Individual Details


(Abt 1700 - Bef 26 May 1763)

Thomas is found in databases online as the son of William Stamps of Goochland Co, VA whose estate was appraised in May of 1746. There is likely a relationship. There were apparently two brothers, John and a young William. However, Thomas appears to be considerably older - three of the children of William Stamps required guardians in 1748 - William, Mary & Margaret - the daughters Mary & Margaret still had a guardian in 1752. This places them as born in the 1730's much later than Thomas. There are also earlier lineages but I have not found sufficient substantiation. William's father may have been a Timothy Stamps of Lancaster Co, VA. William Stamps' first record of a land purchase in Goochland states he was "of Lancaster County", 1743.

The research papers sent to me by Anna Hull, author unknown, state in one place that this Thomas was the immigrant. That does not seem possible. There are many records of Stamps gentlemen in these papers but the data isn't tied together in any meaningful way and is decidedly different from other lineages for Thomas. The lineages most often found in various places on the Internet are full of conflicts and problems to include impossible dates and locations.

He appears to be the Thomas Stamps who received a land grant in the Northern Neck, GB C, p.125. 15 Feb 1730, adjacent to lands of Thomas Jarman of Stafford Co, on Walnut Run of Cedar Creek, 631 acres.

A Thomas Stamps appears on rent rolls in Prince William Co., VA in 1738.

Northern Neck Grant Book F, p.124. 20 Sep 1743. Timothy Dorgan of Prince Williams, 254 acres in Prince William County, surveyed by James Genn. On branches of Cedar Run, adjacent Fairfax 931 acre tract, Dorgan's own land, the Walnut branch, Thomas Stamps.
Boob F, p. 285 5 Aug 1747. James Genn of Prince William, 100 acres, adjacent John Higgins' now Genn's, Benjamin Newton, Timothy Dorgan, Fairfax's 900 acre Cedar Run gract, late Mr. Secretary Carter, Togue's Road, Falmouth Road, Quantico Road, and Thomas Stamps.
Grant Book I, p.12 5 Sep 1757. Thomas Harris of Prince William, Gentleman, 344 acres on Slanty Run & Cedar Branch adjacent Brent Town line, Thomas Stamps, his own line, Col. Thomas Harrison.

Of the sons of Thomas, Timothy & John are said to have been ensigns in Capt Carter's company of Pittsylvania Co Militia. George & William are also said to have served in the Revolution.

Thomas left a will dated 28 Jul 1761; probated 26 May 1763. Will Book 1, p.67, Fauquier Co VA. States son Timothy Stamps was married and received 150 acres where he was living, part of land purchased from Rev. Lawrence Debuts of Maryland. Son John was to receive the remaining part of the tract his brother Timothy was located on. Son William to receive 631 acres at the Walnut branch. George to receive the 142 acres purchased of Lewis Tackitt. Son Thomas had died leaving two daughters, Molly and Hannah, minor children. Daughter Elizabeth had married Lewis Tackitt. Daughter Mary had married James Allen who died leaving her with two children and she remarried a Shackelford. Loving wife Mary to receive all movable estate if she continues a widow. Executors: Sons Timothy and John and William to be Executors. Wit: Archibald Allen, Mary Rhodes, James Stewart Jr.

Thomas actually wrote two wills, the second of course superseded the first.
The First Will of Thomas Stamps
Dated November 28, 1756
Prince William County, Virginia
In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Stamps, of Prince William County, in the Colony of Virginia, being in perfect health, mind and memory, praised be to God for it, do make this my last will and testament,
Imprimis, first I recommend my Soul to Almighty God that gave it hoping through the meritorious death and passion of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to receive free pardon and remission of all my sins,and as for my body, I commit it to the earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my executors hereinafter named, and as for what worldly goods it has pleased the Almighty God to bestow on me I give, devise and bequeath as follows:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Timothy Stamps the place or parcel of land whereon he now lives containing by estimation one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, according to the dividing line made by me,it being part of the land purchased of the Rev. Lawrence DeButts, to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son John Stamps the residue and remaining part of the purchased land I bought of the Rev. Lawrence DeButts, to him and his heirs forever.
Item, my will and desire is that as I have bequeathed the land I purchased of the Rev. Lawrence De Butts to my sons Timothy and John Stamps according to the division made by me, that if either of my said sons die before they come to lawful age, or without heirs lawfully begotten of their bodies, that the survivor should enjoy the whole tract.
Item, I give and bequeath to the child that my son Thomas Stamps' wife now is big with, if a male heir, two hundred acres of land lying at the north line of my land at the Walnut branch to be laid off for him by my executors and as soon as he shall attain to lawful age, which said two hundred acres if land I give to my son Thomas Stamps' male heir and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Stamps all the remaining residue of my tract of land at the Walnut branch including the plantation thereon to him and his heirs forever.
Item, my will and desire is that as I have bequeathed to my son Thomas Stamps' male heir, if it should so happen, and my son William Stamps, that if either of them should die without heir, that the above tract shall be sold and divided equally among my other children.
Item, my desire that if my son William Stamps should be the longer survivor for him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body, to enjoy my whole tract of land that I hold at the Walnut branch and for want of such heirs the land to be sold and the profits arising to be equally divided among my other children then living.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son George Stamps the parcel of land
I purchased of Lewis Tackett containing one hundred and forty-two and one-half acres to him and his heirs forever, and if my son George should die before he attains to lawful age, or without lawful heirs of his body begotten that then the said 142 1/2 acres of land I give to the heirs of my daughter Elizabeth Tackett lawfully begotten of her body forever.
Item, I give to my daughter Mary Allen ten pounds current money and 800 pounds of tobacco according to law to be paid by my executors after my decease. Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Eliza Tackett ten pounds currant money.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Stamps one feather bed and furniture and two head of cattle.
Item, I give and give and bequeath to my son George Stamps one feather bed and furniture and five head of cattle.
Item, I lend to my loving wife Mary Stamps the use of all my movable estate, both negroes and stock of all kind that I was prospered with as long as she continues a widow, but if she marrys then my will and desire is that my estate be appraised and equally divided among my children,and if my loving wife do not marry then at her death my will and desire is that my estate be appraised and equally divided amongst my children and my desire is that if my children will not or cannot agree to the division of my estate that they shall make choice of two or three honest men to make an equal division of my estate amongst my children.
Item, I do appoint William Tackett and my son Timothy Stamps executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and dissannulling all other wills heretofore by me made and do acknowledge this to be my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the 28th day of November, 1756.
Thomas Stamps [seal]
Signed, sealed and published and declared to be my last will and testament,
Archibald Allen
Elizabeth (X) Goodwin
Jn. Bryan
* * * * *
The Last Will of Thomas Stamps - Written July 28, 1761, Probated May 26, 1763
Fauquier County Court, Will Book #1, page 67
In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Stamps, of Fauquier County, in the Colony of Virginia, being in perfect mind and memory, praised be to God for it, do make this my last will and testament.
IMPRIMIS, first, I recommend my Soul to Almighty God that gave it hoping thro the meritorious death and passion of my Blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to receive free pardon and remission of all my sins and as for my body I commit it to the earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my exrs hereafter named, and as for what worldly goods it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow on me, I give,desire and bequeath as follows:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Timothy Stamps the place or parcel of land where on he is not living containing by estimation 150 acres more or less according to the dividing line made by me, it being part of the land purchased of the Rev. Lawrence DeButs of the Providence of Maryland, to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son John Stamps the residue and remaining part of the afore said purchased land I bought of the said Lawrence DeButs to him and heirs forever.
Item, my will and desire is that as I have bequeathed the land I purchased of the Rev'd Lawrence DeButs to my sons Timothy and John Stamps, according to the division made by me, that if either of my sons die without lawful heirs that the survivor may enjoy the whole tract.
Item, I give and bequeath to Molly Stamps, daughter of my son Thomas Stamps, deceased, fifteen pounds currant money to be paid by my exors when she arrives at the age of eighteen.
Item, I give and bequeath to Hannah Stamps, daughter of my son Thomas Stamps, deceased, fifteen pounds currant money to be paid by my exors when she arrives at the age of eighteen.
Item, my will and desire is that if either of them should die before they come of lawful age, or without heirs lawfully begotten of their bodies, that it may fall to the survivor, but if it should happen that both die before they come of lawful age or without lawful begotten heirs that then it may be equally divided among my children then living.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Stamps all that tract of land at the Walnut branch containing six hundred and thirty one acres to him and his heirs forever.
Item, my will is and desire that if my son William Stamps should die before he arrives at lawful age or without lawfully begotten heirs that the said land may be sold and the proceeds arising to be equally divided among my children then living.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son George Stamps the parcel of land I purchased of Lewis Tackitt containing 142 acres to him and his heirs forever, and if my son George Stamps should die before he arrives to lawful age or without lawful begotten heirs that then the said 142 acres of land I give to the heirs of my daughter Elizabeth Tackitt to them and their heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Tackitt ten pounds currant money.
Item, I give to my daughter Mary Shackelford ten pounds currant money and 800 pounds of tobacco according to law to be paid by my exors after my decease.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son George Stamps one feather bed and furniture and five head of cattle.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Stamps one feather bed and furniture and five head of cattle.
Item, I lend to my loving wife Mary Stamps the use of all my movable estate, both negroes and stock of all kinds that I was possessed with,as long as she continues to be a widow, but if she marrys, then my will and desire is that my estate be appraised and equally divided among all my children, and if my loving wife do not marry, then at her death my will is that my estate be appraised and equally divided among my children and my desire is that if my children will not nor cannot agree to the division of my estate that they should make choice of two or three honest men to make an equal division of my estate among my children.
Item, my will and desire is that if my daughter Mary Shackelford should die without any more children, lawfully begotten of her body, of that she shall not arrive at lawful age, that her part of my movablee state may fall to her two children she had by James Allen, to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever.
Item, I do appoint my sons Timothy Stamps, John Stamps, and Wm.Stamps executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and disannulling all other wills heretofore made by me and do acknowledge this to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 28th day of July one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one.
Thomas Stamps [seal]
Signed, sealed and published and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of us,
Joseph Morison, M.B.
Mary (X) Rhoades
James Stewart, Junr. A.D.
Archibald Allan

At a court held for Fauquier County, Virginia, May 26, 1763, the aforesaid will was proved by the oaths of Archibald Allen, Mary Rhoades and James Stewart, Jr., witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Timothy Stamps, John Stamps and William Stamps were appointed executors.

At a court held for Fauquier County, Virginia, May 26, 1763, the aforesaid will was proved by the oaths of Archibald Allen, Mary Rhoades and James Stewart, Jr., witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Timothy Stamps, John Stamps and William Stamps were appointed executors.


BirthAbt 1700Saint Mary's White Chapel Parish, Lancaster County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1724MARY Rose
DeathBef 26 May 1763Fauquier County, Virginia


SpouseMARY Rose (1704 - )
ChildThomas Stamps (1728 - 1756)
ChildTimothy Stamps (1728 - 1801)
ChildElizabeth Stamps (1735 - 1791)
ChildMary Stamps (1740 - )
ChildGeorge Stamps (1741 - 1797)
ChildWilliam Stamps (1741 - 1772)
ChildJOHN Stamps (1746 - 1812)
FatherWILLIAM Stamps ( - 1746)
MotherMary Byrd ( - 1739)
SiblingMary Stamps ( - )
SiblingMargaret Stamps ( - )
SiblingJohn Stamps ( - 1752)
SiblingWilliam Stamps ( - 1763)
