico and Charles City Counties.
William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 1, July 1916

VA Land Patents
29 Nov 1679, 170 A, Henrico Co in Varina Parish, N side James River. Adjacent John Lewis, near a br. of three [mile] run & lands of Mr. Cock & Bechamp. Transport of 4 pers. PB 7, p. 17 [Name given as Hen. Watkinson]
23 Oct 1690
Henry Wadkins, 60 A, Henrico Co in Varina Parish, N. side James River. Adj his own land; a slash of the three runs to Thos. Wales line, line of William Bland, on run of Turkey Island Creek. Import of 2 persons: Robt. Fellows. Jno Trotman. PB 8, p.122

William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 1, July 1916
Henrico Order Book: June, 1684, the court refused Henry Watkins' petition for remission of fines imposed upon him "he not appearing himself to supplicate this Court but continuing still in his Quakerism".
In Dec of 1691, Henry Watkins was granted certificate by the Henrico Court for having made 21 1/2 pounds of dressed flax and hemp.

In 1699, he subscribed 500 pounds of tobacco toward the building of the Friends Meeting House at Curles and in 1703 he paid 50 pounds of tobacco towards furnishing the building.

HENRICO CO VA DEEDS 1677-1705, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1986
30 Jul 1690 Lyonell Morris of St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co, planter, for a valuable consideration to Henry Watkins Sr. of Varina Parish, Henrico Co, planter, land in Varina Parish, next to John Burgany and Edward Finch. 360 Acres. Bounded by Chickahominy Swamp. Wit: Geo. Lyddall, Tho. Sundd?, John Woolmore, Jane (L) Lyddall. Signed: Lyonell Morris. Mr. John Woolmore relinquished dower right of Eliza. Morris. [There followed a power of atty from Elizabeth Morris, to John Woolmore.]
1 Oct 1690 A Tract was given by Lt. Col. Richard Cocke, dec'd to his sons Thomas & Richard Cocke Sr and division was made 1 Aug 1667. A deed was made 17 Aug 1667 but land was unequal. They now agree that it shall stand divided as it is now. Thomas to have part next to Poplar Branch, next to William Humphrey's dec'd, Queen Spring Run, Henry Watkins's corner, and Robert Povall. Wit: Wm. Randolph, All. Clerke
Signed: Thomas Cocke Sr, Richard Cocke Sr.
20 Jan 1691/2 Henry Watkins Sr of Henrico Co for love & affection to my sons William, Edward and Joseph Watkins, a tract on S side Chickahominy Swamp, to be divided to each 120 acres with William's next to Edward Finch, Joseph next and Edward's being the lower part. Signed: Henry (H) Watkins. Wit: Tho. Charles, Hannah (X) Charles
25 Jan 1691/2 Henry Watkins Sr for love & affection to my sons Henry and Thomas Watkins, tract where I now live; also to Thomas, 200 acres on Three Runs. Signed: Henry (H) Watkins. Wit: Tho Charles, Hannah (X) Charles. Both deeds of gift recorded 1 Feb 1691.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF QUAKER GENEALOGY, 1750-1930; Vol VI; Henrico Monthly Meeting
1699/1700, 12th mo, 9th day. Henry Watkins Sr gave 500#'s tobacco toward the building of new Meeting House at Curles; later he gave another 50 #'s.

HENRICO CO VIRGINIA DEEDS 1706-1737, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1985
31 Oct 1707 John Pleasants of Henrico to Richard Cock [Cocke] of Waynoak Parish, Charles City Co ...126 acres N side James R. in possession of Thomas Williamson, one other tract of 500 acres on north wide of James River on both sides of White Oak Swamp, now in possession of Elizabeth Warriner, widow & Amy Gartright, widow, and Richard Trueman, tenants to said Richard Cock. Both being part of a greater tract taken up by Richard Cock, father of said Richard Cocke. Wit: Dan'l Clarke, Henry (H) Watkins Sr, Henry (H) Watkins Jr. Signed: John Pleasants, Dorothy Pleasant.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF QUAKER GENEALOGY, 1750-1930; Vol VI; Henrico Monthly Meeting
1710/11 12th mo, 9th day Robert Woodson Jr married Rachel Watkins
[daughter of the elder Henry and Katherine in most databases.]

HENRICO CO VIRGINIA DEEDS 1706-1737, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1985
Rec. 6 Feb 1715 Henry Watkins of Henrico Co for love & affection to Thomas, son of my son Thomas Watkins, 1 feather bed & bolster, 1 yarn sett rug, 1 pr. Nine quarter blankets, 1 pr sheets. Signed: Henry (H) Watkins. Wit: John Tocker, Humphry (X) Smith
[this would have to be the elder Henry, as the younger would not have a grandchild in 1715]

It would appear from the disappearance of both Henry Watkins from the records 1714/1715 that both died. Possibly Henry Jr died first as the Quaker records note his passing in January of 1715. Henry Jr's widow remarried in Nov of 1716. The last records of Henry Sr. seems to be the deed of gift to his grandson Thomas in Feb 1715.


DeathAbt 1715
MarriageKatherine ?Pride


SpouseKatherine ?Pride ( - )
ChildHenry Watkins ( - 1715)
ChildThomas Watkins ( - 1760)
ChildRachel Watkins (1666 - 1729)
ChildElizabeth Watkins (1669 - )
ChildMary Watkins ( - 1736)
ChildEdward Watkins ( - 1771)
ChildJoseph Watkins ( - 1725)
ChildWilliam Watkins ( - )